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I am in no doubt, all the wheels will be turning, and all the heads will be huddled together exploring every last possible escape plan, so Darcy can get away with a slap on the wrist and fines £5.00.


We have to have Darcy riding because it's written in the SKY contract. No Darcy, No SKY. sort it......... :party::party::party:


Er, the Grand Prix rounds are on... Eurosport. :wink: Why would the FIM/BSI give two hoots about a broadcaster who doesn't show their product.


Have you been on the same stuff as Darcy? :drink::cheers::drink::cheers::drink::P


All the best


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Whatever anyone thinks about Darcy Ward as a person (e.g. 'scumbag waster' - see above) he is a very gifted and very exciting rider.


We all know he is not the best gater so has had to get a lot of his points from audacious, brave and often breath-taking passing moves.


At a time when speedway is haemorrhaging fans rapidly do we really need to lose individuals who can sell the sport by their immensely watchable talent?


Once I'd got over the sheer idiocy of his behaviour and stopped calling him an idiot and a loser I was genuinely disappointed yesterday that we wasn't riding.


In pure financial terms can the sport really afford to slap hefty bans on one of the biggest crowd-pleasers? (similar characters like Botham, McEnroe, Suarez, Maradona ....come to mind)

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This shows they they do do random tests and are not just picking on Darcy as some seem to be claiming.


This was Nicki's result from SWC meeting. Not the only time he has posted this sort of thing either this year




Can see why they don't test everyone as it can't take very long. I remember years ago doing the Sysdney Harbour bridge climb and the first thing they did was breathalyze everyone. If you failed you weren't allowed on. On this you are tethered to the bridge and so fairly difficult to fall unlike charging around quickly on a small track at high speed.

You mean Nicki doesn't have alcohol as a reason for the way he rides????? My goodness, it is all just down to him then!!!! :D



Incidentally for all those comparing DW's reaction to 'bad news' with the likes of 'do no wrong' Woffinden, as Woffy himself said in his TV documentary, he went right off the rails and almost didn't return to UK racing!

Edited by Skidder1
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Whatever anyone thinks about Darcy Ward as a person (e.g. 'scumbag waster' - see above) he is a very gifted and very exciting rider.


We all know he is not the best gater so has had to get a lot of his points from audacious, brave and often breath-taking passing moves.


At a time when speedway is haemorrhaging fans rapidly do we really need to lose individuals who can sell the sport by their immensely watchable talent?


Once I'd got over the sheer idiocy of his behaviour and stopped calling him an idiot and a loser I was genuinely disappointed yesterday that we wasn't riding.


In pure financial terms can the sport really afford to slap hefty bans on one of the biggest crowd-pleasers? (similar characters like Botham, McEnroe, Suarez, Maradona ....come to mind)


Yes it can, it has no choice. Darcy violated the rules and should have to face the same consequences as any other rider. If a rider fails an alcohol test, it should not matter how big

or talented that rider is. He must follow the rules like every other rider or do you suggest that there should be one set of rules for less talented riders who are not as big stars and one

set of rules for the more talented and bigger stars? Like if Piotr Swiderski and Darcy Ward both fails an alcohol test with both being exactly the same above the limit, Swiderski

should be punished harder because he isn't as talented or big as Darcy?


Rules have to be the same for everyone and a rider should NOT be able to get away with being intoxicated at an alcohol test just before a meeting.

Edited by Ghostwalker
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I think you should read the article again in full!!


Typical Mirror - where has it ever been claimed he was on a 'boozy night out with pals' other than by some on here??


I mean its not as if they or any other 'red top' actually had a reporter out there to cover the meeting let alone be out and about in Latvia!!

Edited by Skidder1
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Makes no difference we got a blood thirsty 'lynching mob' on here who want to see him fall.

'Bring me his head on a platter'.

Yes he is a poor little misunderstood chap, give him a hug and a spoonfull of sugar and it will all go away. Nasty FIM making the poor little boy have a breath test. Ah didums!!!

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Rules have to be the same for everyone and a rider should NOT be able to get away with being intoxicated at an alcohol test just before a meeting.


