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Kings Lynn Stars Vs Coventry Bees (wed 2nd July 2014)

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With ten meetings this week, those involved could make a big impression in their quest to qualify for the Play-off's The Stars are involved in 3 of those matches and this will be the first.

Hopefully, both teams will at full strength and produce a close exciting meeting. Although Coventry are obviously strengthened with the inclusion of MJJ in their side, I still believe our all-round strength with prove too much for the Bees and will secure a 10 to 12 point win......

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With the form The stars are in and the return of Kerr, I think this will be a home win.


Coventry have good away record but think this will be a tough challenge.


Hopefully both teams will be at full strength, bees maybe without Howarth due to his injury

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Agree with semion, can see heart break for the Bees as the cling on to the death only to go home empty handed. Howarth was crap last time but he's out injured this time, the right guest could be quite an advantage - Neither Klindt or Fricke are riding elsewhere that night.

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Really hope Fricke guests, have wanted to see him in action for some time, exciting talent. If MJJ can be bothered and Garrity can get amongst the points this time I can see Coventry going away with something. I don't think we will stay unbeaten at home all season, we are bound to slip up at some point and Wednesday looks as likely a meeting as any. That said I hope we can win every home match :D Seems we will be back to full strength which is very pleasing.

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Really hope Fricke guests, have wanted to see him in action for some time, exciting talent. If MJJ can be bothered and Garrity can get amongst the points this time I can see Coventry going away with something. I don't think we will stay unbeaten at home all season, we are bound to slip up at some point and Wednesday looks as likely a meeting as any. That said I hope we can win every home match :D Seems we will be back to full strength which is very pleasing.

That's a tad harsh considering you have play off Kenny to worry about ... ;)

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Don't think it's application that has been Kenneth's problem, he was excellent before his crash with Doyle but his confidence has been visibly much lower since he returned. He and Rory are very much alike, they have both had lots of injuries over the years but when they get a run without any they are very good. Hopefully Bjerre can rediscover his mojo before the Play Offs although this year I believe we have other riders to cover of he doesn't. MJJ can be world class on his day but I don't always believe he had given 100% in the UK in the past. Could easily go through the card on Wednesday if he fancies it.

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Toughee for sure....but Kerr and Porsing both scored max's over the weekend and if Puk can continue his GP form we'll win by around 10, but some good racing along the way.


What is the latest on the roadworks - any of the slip roads gonna be closed?

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Why are Hans and Jepsen Jensens spaces in the team on the official KL press release TBC?



Grindsted: Now it's make or break

Udgivet den Published on29. jun 2014 June 29, 2014



Emil Grøndal ny mand for Grindsted - Foto: Rasmus Terkelsen Emil Grøndal new man for Grindsted - Photo: Rasmus Terkelsen


Heldet og resultaterne har ikke tilsmilet Grindsted Speedway Klub særlig meget i den seneste tid, hvor man har tabt fire matche i træk. Luck and the results have not tilsmilet Grindsted Speedway Club very much in the recent past, where they have lost four in a row match.

Onsdag aften venter endnu en svær opgave, når man gæster Munkebo Speedway Club. On Wednesday night, expect another difficult task when guests Munkebo Speedway Club. Men et femte nederlag i træk vil man ikke høre tale om i Grindsted-lejren. But a fifth defeat in a row will not hear of Grindsted camp.

-Den skal bare fyres af. -It just fired. Det er knald eller fald, da der bliver længere og længere udsigter til den finaleplads. It's make or break, as there will be further and further prospects for the finals. Så det er ved at være sidste skud i bøssen, siger Grindsteds holdleder, Johnny Hvidtfeldt. So it's almost the final shot in the locker, says Grindsteds team leader, Johnny Hvidtfeldt.

Han har op til onsdagens match rystet udtagelsesposen lidt i håbet om at bringe nyt energi til holdet. He has up to Wednesday's match shaken excising the bag a little, hoping to bring new energy to the team.

