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Berwick 2015

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I don't disagree with you, but it is a catch 22 situation, if you don't replace it is likely gate money will drop even further, I would say it is critical now, can the club afford to do thatn't think so. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Just out of interest, Taffy, what did you think of the Berrington Lough setup?

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Just out of interest, Taffy, what did you think of the Berrington Lough setup?

Wasn't into speedway in those days, but when you talk to old fans they are very sentimental about it. For me it was far too small a track and would probably not suit modern machinery. Listening to old fans again that were involved, it seemed to struggle at times in the way that it was managed. Someone told the story I think was Richard Knight had not been paid so went to the office and took it all in change in a carrier bag, might be the wrong rider though. It did however seem to be a more fan based then than now.

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Too small a track?

Wasn't into speedway in those days, but when you talk to old fans they are very sentimental about it. For me it was far too small a track and would probably not suit modern machinery. Listening to old fans again that were involved, it seemed to struggle at times in the way that it was managed. Someone told the story I think was Richard Knight had not been paid so went to the office and took it all in change in a carrier bag, might be the wrong rider though. It did however seem to be a more fan based then than now.


I wonder how you would have gotten on with Mr Fairbairn :)

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Berrington produced some good meetings being a smaller track racing was closer there was more than one racing line. Also over the time we raced there we did win some silverware KO Cup and Gold Cup plus had that rollercoaster season in 1991 in the what is now Elite League although in them days teams were full of top riders. Oh and no silly curfews.

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Here's my take on Berrington.I was told that it was modelled on Mildenhall for size and shape.Considering the amount of land they had I feel if the straights had been 10-15 Mtrs longer it would have been perfect.there was some great meetings at Berrington and when we went 1st Division the racing move up a notch with the Top Men showing how it is done.Pity Terry Lindon was just a con man.I witnessed the facts that Taffy alluded to with Scott Lamb and Knight being payed there wages in petty cash in a bag!!! Of coins.It was a pity that it was so far of the beaten track as I'm sure it would have attracted more support if it was easier to reach with public transport.It was a good little set up though a really neat and tidy considering where it was.Wonder how much my share are worth now!!!!!!!!!.Away to get a financial Times.!


The training track was very seldom used IMO ,it was just a small circle scraped out at the back of the 1st /2nd bend.

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In an ideal world Berwick would find Berrington Lough Mark II, then they could design their own track (Somerset replica please), wouldn't be faced with any curfews and could pretty much design the stadium to suit their own needs. unfortunately, there is nowhere suitable in the town (certainly none that I can think of) and any chance of getting planning application would be somewhere between no chance and never. As has been said before, any venue out in the country would struggle to attract supporters. Apart from anything else, it would also costs an arm and leg to set up, unless you could somehow sell the naming rights or something like that.

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Listening to old fans again that were involved, it seemed to struggle at times in the way that it was managed. Someone told the story I think was Richard Knight had not been paid so went to the office and took it all in change in a carrier bag, might be the wrong rider though. It did however seem to be a more fan based then than now.

Richard Knight rode under the Lindon promotion Kelvin Tatum once described Lindon as the best con man he's ever met

Bit unfair to tar the other promotions (Taylor's Fairbairn ) with the same brush The fairbairns assisted by The late Ian Graham ran a very tight ship and earned respect from riders and supporters alike

The only promotion in the berrington era that probably ran dodgy was the Lindon one promised a lot delivered a lot too but at a huge cost that cost being in 1993 we only ran two open meetings and never returned to division two racing for another five years

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Richard Knight rode under the Lindon promotion Kelvin Tatum once described Lindon as the best con man he's ever met

Bit unfair to tar the other promotions (Taylor's Fairbairn ) with the same brush The fairbairns assisted by The late Ian Graham ran a very tight ship and earned respect from riders and supporters alike

The only promotion in the berrington era that probably ran dodgy was the Lindon one promised a lot delivered a lot too but at a huge cost that cost being in 1993 we only ran two open meetings and never returned to division two racing for another five years


Under Fairbairn Berwick had riders queuing up to ride for them, and you make an excellent point about the late Ian Graham, IMO its fair to say had it not been for Mr Graham Berwick Speedway mightve been in a very different place today.

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Under Fairbairn Berwick had riders queuing up to ride for them, and you make an excellent point about the late Ian Graham, IMO its fair to say had it not been for Mr Graham Berwick Speedway mightve been in a very different place today.

didnt know Ian personally but when he died it ripped the heart out of berwick speedway ultimately finished the Fairbairn promotion
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didnt know Ian personally but when he died it ripped the heart out of berwick speedway ultimately finished the Fairbairn promotion


The assistance from, and affect on, Berwick Speedway during that era from Ian Graham should never be forgotten nor underestimated.

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Wasn't into speedway in those days, but when you talk to old fans they are very sentimental about it. For me it was far too small a track and would probably not suit modern machinery. Listening to old fans again that were involved, it seemed to struggle at times in the way that it was managed. Someone told the story I think was Richard Knight had not been paid so went to the office and took it all in change in a carrier bag, might be the wrong rider though. It did however seem to be a more fan based then than now.


You don't know what you are talking about, for once don't try and be an authoritative opinion, shut up and take a step back and leave it to people who know the subject matter


You've been hocked and shown up as the absolute gob rubbishe you are, it's glorious

Edited by sparkafag
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You don't know what you are talking about, for once don't try and be an authoritative opinion, shut up and take a step back and leave it to people who know the subject matter


You've been hocked and shown up as the absolute gob rubbishe you are, it's glorious


Thank you, my work is done on the matter.

I was surprised how he wrote with authoritative opinion, yet know flip all about the time.


Total gob excrement :)

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In an ideal world Berwick would find Berrington Lough Mark II, then they could design their own track (Somerset replica please), wouldn't be faced with any curfews and could pretty much design the stadium to suit their own needs. unfortunately, there is nowhere suitable in the town (certainly none that I can think of) and any chance of getting planning application would be somewhere between no chance and never. As has been said before, any venue out in the country would struggle to attract supporters. Apart from anything else, it would also costs an arm and leg to set up, unless you could somehow sell the naming rights or something like that.


Dream on

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Richard Knight rode under the Lindon promotion Kelvin Tatum once described Lindon as the best con man he's ever met

Bit unfair to tar the other promotions (Taylor's Fairbairn ) with the same brush The fairbairns assisted by The late Ian Graham ran a very tight ship and earned respect from riders and supporters alike

The only promotion in the berrington era that probably ran dodgy was the Lindon one promised a lot delivered a lot too but at a huge cost that cost being in 1993 we only ran two open meetings and never returned to division two racing for another five years

Do not see anyone tarring Taylor's or Fairbairn with the same brush as Lindon,I do agree that the loss of Ian Graham was massive blow at the time to Berwick Speedway and was probably the main reason that Davy Fairbairn decided to get out of the sport.Ian devoted a lot of time to his beloved Bandits and look after a lot of other riders business, and was a true gentleman.He will never be forgotten by Bandit supporters who knew him.
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Thank you, my work is done on the matter.

I was surprised how he wrote with authoritative opinion, yet know flip all about the time.


Total gob excrement :)

Spouting pish for the sake of spouting pish...


Were you ever at Berington? No..


So shut up then

Edited by sparkafag
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