Rules all too often work on a sliding scale of a person's importance, wealth and/or intelligence. Fairness is a word to appease the masses!

Edited by Crump99
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I think you should read the article again in full!!


Typical Mirror - where has it ever been claimed he was on a 'boozy night out with pals' other than by some on here??


I mean its not as if they or any other 'red top' actually had a reporter out there to cover the meeting let alone be out and about in Latvia!!


Maybe they spoke to some others who were in Latvia? Who knows - but it distinctly lacks any info on "mitigating" circumstance

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Makes no difference we got a blood thirsty 'lynching mob' on here who want to see him fall.

'Bring me his head on a platter'.

Even if you are right, time and time again Ward as given them exactly what they want with his failings (mainly off-track). However, this thread is full of people talking about his talent and how they love to watch him ride, but that is not enough to turn a blind eye.


So blame people all you want Puggy, ultimately there is just one person to blame.

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Whatever anyone thinks about Darcy Ward as a person (e.g. 'scumbag waster' - see above) he is a very gifted and very exciting rider.


We all know he is not the best gater so has had to get a lot of his points from audacious, brave and often breath-taking passing moves.


At a time when speedway is haemorrhaging fans rapidly do we really need to lose individuals who can sell the sport by their immensely watchable talent?


Once I'd got over the sheer idiocy of his behaviour and stopped calling him an idiot and a loser I was genuinely disappointed yesterday that we wasn't riding.


In pure financial terms can the sport really afford to slap hefty bans on one of the biggest crowd-pleasers? (similar characters like Botham, McEnroe, Suarez, Maradona ....come to mind)

Yes they can,can't have "drunk riders" causing accidents ,the authorities might get sued if they are asked to breath test a rider after a crash ( could happen in today's legal world)
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Makes no difference we got a blood thirsty 'lynching mob' on here who want to see him fall.

'Bring me his head on a platter'.

I think you could have put that rather differently.


We have a number of people on here who despair at the actions of one extremely talented individual. They are both disappointed and disgusted by this waste of talent. They see a young man on the Television who gives an apology - but - doesn't look particularly contrite.


They conclude, with some justification that the boy is a fool.


Nobody wants to hang him though.

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Spot on about Nicki. Perhaps that's why he's a three times World Champion and Ward is just a scumbag waster.

well I see a video of Pedersen on YouTube I'd be pretty certain the gp weren't the only thing on his mind ,speedway bikes weren't the only thing he was riding Edited by hans fan
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What I find disappointing is the few individuals defending this latest failing seem to be mainly Poole and his former club Kings Lynn fans, very reminiscent of Liverpool and how they defended Suarez for his racism and Chelsea biting incident, failing to see what the rest of the world could see, a brilliant talented individual that was flawed.


Personally if Ward is given a ban, I would also like to see him be offered support too in the form of counselling, if that is what is needed.

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Be interesting how DW's sponsors respond to any ban, 'Monster Joe' looked a little sheepish at the news, after finding out he'd failed. However he was escorting him in the 'Rockabilly Burger Bar' on the Saturday night. In fairness they didn't look pissed up, but if the limit is zero not surprised he did fail.

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Whatever anyone thinks about Darcy Ward as a person (e.g. 'scumbag waster' - see above) he is a very gifted and very exciting rider.


We all know he is not the best gater so has had to get a lot of his points from audacious, brave and often breath-taking passing moves.


At a time when speedway is haemorrhaging fans rapidly do we really need to lose individuals who can sell the sport by their immensely watchable talent?


Once I'd got over the sheer idiocy of his behaviour and stopped calling him an idiot and a loser I was genuinely disappointed yesterday that we wasn't riding.


In pure financial terms can the sport really afford to slap hefty bans on one of the biggest crowd-pleasers? (similar characters like Botham, McEnroe, Suarez, Maradona ....come to mind)

Going on the entertainment yesterday he wasn't missed.

well I see a video of Pedersen on YouTube I'd be pretty certain the gp weren't the only thing on his mind ,speedway bikes weren't the only thing he was riding

Not likely to get him banned from riding a speedway bike though is it?

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