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Alex Harkess - Resign


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And what do we ever hear from Alex Harkess? What is his strategy for the improvement of the sport? Is there a plan? Where is the leadership? When is somebody going to take some responsibility?


Did all the previous incumbents have to fulfil these criteria?

Why pick on him he is no better or worse than anyone else who has had that job.

I can't recall any plan to improve speedway and have never seen any leadership from those in charge.

It's like the Who song.

Meet the new boss same as the old boss.


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Alex Harkess, when are you going to step up and do something for British Speedway and step down!


As chairman of British Speedway you have presided over the continual decline of the sport over the last number of years to the point last night where we had a Wolverhampton team riding at Swindon consisting of no Wolverhampton riders and a 5 man Coventry team tracked consisting of 3 Coventry riders! We are now at a point in this country where league racing is unsustainable, there are just not enough riders available to run 3 leagues with riders doubling and in some cases tripling up with countless fixture clashes. We have the new Fast Track system in place, which at the start of the year seemed like a great idea to bring on the youth of British Speedway, but as the season as gone on this has turned into a farce, with the inevitable injuries that have occurred you now have 27 year old veterans on this list.


The season started off on a farcical note with the ELRC and the subsequent promise of inquiries etc, but to my knowledge there was no punishment dished out, the list goes on, far too many for me to list here but just browsing through the forums on the pages and pages of things that should just not be happening in a so called professionally run sport.


And what do we ever hear from Alex Harkess? What is his strategy for the improvement of the sport? Is there a plan? Where is the leadership? When is somebody going to take some responsibility?


Seems very personal that post. But one question, who is the person to bring leadership?

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What will replacing one man achieve? .speedways problems go far deeper than replacing one man. The whole sport needs to change ,the bikes ,the pay,the rules, the riders. Start with 4 riders racing over 4 laps and work upwards. .when any rule is proposed ask the question will it bring fans through the turnstiles?. If not dont do it. The thing about it is we have one of the breathtaking and exciting forms of entertainment in the world to start with.

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At least he's a PL promoter at the helm - its the nearest you'll get to 'impartial' as far as the EL is concerned!!


I like him - but agree he doesn't seem to get the support he deserves. Its too much for just one person to sort out!!

This is not league specific, the problem runs throughout the whole sport, all 3 leagues and individual competitions


Did all the previous incumbents have to fulfil these criteria?

Doesn't matter what's gone now, they should have done. It's the future we should be thinking about, or there might not be one


Why pick on him he is no better or worse than anyone else who has had that job.

Because he's the man in post


I can't recall any plan to improve speedway and have never seen any leadership from those in charge.

So let's start now


Ok Harkess goes, what then, who takes over that would make that much of an improvement.

OK let's give up


Seems very personal that post.

It's personal because he's the man in post
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What will replacing one man achieve? .speedways problems go far deeper than replacing one man. The whole sport needs to change ,the bikes ,the pay,the rules, the riders. Start with 4 riders racing over 4 laps and work upwards. .when any rule is proposed ask the question will it bring fans through the turnstiles?. If not dont do it. The thing about it is we have one of the breathtaking and exciting forms of entertainment in the world to start with.

Good Post Dean.


You are right - the Sport needs a huge top down overhaul. There are lots of things to love about Speedway but sadly there is a terrible lot wrong with it too. You have listed a number of them in your Post.


Speedway will never be as good as it once was for all the reasons you say - but - another couple of reasons may be the loss of the Smell and to an extent the Noise as well. Neither of these things the Sport can do anything about given the Legal situation these days regarding the Environment. It is amazing how many folk that no longer attend Speedway say - I used to love the smell (so did I) and the noise. I reckon that those factors will not have helped the Sport either.


Regarding Mr. Harkess - he is probably doing as good a job as he can in the circumstances - ie: the people he has to deal with - as anyone else could do. I see nobody,sadly, at the very top of the Sport who seems capable of taking Speedway by the scruff of the neck and really sorting it out. THAT is what it needs. I am certainly not sure any of the current top people could do any better.


Speedway also needs to do something to restore it's credibility as well.

Edited by The White Knight
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i propose Starman :)

Yeh lovely, happy to oblige. I'l propose Matt Ford as my righthand man!! ;) Ive always said, you should have somebody to run the EL, and somebody to take charge of the PL affairs..

But with also a top ex rider who is totally impartial to Sanction the proposals of both leagues, so it is done properly and professionally.

Edited by Starman2006
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What is not in doubt is that Speedway is a spectacular exciting sport, it just needs to be managed properly.

Maybe what is needed is someone maybe not associated with the sport, to stand back look at the structure , the riules etc of British Speedway in depth , grab it by the scuff of the neck and say ' this is what has to done '

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Why blame Alex Harkess? All he is is the Chairman of the BSPA Committee. If you are going to blame anyone, you can't just blame one individual, you have to blame all the others too.


Being independently governed might be the way to go, but, I fear, they (whoever they may be) would still be full of self interest, that's if you can find someone in the first place.

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Why blame Alex Harkess? All he is is the Chairman of the BSPA Committee. If you are going to blame anyone, you can't just blame one individual, you have to blame all the others too.


Being independently governed might be the way to go, but, I fear, they (whoever they may be) would still be full of self interest, that's if you can find someone in the first place.

He is the figure head that's why.... And I assume very instrumental in the goings on and direction of the managment commitee?? Of whom it's obvious some have more say than others....

Least you recognise ' they' are full of self interest.


Be interesting to know who decides things like blocking certain team changes with in the rules, granting a facility for one team but denying for another in re arranged matches, deciding for eg Brady Kurtz was a 3 then a 5... When he should have been a 7??.... The Dennis Anderson farce of Poole getting him on a 4 point average ... The list goes on.

Harkess pulled stunts like burger gate, so it just goes to show how stupid the sport he is figure head of is really.

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He is the figure head that's why.... And I assume very instrumental in the goings on and direction of the managment commitee?? Of whom it's obvious some have more say than others....

Least you recognise ' they' are full of self interest.


Be interesting to know who decides things like blocking certain team changes with in the rules, granting a facility for one team but denying for another in re arranged matches, deciding for eg Brady Kurtz was a 3 then a 5... When he should have been a 7??.... The Dennis Anderson farce of Poole getting him on a 4 point average ... The list goes on.

Harkess pulled stunts like burger gate, so it just goes to show how stupid the sport he is figure head of is really.

Ah i wondered when it would start. Nothing like bringing Poole and Somerset into the argument..

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