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Kings Lynn Speedway March?

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This is an urgent request to try and find out what the theme tune was, that was played as the track staff marched out at the beginning of the early Kings Lynn matches. Pam Hedge (wife of Trevor) contacted me, thinking it would be nice to have this played at Alan Littlechilds Funeral this coming Tuesday.


I must have heard it lots of times, but cannot remember its name. I do know at Norwich Speedway, it was "Old Comrades" but not sure about the Lynn one.


Anybody with a good memory? I know its cutting it fine, time wise, but any help would be appreciated.



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  On 8/2/2014 at 8:58 AM, Bunce said:

This is an urgent request to try and find out what the theme tune was, that was played as the track staff marched out at the beginning of the early Kings Lynn matches. Pam Hedge (wife of Trevor) contacted me, thinking it would be nice to have this played at Alan Littlechilds Funeral this coming Tuesday.


I must have heard it lots of times, but cannot remember its name. I do know at Norwich Speedway, it was "Old Comrades" but not sure about the Lynn one.


Anybody with a good memory? I know its cutting it fine, time wise, but any help would be appreciated.



I'm sure this has been mentioned before,i think Starlady had the answer.I know the tune but can't put a name to it.

Try to pm Starlady I'm sure she will know.

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I'm like you tellboy can hum it but can't name it. Pretty sure it was Trees that finally came up with the title.


Have searched on Google and I'm almost certain it's the Old Comrades March but my memory does play tricks. If you google it multiple links come up so you can have a listen to confirm or not (not the German band tho ry one of the British ones). I also remember The Post Horn Gallop being played at Lynn but whether that was during Big Al's time I don't know.


I've just searched on the unofficial Lynn forum and a thread there also suggested it was The Old Comrades March.


I hope this helps. I have very fond memories of Alan Littlechild.

Edited by Star Lady
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That's the one I was thinking of Starlady.But didn't google that as I assumed Bunce was looking for something different to the one played at Norwich.But that is the one Bunce is looking for I think.

Great tune,love it.

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Hubby has just reminded me they also used the William Tell Overture at some point.

My daughter says they also used the music the BBC use for their Golf coverage but we think that's after the time we are looking for.

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Thanks for all your replies and suggestions. It must have been a marching tune, as I remember the track staff always "marched" in tune to the music, from the pits out to the centre green. As much of the old Norwich tradition was carried over to Kings Lynn, such as the Stars name, the green and yellow colours, and even the lighting I believe, It wouldn't surprise me if "Old Comrades" was also used? Bill Smith would have been the one to ask, but sadly he is no longer with us.


It definitely wasn't the Post Horn gallop, as that is played at 100 mph (just listen to it on You Tube!) the staff would have to run at high speed to keep in time with that! Its part of the William Tell Overture, that is played as the riders come up to the tapes. It used to be used as the riders came to the tapes at Foxhall Heath as well, I believe? Once again I You Tubed that, and its definitely the Finale part of the overture, as they come to the tapes.


So I think we are still looking at the Old Comrades as the most likely march out music, unless anybody knows it was a different tune.

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