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Glasgow 2015

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Nah, I don’t agree with that, you don't have to be sure the truth is in the middle, it is entirely possible one side is talking nonsense and the other isn’t.....

Or both are telling the truth from their perspective.

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Or both are telling the truth from their perspective.

Exactly. Maybe Berge doesn't work with the Glasgow promotions management style. Maybe the Glasgow management style works for most and Berges attitude works with some managers. Neither is necessarily wrong, they just don't work together.

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Could you explain your theory on that point,they are already using R/r and guests at the moment can't see the logic. I'm afraid.

By doing it this way, there is a good chance of being granted a facility, which they have been, until they find a replacement and then redeclare.

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Tigers not having much luck with their recent European signings :-


Bellego - a late newcomer in 2011 who prefers to move on to Berwick in 2012


Then Anders Thomsen - flees the den last year, reportedly as he was losing money by having to pay his own air fares to & from the UK


And now Berge prematurely departs the scene and publicly disputes the statement on the Glasgow website, namely :-


"The reason given by the rider was a loss of confidence"



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The Michael Max methodology of examining the relative league positions of the clubs, as expounded from the centre green this afternoon, is very interesting. It involves totalling the points each club has gained away from home then deducting the points they've "lost" at home.


Using this technique, based on the league table tonight, reveals the Monarchs (played 14) in the lead at +15. In joint second are the Rebels (played 13) and the Glasgow Tigers (played 16) on +13, followed by the Panthers (played 14) on +12.. Rounding off the top six clubs are the other Tigers on +7 and the Witches on +5, both having played 16 matches.


So, I reckon that by far the most influential matches we have left are our home fixtures against the Panthers and the Rebels since not only do we hope to not "lose" home points but we would deprive these two clubs of potential away points. Our other remaining fixtures are against the Witches (A), the Bears (H) & (A), the Comets (A), plus the 2 re-arranged home fixtures against the Rockets and the Devils.


As we've already played them home and away, there's nothing WE can do about the Monarchs lead (we need to rely on other clubs for that !!) but coming 2nd in the league would be quite satisfactory as that would take us straight into the play-off semis.


The sooner we can welcome back Nick (to join Dick 'n Vic, Aaron and James), and sign at least one more competent rider, the likelier it might be that this becomes reality.

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Sorry, but seems to me that the Glasgow management have perchance taken a leaf out of the ideals of a certain deeply southern EL club. While I understand that they have invested deeply in their infrastructure, investing in their riders loyalty is equally important. Come the winter how many riders will balance the big cash incentive offered for their services with an apparent lack of respect for they themselves?

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Sorry, but seems to me that the Glasgow management have perchance taken a leaf out of the ideals of a certain deeply southern EL club. While I understand that they have invested deeply in their infrastructure, investing in their riders loyalty is equally important. Come the winter how many riders will balance the big cash incentive offered for their services with an apparent lack of respect for they themselves?

Whilst it was unfortunate in the way Dimitri departed and he has given his version off what he perceived to be the truth the fact is that all season the remaining riders have spoken off the feel good factor and team spirit we have at Glasgow.


As i have said previously Dimitri is a young shy foriegner and just perhaps homesickness was also a factor, In all walks off life pressure is applied by your employer's to perform better at your line off work , alas Dimitri was not performing to the levels we all know he was capable off and it does not seem unreasonable for your employer to demand more.


It appears that Dimitri could not or would not be able to cope with these demands hardly a lack off respect is it there is no problem with the rest off the group , Is it a coincidence that most are older more experienced riders that know what is required.


So whilst your theory may be your opinion i don't think it holds much water in regards to the rest off the team as someone has said on this thread if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen, It appears Dimitri couldn't stand the heat but i wish him well whenever he decides to make a track return.

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Whilst it was unfortunate in the way Dimitri departed and he has given his version off what he perceived to be the truth the fact is that all season the remaining riders have spoken off the feel good factor and team spirit we have at Glasgow.


As i have said previously Dimitri is a young shy foriegner and just perhaps homesickness was also a factor, In all walks off life pressure is applied by your employer's to perform better at your line off work , alas Dimitri was not performing to the levels we all know he was capable off and it does not seem unreasonable for your employer to demand more.


It appears that Dimitri could not or would not be able to cope with these demands hardly a lack off respect is it there is no problem with the rest off the group , Is it a coincidence that most are older more experienced riders that know what is required.


So whilst your theory may be your opinion i don't think it holds much water in regards to the rest off the team as someone has said on this thread if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen, It appears Dimitri couldn't stand the heat but i wish him well whenever he decides to make a track return.

It was an outsiders' opinion and maybe an 'buck up your ideas' team talk was miss read by Berge. For your teams sake, I truly hope so.

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It was an outsiders' opinion and maybe an 'buck up your ideas' team talk was miss read by Berge. For your teams sake, I truly hope so.

