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Berwick 2015

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Good to see some positive posts about next year though you get the feeling there`s a long time till next March. Its good that the club have started to address the lack of club assets, that should be the start of next years team. The promotion found the right mixture with last years team, hopefully they will get back to the strength in depth approach that served them so well then.

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Well looks like playoffs beyond us. Who knows about ko cup. Maybe its time for the promotion to look towards next year. We have the prospect of seb alden returning to uk racing if rumours are true. If so why not get him back in now to get average sorted . We have new assets like coty and mathias who will be on correct averages. Get deal done for tj now to avoid the kus senario. Speak to david bellego find out if riding berwick next year give liam run in team till end season .

There we go team sorted 2016 lol








Please note tongue in cheek suggestion re team. My only point is look towards getting a solid team organised and ready for next year by giving some riders time now if available liam and seb.

your very optimistic that the will be a next season
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I honestly don't think Alex Edberg is doing himself any favours. He looks like a man who is doing something he doesn't enjoy. As I've said before on here it looks like he's had one big crash too many and has lost his confidence and speedway is the wrong sport to be involved in if that's the case. You need to be absolutely fearless and once you've had some off the injuries Alex has it must be tough to come back without some of the mental scars.

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use liam carr at res now before hes gone to another club but please be quick

He won't

its funny how edberg has reportedly well off parents, but they cant supply him with a bike that will do 4 laps.

He looked decent when leading at Rye House last week

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its funny how edberg has reportedly well off parents, but they cant supply him with a bike that will do 4 laps.

Its not the bike that's the problem

I honestly don't think Alex Edberg is doing himself any favours. He looks like a man who is doing something he doesn't enjoy. As I've said before on here it looks like he's had one big crash too many and has lost his confidence and speedway is the wrong sport to be involved in if that's the case. You need to be absolutely fearless and once you've had some off the injuries Alex has it must be tough to come back without some of the mental scars.

Ever since he came to Berwick I have always felt that Edbergs' riding style is not suited to Shielfield he's far to cramped on the bike and seems to always want to pull it the bike back in rather than let it run , I doubt that he's ever going to change now .




Richard Worrall for me I would suggest



after reading his interview in this weeks speedway star unless there's a major change in the sport during the winter its doubtful we'll see Worrall next season

Agree with a lot of your points, at least Berwick have a few "assets" now in Thornblom, Garcia and Liam. Would like to see Doolan, TJ and Vissing back, especillay after seeing TJ and Doolan improve this season, they have been excellent. The last place? Take your choice, give Barker another shot? Seb? David Bellego? Matej Kus?

There's more chance of me being in the team next year than there is of Kus being in it , if we couldn't afford a transfer fee this year (no matter what price) how can we afford it next season ?

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Ha, ha, ha, LMFAO guaranteed that TJ will improve his form @Berwick, he is a gater and a racer. You will have egg on your face At the end of 2015 season, I'll bring the eggs for you



If it is true about Jorgensson, I would have much preferred to have taken a chance with an up and coming assessed 7 pointer, than taking a chance with someone elses cast off, on a transfer fee.



Yes but I saw him a lot on away tracks last season and he was much better than some other Berwick riders on travels. It is not all about your own track but like some other Berwick fans you never happy. If he has signed, as some say, a good young rider with lot more to offer and if it for Bellego will give much more on your trips.



Not worth 7.09 end of story

I have detailed the reasons as to why I think so



Jorgensen would be a good signing. He scores well at most tracks, I don’t think it would take him long to get the hang of Berwick.



You are right he is not a bad rider, but to be honest I do not see much of an improvement on 7,09, thats why I would be looking for a new asset on a 7.00 assessed average, with no transfer fee.




Jorgensen for me



Jorgensen is an average rider from what I've seen he has scored well in past and did well for us although previously pointed out it was at reserve and against Sheffield.



I would say 7.09 wasted as I've never seen anything from him especially at Berwick that has really made him stand out and on that average he is more than likely going to be a heat leader and I can't see him winning the big races.


If this is our first name for next year it I think its a poor one.



I will put up a little wager with you if you fancy it? £50 Donated to the SRBF if he doesn't increase his average by the end of the season?



If Thomas Jorgenson scores over his average riding in the main team by July I will send £50 to you Rider Replacement or to the SRBF (whichever you prefer)


For the record I have nothing against Thomas Jorgenson. he impressed me beating a true Number One in Joe Screen back in 2011. I just don't think he will increase his average. If he does we could be in for a decent campaign


Nothing negative or moaning about that... I have posted statistical facts and opinion on meetings I have seen Jorgenson participate in


Hope he signs!!!


Just a recap of various opinions on the excellent Jorgensen: pre-season.

Edited by bigeddiechek
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Jorgensen has done well tbf Scott

He's done the club proud


Fair play to the guy if only other Danes we've had had the same dedication


According to Speedway Updates today his average was 7.02 so theoretically I'm keeping that 50 quid


Aye, he's been an excellent signing.

20th is well past mid-July, so your darts and tankard are safe!

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Sorry, but as a neutral {Diamonds} speedway fan, I still want to go to Shielfield and watch the sort of racing that attracts not only Sky, but the international community to Berwick. Long may the club continue to run given such a spectacle and I hope that a blip in currant performance does not sound its death knell.

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Sorry, but as a neutral {Diamonds} speedway fan, I still want to go to Shielfield and watch the sort of racing that attracts not only Sky, but the international community to Berwick. Long may the club continue to run given such a spectacle and I hope that a blip in currant performance does not sound its death knell.

Every team goes through bad spells. Fans just have to just grow a backbone and face up to it, until better times come round again.

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it is happening on an all to regular basis. i have noticed it on the meetings involving berwick. especially at home meetings. its not just me who has noticed this... . race for 4 laps.... Berwick fans a getting a bit tired of his 3 lap cruise.

its not as if he is saving himself for another race.

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