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Eastbourne 2015


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Take a chill pill and stop being such a drama queen.


I sincerely hope Danny makes a full recovery. I do not like to see any rider, whatever their ability, injured.


I know all 3 riders personally, and financially helped them in the past,so feel I can and will comment when I want to. Not when you or anyone else tells me to.


You approve of anything the Dugard's do. Fair enough that's your choice.My opinion differs, that's my choice.


I will continue to post comments as and when I want to. Im not going away. If you don't like my posts, please feel free to use the 'ignore' tab available to all users of this website.

I will have to call you Penny Johnson or PJ for short,


We all have our own comments and some are good and some are not worth the effort to reply, In your case PJ its time to put the record straight.


The Dugards are trying to make speedway ago at Eastbourne like Len Silver has at Kent, it has never worked for Bob Dugard for 20 years and lost money. I am guessing why MD & CD have broken away from what is classed as the Norm. BDJ has moved on away from the and Eagles which we will keep an eye on him to see if he is as good as BWD.


I guess when you want to help a speedway club and you say you have financially helped riders you should stand up and see the other side of the fence and if you look at what Eastbourne are doing this year they have now put another team together rather than R/R.


PJ I understand your love for BDJ as the Eastbourne Fans have for speedway at Eastbourne but without a Club there be another 7 speedway riders without a job. PJ open your eyes and smell the coffee it’s not all about BDJ as it takes 7 riders to make a team,


I tell you what i will be quite happy to meet you at Eastbourne and have a pint with you and treat you to speedway for a day. Let’s see what your made off Penny. M Ceglio turned up and we sorted out our differnces. Maybe you might want to put some money into Danny go fund me page? Show your support.

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Islander am i right in thinking that its every point scored including R/R and tactical rides count but not bonus points lets say “18 points” then divide it by the rides “7” then times by 4 = average

Points ÷ Rides x 4= (18÷7 x 4 = 10.28)

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Islander am i right in thinking that its every point scored including R/R and tactical rides count but not bonus points lets say “18 points” then divide it by the rides “7” then times by 4 = average

Points ÷ Rides x 4= (18÷7 x 4 = 10.28)

For average calculation, tactical rides count as normal 3,2,1 points, not 6,4,2.

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Thats my worry, we got you guys in the cup on the 20th May. :(

I think Dugard will do better next time also Wood will at least finish a race and score some points, but dont think that Owen will do as good a job as Richens so its going to be close, Andrews will do better so maybe we be stronger and get a few extra points and Mason will move off the line but it will another good meeting but we did have a lot of luck according to the updates.

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I think Dugard will do better next time also Wood will at least finish a race and score some points, but dont think that Owen will do as good a job as Richens so its going to be close, Andrews will do better so maybe we be stronger and get a few extra points and Mason will move off the line but it will another good meeting but we did have a lot of luck according to the updates.


Take the lot of luck with a pinch of salt, i was there, it may have been ever so slightly to the Heathens disadvantage, but i know Georgie and Richard had EFs, on the other hand so did Ellis, as for riders falling well usually thats down to mistakes rather than luck. In the end the result was about right, but Eastbourne deserved a point for there efforts.

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Take the lot of luck with a pinch of salt, i was there, it may have been ever so slightly to the Heathens disadvantage, but i know Georgie and Richard had EFs, on the other hand so did Ellis, as for riders falling well usually thats down to mistakes rather than luck. In the end the result was about right, but Eastbourne deserved a point for there efforts.

Oh i am not saying that Cradley didnt have there fair share of bad luck as well but you didnt think that 4 outings of George Woods bike not runing and using BWD bike snapped a chain maybe it is more of bad maintenace, Dugard was lucky when riders fell which equalled out Perks bike problems and tapes for Clegg, So looking at the bigger picture i think we were all equal just beaten on the night by a better side. :t: First time for Dugard, Wood, BWD poor Birmingham when we go back.

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Oh i am not saying that Cradley didnt have there fair share of bad luck as well but you didnt think that 4 outings of George Woods bike not runing and using BWD bike snapped a chain maybe it is more of bad maintenace, Dugard was lucky when riders fell which equalled out Perks bike problems and tapes for Clegg, So looking at the bigger picture i think we were all equal just beaten on the night by a better side. :t: First time for Dugard, Wood, BWD poor Birmingham when we go back.

Martin built Georgie's and Bradleys bikes as well as Kelsey's of course.

Trust be, they are well maintained

Bad luck I think and maybe they were chasing a fault with Georgie's. Speedway bikes are pretty simple but it can be hard to find a fault sometimes.

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I understand that stevey but i watched george load up his van on Sunday with his bikes, maybe his took them away to look after them himself, BWD had his bikes and Dugards Bikes in his Van, I could be wrong but looked as if george was doing his own bikes?


If that was the case then maybe Dugard should have them back and go over them again cant afford for them to go wrong.

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I understand that stevey but i watched george load up his van on Sunday with his bikes, maybe his took them away to look after them himself, BWD had his bikes and Dugards Bikes in his Van, I could be wrong but looked as if george was doing his own bikes?


If that was the case then maybe Dugard should have them back and go over them again cant afford for them to go wrong.

