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Rye House 2015

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Cant help feeling Garrity has mugged us Rye fans.


The start (and middle) of last year he was awful, but I was prepared to believe the "bike issues" misdirect, but his performances improved considerably towards the end of the season. I suppose a leopard does not change his spots, so move on please and let, by all accounts a honourable guy (and when fit, a better rider) represent my team.


No doubt fans from a another club will be excited with the news that Garrity has joined them, they will be told last season was down to "bike issues" are now behind him, well remember you have been warned.

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Small wager Mr BLOBBY that Garrity will not sign for Glasgow .Go and help your team find a sponsor instead of slagging Glasgow at every moment [ maybe we could help you ]

Why not settle you differences using personal messaging rather than use a Rye House thread. Sick of having to troll through pages of rubbish about other clubs petty arguments its of no interest on here

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Why not settle you differences using personal messaging rather than use a Rye House thread. Sick of having to troll through pages of rubbish about other clubs petty arguments its of no interest on here

Well said it really wasn't needed.

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Re my post i was only saying Garrity a Rye House rider will not be signing for Glasgow ok appoligies for adding extra coment

Mr B instigated it mentioning Glasgow that is why people get P*ssed off it is a Rye thread and there was no need to involve Glasgow but he just can't help himself.

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Mr B instigated it mentioning Glasgow that is why people get P*ssed off it is a Rye thread and there was no need to involve Glasgow but he just can't help himself.


Now if you looked back a few pages you will see that I never started this Glasgow debate I commented on a post where someone was talking about both Scottish teams so please get your facts right. Thank you!

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Now if you looked back a few pages you will see that I never started this Glasgow debate I commented on a post where someone was talking about both Scottish teams so please get your facts right. Thank you!

Nearly choked on my coffee laughing when i seen this bit after the nonsense you have posted on takeovers etc etc pot & kettle Mr B.

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Mr B instigated it mentioning Glasgow that is why people get P*ssed off it is a Rye thread and there was no need to involve Glasgow but he just can't help himself.


Now if you looked back a few pages you will see that I never started this Glasgow debate I commented on a post where someone was talking about both Scottish teams so please get your facts right. Thank you!


Nearly choked on my coffee laughing when i seen this bit after the nonsense you have posted on takeovers etc etc pot & kettle Mr B.

advantage Mr G
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If Mellgrens fully fit then this move makes Rye stronger!


Kennett mellgren jakobsen aspegren boxall bowen and lykke doesnt look too bad a side now imo


It could be a very good by dusting away the negatives of 2015. Bunny was dis-interested in 2014 for whatever reason and Garrity might even have been a disruptive influence in the pits' area. I like the look of this side. It always helps if you have overseas riders from the same country especially when one has been there before. Anders knows the ropes, both he and Robin will travel together, and will be brought up to speed straight away as will Kasper with Nicolaj. Then you have three Brits, all dyed-in- the wool Rye men. Seems a perfect combination to me. The only downside, and this could turn out to be quite minor, is that both Swedes ride in the Alvensken League so might miss matches when Rye are away at Thursday clubs. However, The Swedish season doesn't start until May so the LC at Ipswich is OK as is the away PL fixture at Redcar so this just leaves PL fixtures away to Ipswich and Sheffield. After this it will depend upon play-offs in both countries plus KO cup rounds should they fall on a Thusday.

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Or possibly He might have returned too soon from a very serious injury and given that at the time, from memory Rye House wasn't exactly brimming with "Team Spirit", thought that maybe it wasn't a good time to stick his neck on the line. He has had a winter to recover and regroup ,and this year, a couple of Scandanavian team mates, so no reason to doubt that He will have a good season and be a Heat Leader.

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Anyone with any knowledge of Anders would know that he is 100 percent effort. It was obvious to anyone that he was nowhere near fit, I think most would have liked to see him back from the start. If the fans were gullible about anyone it was Garrity.


Thanks for your comments, Oafski and West Ham Boy. I would have rejoined the debate myself but derive little satisfaction when jousting against a half wit.

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Thanks for your comments, Oafski and West Ham Boy. I would have rejoined the debate myself but derive little satisfaction when jousting against a half wit.

It seems a pity to deprive yourself of the pleasure of a battle of wits against an unarmed man. I find it irksome some people are happy to undermine the team or individual rider's performances before a wheel has been turned.Plenty of time for that once the season is underway. The " Disruptive Influences" might have gone from the pits but it would appear they are still active on the keyboard.

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