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Eastbourne 2015


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Do you think? I'd say it's kinda unlikely cos of the Kent connection. theyd simply not be enough riders to go around this many NL clubs in the south east

There's plenty of riders to go round the whole country if the points limit is lowered, as it should well be. As a Rye fan I have missed the NL, it offers us fans regular action and watching a novice mature into a real prospect is always enjoyable to watch.

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There's plenty of riders to go round the whole country if the points limit is lowered, as it should well be. As a Rye fan I have missed the NL, it offers us fans regular action and watching a novice mature into a real prospect is always enjoyable to watch.

Will only happen if Mr Silver and Mr Sampford leave Kent.

Does not look that way at the moment.

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I doesn't have to be close to the start of the season but it is essential that it is related to the number of teams in the League and the more there are at this level the lower the points limit must be so that the best riders are shared around between the teams as far as is possible. Therefore it cannot be formulated prior to the commitment of Clubs to compete at National league level for the 2015 season.


If there are to be 12 teams in the National League next season I would suggest that given the shortage of top riders the points limit can safely be reduced to around 35 or 36 points. We must also remember that riders' averages are slightly inflated on previous years due to the fact that there were some exceptionally low averaged opponents in the League last season. I don't wish to comment on the rights and wrongs of that but I think for the sake of evenness of teams there should be a lower limit that all teams must reach at the start of the season about five points perhaps less then the actual points limit. We are in the entertainment business and sides racking up over seventy points is rarely exciting.


Last year there was considerable upheaval at this level because of the Fast Track system which is an important rider development tool and should continue but some attempt needs to be made to minimise the effect on Clubs who's core business is the National League otherwise the support will diminish further. This can be done perhaps by Elite teams having a Fast Track Squad of three riders and also by the National League Clubs perhaps dodging fixture clashes by changing dates of matches whenever possible.


We have to give the public there own team at all levels whenever possible many people say to me that the excess of guests and riders doubling up and down is spoiling the sport's appeal as everyone rides for everyone else. I think they have a point.


Malcolm Vasey


Very good post Malcolm, and as you say the limit needs to be 35/36 Max and 30 point min, but has to be tied to the number of Teams competing in the NL.

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As I understand it Rye are proposing NL and PL next year. Maybe rather than weakening the NL the points limit should be increased both as a maximum and minimum points level to ensure a reasonable quality of competence throughout. Still room for some rookies but ensuring a better overall product with stronger teams.

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There most certainly is a points total (40, I believe). Cradley used their financial muscle to build the best team they could while Scunthorpe made no attempt to build a competitive side and just chose to give some youngsters experience.


I suspect the points limit will be lower next season, but that will depend on the number of teams - I doubt very much that Plymouth will run again and I think that there will be a minimum limit too at least potentially ruling Scunthorpe out. Cradley may go PL.


Malcolm Vasey advocates setting a points limit year on year as close to the start of the season as possible. He's right.

i hesitate to argue a point with m v & yourself but fans want to know their teams asap. i think the n.l. is slow to get going as it is as isn't the agm a long time after the other two leagues? the big hitters of the lge will still put sides together early as there will be the usual hints about team limits beforehand and if the limit comes out lower will just drop one or often two riders at the last minute, which is fine unless your one of the riders.

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i hesitate to argue a point with m v & yourself but fans want to know their teams asap. i think the n.l. is slow to get going as it is as isn't the agm a long time after the other two leagues? the big hitters of the lge will still put sides together early as there will be the usual hints about team limits beforehand and if the limit comes out lower will just drop one or often two riders at the last minute, which is fine unless your one of the riders.


The AGM is in November now, as opposed to January.

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There's plenty of riders to go round the whole country if the points limit is lowered, as it should well be. As a Rye fan I have missed the NL, it offers us fans regular action and watching a novice mature into a real prospect is always enjoyable to watch.

totally agree with your second statement. watching 11- 13 yr olds a few years ago around hayley stadium was brilliant with all the doom and gloom which always seens to follow our sport, now watching many of them in all 3 leagues is even better, robert lambert being one. likewise watching what looks like 6 or 7 yr olds whizzing round arlington on 80 cc's . however i don't think there's plenty of riders whatever limit will be set because of double-up, treble-up riders the n.l. teams are always going to miss out and need guests more often than before, especially now with the fast-track system. it will be good to have eastbourne, lakeside, rye house, & kent if they all enter.

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I am really looking forward to next season. Although I have been a speedway fan for 44 years I haven’t been to a meeting for three years now. I was just fed up with all the guests, the absentee prima donnas, the rule bending etc. etc. etc.


So glad we are not in the “Elite League” :lol: . I would have preferred Premier League, but I am excited about Eastbourne bringing on the youngsters again. The first meeting I went to the Eagles team featured the debut of a sixteen year old called Dave Jessup. Great memories, let’s do it again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Funny how history seems to be revisiting itself. Was nt much wrong with the set up where there was one strong british league and a good quality NL. Could do much worse than go back to that set up. at least that way in these difficult times almost everyone can afford to run in one league or the other. Was it Crayford that was tiny and had a horrible dip on the first or third bends?

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i hesitate to argue a point with m v & yourself but fans want to know their teams asap. i think the n.l. is slow to get going as it is as isn't the agm a long time after the other two leagues? the big hitters of the lge will still put sides together early as there will be the usual hints about team limits beforehand and if the limit comes out lower will just drop one or often two riders at the last minute, which is fine unless your one of the riders.


Malcolm corrected me in a later post:


'It doesn't have to be close to the start of the season but it is essential that it is related to the number of teams in the League and the more there are at this level the lower the points limit must be so that the best riders are shared around between the teams as far as is possible. Therefore it cannot be formulated prior to the commitment of Clubs to compete at National league level for the 2015 season'.


He's right.

how come PROUD POTTER is on here preaching as to what should be done with the sport, when his own club is in such a state?

I notice you have not made any comments on the Stoke Potters thread.


All he is saying is how he sees the points limit should be set and he did so in response to an earlier post. I have yet to see anyone disagree with him.


What's wrong with that ?


He's right not to respond to some of the posts on the Stoke thread when they are made by people whose principle interest is not in the good of Stoke Speedway but in merely slagging off the current promotion, and who are very selective about when they do it.

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Well I am just glad it is back on Sundays, due to a change in work I was not able to go for the past 4 years. I got to the final EL meeting and met up with folk who I had stood with for many years.


That is what speedway is about, the friendships built up with other supporters, mainly home but away also.


Hopefully the south east will help in discovering new riders of the calibre of Dave Jessup and Gordon Kennett to re-build the England squad in the next 2/3 years.

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