Just scroll down Martins twitter https://twitter.com/martindugard23 and you will see several mentions of building/working on Georgies bike. It also has the same covers as Brads. It maybe that Georgie takes them home to clean etc but just having a meeting pf bike probs does not mean lack of maintenance

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Islander, what you've written about the averages is way off. That's not how it works at all.


Not true. What I put was correct. I've followed this league long enough to know!


Islander am i right in thinking that its every point scored including R/R and tactical rides count but not bonus points lets say “18 points” then divide it by the rides “7” then times by 4 = average

Points ÷ Rides x 4= (18÷7 x 4 = 10.28)


Yes that's correct! The correct formula! And as Alan points out, tactical rides count as normal points.


For average calculation, tactical rides count as normal 3,2,1 points, not 6,4,2.


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Calculating the GSA could not be easier but what I don't understand is why a new average after only 2 h+2a instead of the usual 6h +6a of the Elite. We have already seen 64 - 24 so imagine something similar and a couple of close away matches then the averages go sky high whilst the team getting 24 might have three more tough matches and averages going through the floor.

No problem if they both keep the same team but as soon as they have to use Guests or re declare it causes a problem.

What are the rules on re- declaration? Using the above scenario the team with high averages might add up to 42 for just the six riders leaving out the injured or unavailable 7th man. How do they replace him?

By the same token the team with very low averages could add up to about 37 allowing them to drop a 3 pointer for a new 8 pointer. I am sure there must be some provision to prevent these things but I don't know the rules and suspect there are many anomalies, Matt Ford would have a field day.

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Islander, what you've written about the averages is way off. That's not how it works at all.

Personally I can't see Danny being fit for some time and akso look at this (I know it's only been 2 meetings and first 4 rides) - not sure if you count r/r in this league towards avg.

David 11, 5 - 8

Richard 9, 4 - 6.

Marc 4

Brad 12, 11 - 11.5

Kelsey 5 5 - 5

Georgie 9, 0 - 4.5

So really their points limit is: -3 as it's currently at 39 (with Marc on 4!) If you were too add Danny 7 then on paper you've won the match if everyone his their avg.

You've calculated them wrong and use the wrong numbers anyway. Current averages after 2 of 4 meetings look like this:

Mason 12 from 5, 7 from 5 = 19 from 10 = 7.60

Andrews 9 from 4, 4 from 5 = 13 from 9 = 5.77

Owen 4 from 2 gives him an 8.00 average but he won't have completed 4 meetings when the others do anyway so will stay on 6.11

Wilson-Dean 15 from 5, 13 from 6 = 28 from 11 = 10.18

Wood 11 from 6, 1 from 5 = 12 from 11 = 4.36

Dugard 8 from 5, 5 from 3 = 13 from 8 = 6.50

Obviously this is going to change in the next 2 meetings but that gives you a team total of 46.79

I swear we've had this convo before.Lol

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Calculating the GSA could not be easier but what I don't understand is why a new average after only 2 h+2a instead of the usual 6h +6a of the Elite. We have already seen 64 - 24 so imagine something similar and a couple of close away matches then the averages go sky high whilst the team getting 24 might have three more tough matches and averages going through the floor.

No problem if they both keep the same team but as soon as they have to use Guests or re declare it causes a problem.

What are the rules on re- declaration? Using the above scenario the team with high averages might add up to 42 for just the six riders leaving out the injured or unavailable 7th man. How do they replace him?

By the same token the team with very low averages could add up to about 37 allowing them to drop a 3 pointer for a new 8 pointer. I am sure there must be some provision to prevent these things but I don't know the rules and suspect there are many anomalies, Matt Ford would have a field day.

Regards redeclaring you either build up to the 36 limit, if you've fallen below it, or if you're above the limit you can replace a rider up to the average of the rider you are dropping ie an 8 pointer is injured so you can replace with an 8 pointer.


There is no actual rules stopping you from dropping a 3 pointer for an 8 pointer but in reality in this leag there aren't many, only Compton comes to mind, 8 pointers without a team and its highty unlikely a team would drop significantly below 36 without having started with a series of 3.00 men anyway and already being close to the minimum 30 limit!


Btw it's not 2H & 2A, it's simply 4 meetings.

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A coach is running to Rye House on Bank Holiday Monday, May 4.

There are plenty of places available but act quickly to get your name on the list.

The coach will start at Bexhill Town Hall Square at 9.40am with pick-ups in:

Polegate - at the bus stop in the High Street opposite town council offices at 10:05

Hailsham - in the High Street outaide Subway at 10:15

Cross in Hand - outside Heathfield Rugby Club at 10:40

Tunbridge Wells - Meadow Road bus stand at 11:15.

The aim is to be at Rye House by 1pm.

The IT First Eagles are "on second". First match at the Hertfordshire track is the Rockets v Somerset (2pm).

Contact Karen at kteaglescoach@gmail.com

You must have paid cash or by PayPal by Sunday, May 3.

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Just see that BWD made the Semi Final at Glasgow yesterday, Shame that Jon Armstrong was hurt reports says he may have broken a finger, I was looking forward to him at Eastbourne as i think he would have given the Boys a run for thier money this weekend.

Fastest time of the day will again be Georgie Wood and a score line of 55 for the Eagles.

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Just a question for everyone, Danny is not going to be fit for a long time from what he has put on face book, is there anyone out there that free at the moment with an average of Danny?

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