-Det hjælper ikke at råbe og skrige af hinanden i sådanne tider. -It does not help to yell and scream at each other in such times. Szymon Wozniack havde en dårlig dag sidst, og Michael Jepsen Jensen fik et skrub mere. Szymon Wozniack had a bad day last, and Michael Jepsen Jensen got a roughing more. Men vi snakkede om det alle sammen efter matchen, og det har resulteret i to nye på pladserne i bunden i hvert fald de næste par matche. But we talked about it all together after the match, and it has resulted in two new seats on the bottom at least the next couple of match. Der er ingen hard feelings, for de to kørere kunne sagtens se, at de ikke levede op til forventningerne, siger Johnny Hvidtfeldt. There are no hard feelings, the two drivers could easily see that they did not live up to expectations, says Johnny Hvidtfeldt.

Vil på sommerferiepause med sindsro Will the summer holiday break with serenity

Nok vil Grindsted forsøge at få de vitale point, men hjemmeholdet Munkebo har langt fra i sinde at lade det ske. Probably will Grindsted try to get the vital points, but the home team Munkebo Far from going to let it happen. Holdleder Karsten S. Jørgensen vil ligesom Johnny Hvidtfeldt gerne holde sommerpause med en velplejet sejrsvane. Team leader Karsten S. Jorgensen, like Johnny Hvidtfeldt like to keep summer break with a neat victory habit.

-Matchen kan karakteriseres som én af dem, der bare skal vindes. -The match can be characterized as one of those who just must be won. Så kan vi også god på sommerferie med en god fornemmelse, siger Karsten S. Jørgensen og fortsætter: Then we also good for summer holidays with a good sense, says Karsten S. Jorgensen continues:

-Kenni Arendt Larsen skal i gang igen, og hvis resten så kører, som de gjorde i seneste match, så er den hjemme, siger Karsten S. Jørgensen. -Kenni Arendt Larsen is about to start again, and if the rest then run as they did in the last match, then the home, says Karsten S. Jorgensen.

Både Grindsted og Munkebo ligger i den usjove ende af tabellen, men selvom førstnævnte er havnet i svær tid, tror man på bedre tider. Both Grindsted and Munkebo located in the usjove end of the table, but even though the former has fallen into hard times, people think of better times.

-Det hele tæller fra nu af. -It all counts from now on. Holsted er stukket af, men vinder vi på onsdag, så er vi nummer fire igen. Holsted has bolted, but we win on Wednesday, we finished fourth again. Så alt kan ske endnu. So anything can happen yet. Men det skal så også til at ske, siger Johnny Hvidtfeldt. But it must also happen, says Johnny Hvidtfeldt.

Munkebo Munkebo

1. Kenni Arendt Larsen 1 Kenni Arendt Larsen

2. Kasper Lykke Nielsen 2 Kasper Lykke Nielsen

3. Hans Andersen 3 Hans Andersen

4. Morten Risager 4 Morten Risager

5. Jesper Scharff 5 Jesper Scharff

Grindsted Grindsted

1. Kacpar Gomolski 1 Kacpar Gomolski

2. Szymon Wozniak 2 Szymon Wozniak

3. Michael Jepsen Jensen 3 Michael Jepsen Jensen

4. Victor Palovaara 4 Victor Palovaara

5. Emil Grøndal 5 Emil Grøndal


Regards. Alan.

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So it appears Andersen and MJJ will not be riding at Lynn on Wednesday's fixture. The Elite league seems to be scrapping the barrel now. Whilst these clashing of fixtures and meetings perpetrated with guest and R/R our league racing will always be regarded as second rate......

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So it appears Andersen and MJJ will not be riding at Lynn on Wednesday's fixture. The Elite league seems to be scrapping the barrel now. Whilst these clashing of fixtures and meetings perpetrated with guest and R/R our league racing will always be regarded as second rate......

B#gger..Was looking forward to this meeting, but won't bother if Hans and MJJ are missing.... :neutral:

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