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An Open Letter To David Hemsley

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I wouldn't have a clue...I don't ride myself.

But you do spectate don't you Tina? It's the spectators who say this - not the riders. The people who pay money to watch speedway racing. Simply dismissing the discussion as 'boring' doesn't alter their opinions, their future non-attendance and subsequently their financial backing of the club. It's a serious subject and when many of your customers aren't happy then any business should pay heed to that. It's common sense. Obviously it doesn't affect me as I don't attend anymore but this is a forum and issues such as the track will continually get debated until the issue is resolved. The only way to make it go away is for something to be done about it. The racing is the thing that's boring - and therein lies the problem.

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But you do spectate don't you Tina? It's the spectators who say this - not the riders. The people who pay money to watch speedway racing. Simply dismissing the discussion as 'boring' doesn't alter their opinions, their future non-attendance and subsequently their financial backing of the club. It's a serious subject and when many of your customers aren't happy then any business should pay heed to that. It's common sense. Obviously it doesn't affect me as I don't attend anymore but this is a forum and issues such as the track will continually get debated until the issue is resolved. The only way to make it go away is for something to be done about it. The racing is the thing that's boring - and therein lies the problem.

I only said I hadn't gone away as other posters had alluded to. I just don't find the discussion doesn't do it for me anymore ....end of chat

Edited by TMW
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Could I maybe turn all the negativity around? People saying that there are hundreds or thousands that are staying away due to the track and poor racing. It has been mentioned about a petition, but people say that will fall on deaf ears, So having thought about it, would it not be an idea to get together all the people who say they will return if things are changed, meet out side the stadium and show DH just exactly how many paying customers he is missing out on. If the numbers are as you all say they are then he could not ignore you. As they say strength in numbers. I would suggest you do it in a peaceful manner without any attack on DH directly, or personal abuse. You never know?

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Could I maybe turn all the negativity around? People saying that there are hundreds or thousands that are staying away due to the track and poor racing. It has been mentioned about a petition, but people say that will fall on deaf ears, So having thought about it, would it not be an idea to get together all the people who say they will return if things are changed, meet out side the stadium and show DH just exactly how many paying customers he is missing out on. If the numbers are as you all say they are then he could not ignore you. As they say strength in numbers. I would suggest you do it in a peaceful manner without any attack on DH directly, or personal abuse. You never know?

That's never going to happen is it......people are generally apathetic to any form of protest!.......what happens is that if they don't like what they are watching they don't go again meaning most of those who deem the racing poor at best never give the track another chance and find other things to do.

I also think that racing on Saturdays will eventually hack off the supporters........Far,far too many guests.

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That's never going to happen is it......people are generally apathetic to any form of protest!.......what happens is that if they don't like what they are watching they don't go again meaning most of those who deem the racing poor at best never give the track another chance and find other things to do.

I also think that racing on Saturdays will eventually hack off the supporters........Far,far too many guests.

Look all I did is give an idea for those people who keep moaning, keep bashing Leicester speedway and DH. If they feel so strongly about it then do something about it!! It has been said that DH will not bother about what is said on the forums, it has been said that a petition would not make any difference to the way he thinks? What I am trying to say is, instead on just sitting on a pc and moaning and saying hundreds wont go anymore because of the track, prove it!! Get all of these supporters to stage a protest outside the stadium, invite the media, explain your complaints, will it happen? I don't think so, because I do not think these people are really that bothered. I will go every week, I will hope the changes will take place, but I will not be a part of anything that will help to close it down by not going. Who knows what the future holds? Who knows who will own it next year, or the year after, etc. But I do know that if enough people stop going then you will not have anything to moan about.

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But you do spectate don't you Tina? It's the spectators who say this - not the riders. The people who pay money to watch speedway racing. Simply dismissing the discussion as 'boring' doesn't alter their opinions, their future non-attendance and subsequently their financial backing of the club. It's a serious subject and when many of your customers aren't happy then any business should pay heed to that. It's common sense. Obviously it doesn't affect me as I don't attend anymore but this is a forum and issues such as the track will continually get debated until the issue is resolved. The only way to make it go away is for something to be done about it. The racing is the thing that's boring - and therein lies the problem.

Spot on. Not the first time I've said this but I'm just one of a small group that no longer attends meetings, we gradually drifted away, it's just rubbish entertainment. No axe to grind with DH, we all know him fairly well, warts and all, But the fact is the racing is just pathetic and unless the track is changed then the promotion are losing at least £75 every meeting from our group alone.


Simple economics suggest that over a couple os seasons you only need 4/5 small groups like ours to be enticed back by a real racing track and any work carried out will have paid for itself.


I know Dave can be stubborn but you would think that in the end money would talk. Clearly he's losing more income by keeping the track as it is than the net gain by changing it.

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Look all I did is give an idea for those people who keep moaning, keep bashing Leicester speedway and DH. If they feel so strongly about it then do something about it!!

They are ..there not going anymore and telling him why on Forums like this ...When people moan about a business then the owner does something about it .

