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An Open Letter To David Hemsley

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The bends seem too narrow upon entry which allows just one line. Whic is why the racing is (a) over after bend 2 (B) the riders are spaced with big gaps.


A rider who does go wide on the bend loses ground and has no hope of picking up drive and/or making "a long straight". Has a ny Leicester supporter seen a rider have success going by the boards.


Its a poor design and will be a terrible advert when live on Sky. Hopefully Kelvin or Nigel P will ask a few riders why is so hard to pass.

Edited by marky
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Ok, if you add up all the fans on here that say the track needs changing, it still only adds up to between 60/99 people, not exactly the whole Leicester Fan base, so you can probably see it from D.H's point, you can probably not add many to that amount that may have said anything directly to his face, so say 200 tops..

That equates to less than a quarter of a 1,000 gate, and considerably less than 15% if a 1,600! It would NOT be enough to change my mind as what about the other 85%!!!!! Whether or not they want it changing or not, if they don't say, how can he possibly take the risk.....


However, if there is someone who wants to take on the responsibility of organising a proper, paper petition, conducted in the proper manner, which includes more info on what needs to be done, and then presents this information to him/his Leicester Speedway business in a proper and professional manner then you will get a definitive answer.

It's a big and responsible job that needs conducting in a thoroughly professional manner, is there someone who would want to and able to do this in a completely unbiased way, with no bullying, coersing, no shortcutting, cheating and no cheap shot behaviour to finally put this issue and the future of Leicester Speedway to bed, forever?


What do you think???

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Ok, if you add up all the fans on here that say the track needs changing, it still only adds up to between 60/99 people, not exactly the whole Leicester Fan base, so you can probably see it from D.H's point, you can probably not add many to that amount that may have said anything directly to his face, so say 200 tops..

That equates to less than a quarter of a 1,000 gate, and considerably less than 15% if a 1,600! It would NOT be enough to change my mind as what about the other 85%!!!!! Whether or not they want it changing or not, if they don't say, how can he possibly take the risk.....


However, if there is someone who wants to take on the responsibility of organising a proper, paper petition, conducted in the proper manner, which includes more info on what needs to be done, and then presents this information to him/his Leicester Speedway business in a proper and professional manner then you will get a definitive answer.

It's a big and responsible job that needs conducting in a thoroughly professional manner, is there someone who would want to and able to do this in a completely unbiased way, with no bullying, coersing, no shortcutting, cheating and no cheap shot behaviour to finally put this issue and the future of Leicester Speedway to bed, forever?


What do you think???

I have been to every home meeting since we reopened and I have never heard anyone say the racing is good,it blatantly isn't is it.

You say he can't take the risk of changing the track,I say he can't risk not changing it.

A couple of seasons ago Hemsley asked supporters for their views on what they wanted to see in the future,the overwhelming responses were they wanted the track changing,he moved the bends in about 3ft each end.....big deal,it did nothing to the quality of the racing.

How can track be good,there is virtually no passing at all.....the riders must be pulling their hair out,if you don't gate you've little chance of ever passing anyone.

By the way what do you think of the track?

Edited by mrcts
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It is hard to believe what they came up with regarding track shape and size,when the 2 off the best shaped tracks in the country were built from green field sites .A straight copy would have done the trick it wasn't as if they were stuck for room,everything else looks the part.(Somerset &Scunthorpe)

Edited by Fromafar
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Just had a look at Beaumont Park on Google maps satellite view & it's not hard to see why the racing is poor. From the air it looks like Belle Vue, only narrower. Makes an interesting comparison with other recent "green field" tracks like Somerset, Scunthorpe & Redcar and you have to ask who thought it would be a good idea to build it like this? Long straights, tight bends with narrow entry & exit = no room to pass.


https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.6688119,-1.1598311,483m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en (Leicester)


https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.2302026,-2.9555397,250m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en (Somerset)

Great idea to post these views of the two tracks.

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Ok, if you add up all the fans on here that say the track needs changing, it still only adds up to between 60/99 people, not exactly the whole Leicester Fan base, so you can probably see it from D.H's point, you can probably not add many to that amount that may have said anything directly to his face, so say 200 tops..

That equates to less than a quarter of a 1,000 gate, and considerably less than 15% if a 1,600! It would NOT be enough to change my mind as what about the other 85%!!!!! Whether or not they want it changing or not, if they don't say, how can he possibly take the risk.....


However, if there is someone who wants to take on the responsibility of organising a proper, paper petition, conducted in the proper manner, which includes more info on what needs to be done, and then presents this information to him/his Leicester Speedway business in a proper and professional manner then you will get a definitive answer.

It's a big and responsible job that needs conducting in a thoroughly professional manner, is there someone who would want to and able to do this in a completely unbiased way, with no bullying, coersing, no shortcutting, cheating and no cheap shot behaviour to finally put this issue and the future of Leicester Speedway to bed, forever?


What do you think???

Didnt they start with crowds of 3000+?


That means 1500 - 2000 have expressed the opinion its not up to scratch.

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Get a group up to do it on a race night?

Theres no point in getting petitions or approaching Hemsley face to face ,all that will get is the instigator banned from Beaumont Park ( No , Thats not a joke or a dig , it's a fact ) The first two riders to ride BP, KK and Parker both told Hemsley the straights were too long and the turns too narrow , Since that time and over the last 3 seasons he has been told 100's of times , and more than enough backroom staff, sponsors , riders and supporters have left the club in acrimonious circumstances after altercations with Hemsley about the track. 3 seasons back , a mere mention of St David and his god awful track being less than top notch would have brought torrents of abuse to the poster Instantly , but even the most stalwart of Hemsleyites have now jumped ship and a comment about the state of Hemsleys promotion, behaviour towards his volunteer staff, riders and supporters is more likely to spur approval than rebuke , Only one person still posts positively about Hemsley on these pages and TBH nobody takes any notice because of them because some of the posts are downright silly , Nero fiddled while Rome burned , and Helmsley is doing the same at BP .

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Here's why you're beating your head against a brick wall with regards to bringing about any change




Worth a read. Some really funny stuff in there.

After reading that I don't know wether to laugh or cry.........does he really believe what he says or is he trying to baffle us with smoke and mirrors?

Who cares about a bloody grandstand, spend the money on the track.

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I haven't gone away the discussion just does nothing for me. So don't participate....end if chat

I don't think anyone cares if you have gone away......you've got a vested interest in the club with Long Eaton riding there.....typical hanger-on!
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I don't think anyone cares if you have gone away......you've got a vested interest in the club with Long Eaton riding there.....typical hanger-on!

Best of luck with your petition and campaign but like I say

bored now ...zzzzzzzz

Edited by TMW
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TMW, are you saying there is nothing wrong with the track?

I wouldn't have a clue...I don't ride myself.


What I do know is on the more up to date sites the discussion has moved on to less Jurasic matters like the team and race night. More refreshing!!!

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I wouldn't have a clue...I don't ride myself.

What I do know is on the more up to date sites the discussion has moved on to less Jurasic matters like the team and race night. More refreshing!!!

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