Maybe but performances barring Somerset suggest that there is no problem with morale.

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The thing that intrigues me about Dimitri's alleged statement is its eloquence.......... from a young Frenchman whose command of the English language, when being interviewed, was even more basic than my schoolboy French. It even includes colloquialisms like "washing dirty laundry".


I wonder who wrote it for him, whether it was a straight translation of his own words, and even whether he fully understood what it says.

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Perhaps Dimitri was asked to withhold his services, and didn't take it too kindly, understandably.


Others have commented on this but I'd ask Blackadder: Berge asked to leave the club, yes?; even you must agree that they are not going to sack a rider when there is no obvious replacement. So how about this as a theory, perhaps having asked to leave the club tried to persuade him to stay before reluctantly saying he could go. In these circumstances berge is presumably withholding his services and that means a ban from racing? maybe he thought he could just leave and join his mate and then got annoyed like most teenagers when they don't get their own way? Whatever theory is correct Glasgow own him and will get a loan fee or transfer fee or did his advisors not mention that either.

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The thing that intrigues me about Dimitri's alleged statement is its eloquence.......... from a young Frenchman whose command of the English language, when being interviewed, was even more basic than my schoolboy French. It even includes colloquialisms like "washing dirty laundry".


I wonder who wrote it for him, whether it was a straight translation of his own words, and even whether he fully understood what it says.


I think Spinny wrote it for him ;)

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Others have commented on this but I'd ask Blackadder: Berge asked to leave the club, yes?; even you must agree that they are not going to sack a rider when there is no obvious replacement. So how about this as a theory, perhaps having asked to leave the club tried to persuade him to stay before reluctantly saying he could go. In these circumstances berge is presumably withholding his services and that means a ban from racing? maybe he thought he could just leave and join his mate and then got annoyed like most teenagers when they don't get their own way? Whatever theory is correct Glasgow own him and will get a loan fee or transfer fee or did his advisors not mention that either.

I don't think it is as simple as Dimitri just asking to leave. We don't know what pressures have been put on him for things to reach the current state of affairs. We also don't know if the club has a replacement lined up, be it immediate or in the near future. If it was all clear cut, why has the club not been granted the normal 28 day facility for a guest?

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I don't think it is as simple as Dimitri just asking to leave. We don't know what pressures have been put on him for things to reach the current state of affairs. We also don't know if the club has a replacement lined up, be it immediate or in the near future. If it was all clear cut, why has the club not been granted the normal 28 day facility for a guest?

If we had transparency from the pathetic body that governs UK speedway we would know that. Perhaps Berge made a statement to the BSPA saying he was pushed, perhaps there was another reason from Berge we are not aware of. However in the absence of any public communication from the BSPA we are left to speculate. The paranoid would say its just because its Glasgow, others would say it is to protect other PL clubs, we just don't and will never know.


Bearing in mind we are already a man down with Howe injured it does seem like we are being completely shafted in reducing the standard 28 day facility to 14 days. As it is we have 6 days left!

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Or maybe, it is because it's Glasgow. Because Glasgow were already given a chance when allowed to sign Howe despite the fact the rule is written in such a way that it implies it should not have actually been allowed. So the BSPA have only allowed the 14 days they have been known to allow in the past.

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Or maybe, it is because it's Glasgow. Because Glasgow were already given a chance when allowed to sign Howe despite the fact the rule is written in such a way that it implies it should not have actually been allowed. So the BSPA have only allowed the 14 days they have been known to allow in the past.

Had the decision making on each of those occasions been made public, we would know that, would likely accept it and move on. However it wasn't and won't ever be, leaving us again at the point that the decision made regarding Berge has disadvantaged Glasgow.

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Had the decision making on each of those occasions been made public, we would know that, would likely accept it and move on. However it wasn't and won't ever be, leaving us again at the point that the decision made regarding Berge has disadvantaged Glasgow.

I'm with you pretty much (I just thought I'd try and thrown in a less, "we hate Glasgow" justification*), it would be nice if every time something went to the BSPA MC they had to put the details of the request and a justified solution on their website. We're only talking a sentence or two for each request. Most of them would be pretty boring stuff, "Team X asked to change declared line up. Agreed to change as per rules" but from time to time you'd get "Team Y asked to change declared line up. Turned down as rule x.y.z says..... and the MC agreed that meant that ......"



*I think the BSPA hate most teams, it's certainly not a personal thing most of the time. The MC are just inconsistent - bordering on inept at times.

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Not to keen on twitter and facebook even took me a while to join this forum but have to say Glasgow's page is full of quizzes, info; team line ups - theirs a novel idea!!!!!!!

See https://www.facebook.com/glasgowtigersspeedway


has to be way forward and seems to be working with more youngsters attending every week!!

Edited by SharpenRake
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