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Eastbourne 2015


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I hate to put anyone down, but from my knowledge of the NL, i will take just to points made from the sussex bulldog statement,


1. Martin Dugard stated he expected Eastbourne to win on the road often, i cannot see that happening with the current No1, who for a few years now has been a "Homer" only getting double figures at home.


2. A good chance of winning the League Title, I really cannot see the Team a it stands winning the League Title, they may be lucky and squeeze into a Gold Cup place, but this Team is not strong enough to win the League. I think there nearest neighbours have a better Team, and several others, however i will be delighted to be proved wrong and wish The Eagles every success in 2015.

Agreed. It some serious blister for Dugard. This team is more likely to win a woodenspoon than a league title :s

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I have to disagree. There are a few ifs and buts about the Eastbourne side and obviously the last signing could be crucial but the two reserves have the potential to be the best "pair" in the league. Owen is hugely underrated and I think will finish the season at number 1. Mason, Johnson & Warwick are all experienced and should score consistently in the lower level format.

For me its a top four side with Cradley, Kent and Stoke as my outside tip.

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Once the home riders get dialled in they will have a big home advantage at Arlington, just like eagles teams of the past. If they scrape together a few away wins they might get into the top four. It will be a massive culture shock going from the EL to the NL, I just hope the fans support it.

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Away form will be important as to where Eastbourne finish in the league and only Marc Owen fits the bill on that score at the top end of the team Could be a big year for Marc as before injuries took their toll he was the most highly rated youngster in the country with bundles of natural ability ,With his confidence returning ,and a little improvement in his gating, i fully expect him to be number one by mid season,If some of last seasons round the boards efforts at Kent are anything to go by will be a joy to watch for the Eastbourne fans.. Good luck Marc

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I agree about Marc. He was the best young rider (when he was barely in his teens) I've ever seen at such a young age but obviously had that serious injury.

Last year he showed he was well on the way back to fulfilling all that very early potential.

I'd predict him to be the top rider in the division but my predictions are the kiss of death, so I'll just file that thought for now!

But certainly with Danny Warwick and Marc Owen in the same side, Eagles fans will not be short of excitement out on track - and surely excitement IS what it should all be about!

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I agree with you 'Parsloes', I think Marc will be a top rider in this league during 2015.


He was a tremendous asset to King's Lynn last year, and as a supporter of National League racing, and King's Lynn in particular, our loss is very much 'Eagles' gain, and I wish him nothing but the best.

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Looking forward to "the new era" & a breath of fresh air. (Might resemble the old days).

Hopefully seeing the progress of home grown reserves and perhaps less of some of the distasteful aspects of the EL.

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Looking forward to "the new era" & a breath of fresh air. (Might resemble the old days).

Hopefully seeing the progress of home grown reserves and perhaps less of some of the distasteful aspects of the EL.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with the action you see, I certainly hope so anyway.


Undoubtedly the league has been watered down a little this year, something the Elite League has been doing for years, but give those new kids a few weeks, and they'll wow you. I just hope the good folk of Sunny Sussex will still give the club their support.


The crowds at King's Lynn at times, like some of the other tracks, are quite abysmal for National League meetings, and being a regular around the country for this level of racing, it's impossible for me to understand.


Obviously you get crap meetings at times, but then you do at any level in any sport. But as admission costs are lower, which is a hugely important factor to people in this day and age of expensive living, the quality of what is served up, is generally good value for money.


So good luck to you all at Eastbourne (except for when you meet King's Lynn :lol:) along with all other clubs in the National League.

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I sure hope the fans do turn up. I guess with KL there is a choice between Elite League racing and National League and I guess people are generally going to go Elite League.

It is time for all the fans that have moaned and groaned about foreign riders, bad management, and everything else at Arlington to get there and support a new venture.

We have Martin, Connor and Glen running things now and it could be a new era at Arlo.

I for one will be there supporting the young lads......and the older ones!

Already people ar saying that the team is mid-table at best when the whole team hasn't even been announced!

I don't get that, I really don't!!

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After attending the speedway since the mid 80's it is fair to say that Kev Coombes is one of the best announcers going. However it did say on facebook that they 'went different ways' we are all looking at it that Eastbourne have got rid of Kevin when actually for all we know maybe Kevin wasn't interested in NL speedway? - I guess we will never know. I also think the reason they are not spending the cash is because Martin & Connor have seen the financial losses occurred to father and grandfather (Bob Dugard) and they do not want to end up in the same boat! Bring on 2015!

It was announced that Eastbourne could not afford kevins services even though he dropped his price he was dearer than paying for two reserve riders. Now you can decide what you like from that statement but as Martin said he and Connor have got to run this as a business now they will not have Bob helping them out. Thats something you cant blame them for if we want speedway to continue at Eastbourne then cost savings need to be made where possible. Yes Kevin is a great announcer but its more important to pay the riders especially the UK riders too many have dropped out and it needs to stop. NL racing will be exciting at times and not so other times but then again show me a team in any sport that is always exciting to watch?? The drop in admission prices especially the child prices coupled with the friendlier sunday afternoon time will hopefully draw the families back at the end of the day we need younger fans to come along!

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Looking forward to the new season, may start looking over there from this Sunday if the weathers good!


Anyone any ideas what points we have left to play with, as can't remember from memory the points limit this season, or what Danny's average will be. I guess Kelsey and George as reserves will be 3.00.


Looking forward to a new season of racing!

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Eastbourne Speedway has announced this morning (January 30) that Brendan Johnson will not be riding for the club in this year’s National League campaign.

Club chairman, Martin Dugard, said it was with regret that Brendan had been released.

“At this stage I cannot give the full details but supporters can rest assured it is in the best interests of the club for this season and beyond,” Dugard said.

“Circumstances have changed. It was a tough decision to make and we have circulated other clubs to say Brendan is now available.

He is a ‘victim’ of speedway’s numbers game and that is solely the reason why we have taken this action.

“We wish him all the best in 2015 and have told him that he is welcome to come to Arlington to practise before the season begins.”

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Eastbourne Speedway has announced this morning (January 30) that Brendan Johnson will not be riding for the club in this year’s National League campaign.


Club chairman, Martin Dugard, said it was with regret that Brendan had been released.


“At this stage I cannot give the full details but supporters can rest assured it is in the best interests of the club for this season and beyond,” Dugard said.


“Circumstances have changed. It was a tough decision to make and we have circulated other clubs to say Brendan is now available.


He is a ‘victim’ of speedway’s numbers game and that is solely the reason why we have taken this action.


“We wish him all the best in 2015 and have told him that he is welcome to come to Arlington to practise before the season begins.”

I know Brendon has had a lot of clubs in a short career so is used to being dropped but this is stupid even by his standards :D

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