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Look all I did is give an idea for those people who keep moaning, keep bashing Leicester speedway and DH. If they feel so strongly about it then do something about it!! It has been said that DH will not bother about what is said on the forums, it has been said that a petition would not make any difference to the way he thinks? What I am trying to say is, instead on just sitting on a pc and moaning and saying hundreds wont go anymore because of the track, prove it!! Get all of these supporters to stage a protest outside the stadium, invite the media, explain your complaints, will it happen? I don't think so, because I do not think these people are really that bothered. I will go every week, I will hope the changes will take place, but I will not be a part of anything that will help to close it down by not going. Who knows what the future holds? Who knows who will own it next year, or the year after, etc. But I do know that if enough people stop going then you will not have anything to moan about.

What do you expect people to do? March up and down outside Beaumont Park holding placards saying "Hemsley Out",get real.

I certainly don't want the track to close.....I just want a bit of "entertainment" for my money is that unreasonable?

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Dear Dave ...Do what Orange Juice done in there 1980's hit

Superb Orion ,maybe too cryptic for some but in our promoters reply he may quote some lines from Adam n the Ants 'Prince Charming'


'Ridicule is nothing to be scared of' and Lower yourself forgetting all your standards!


There must be hundreds of lyrics I'm off to find some more!

Edited by Shirl
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Here's why you're beating your head against a brick wall with regards to bringing about any change




Worth a read. Some really funny stuff in there.


There's nobody more Blind, than those who don't want to see.!!!!!!!!!! Amazing.........

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The thing with promoters is they should only see themselves as custodians of a speedway club, I know it's a little different for Hemsley as he was instrumental in Leicester starting up again but hopefully when he's old and decrepit Leicester Speedway will still be going. The least he should be doing is telling these stay away fans why he can't/won't do anything else to the track! Fans can support a club for a lifetime but a promoter very rarely does! Come on Hemsley get these people back on your side!

Racing can be processional at Lynn as it can everywhere if all riders aren't competitive but you'll know if the potential for a great race is there cos u will have seen it, has anyone seen a great race at BP?

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What do you expect people to do? March up and down outside Beaumont Park holding placards saying "Hemsley Out",get real.

I certainly don't want the track to close.....I just want a bit of "entertainment" for my money is that unreasonable?

So what are you going to do then? Because as I see it at the moment, just moaning on a forum is doing no good at all. I did not say have placards saying Hemsley Out, I said get all the stay away supporters outside the stadium, put forward a spokes person, express your views to the media, DH would have to respond, either by explaining why he can not or will not make the changes that all are asking for. If DH says he thinks its all ok, then he has a bigger problem because many people like myself live in hope, if he says he can not afford to make the changes then there are many options that could be explored to help do this. I have read on the forum that an unknown person has offered to pay for the changes, but I guess the big question there is what would they want in return ??

No I do not think you are being unreasonable to want to be entertained, I feel the same,

Who actually owns Leicester's track?

Who actually owns Leicester's track?

I think I am right in saying Leicester City council own the land but DH company have a 99 year lease on it.
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I've been to the new Leicester speedway and was very impressed with everything including the track!


While the paying customer has the right to criticise constructively I do find the Leicester fans moaning about the track to be over the top cause track isn't that bad and is certainly better than many others!


I get the impression many Leicester fans are old timers from the Blackbird Road era who look at the past with rose tinted glasses on and are expecting a classic meeting everytime which isn't going to happen. I've learnt from watching speedway since the 1950's that one of speedways beauties is that if you get a poorish race (which every track does) then you know it will soon be over and the next race maybe better!


Not every speedway meeting is going to be great and footballs the same!


Your club is in a better position than my old team Norwich and what you were from 1984-2010 and indeed what Birmingham speedway currently are!


A question for you unhappy with the track Lions fans - Your nearest other track is Coventry which doesn't always produce great racing, which track do you think produces the best racing?


Personnally I'd say there would not be much to choose from both of them.

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I've been to the new Leicester speedway and was very impressed with everything including the track!


While the paying customer has the right to criticise constructively I do find the Leicester fans moaning about the track to be over the top cause track isn't that bad and is certainly better than many others!


I get the impression many Leicester fans are old timers from the Blackbird Road era who look at the past with rose tinted glasses on and are expecting a classic meeting everytime which isn't going to happen. I've learnt from watching speedway since the 1950's that one of speedways beauties is that if you get a poorish race (which every track does) then you know it will soon be over and the next race maybe better!


Not every speedway meeting is going to be great and footballs the same!


Your club is in a better position than my old team Norwich and what you were from 1984-2010 and indeed what Birmingham speedway currently are!


A question for you unhappy with the track Lions fans - Your nearest other track is Coventry which doesn't always produce great racing, which track do you think produces the best racing?


Personnally I'd say there would not be much to choose from both of them.


Coventry is way better than Leicester, I've seen plenty of decent meetings at Brandon. I've been twice to Leicester - garbage both times and will never go back. I've also seen Leicester on bet365 and it has been laughably bad each time. You can try and defend the track but it's total gash. If I turn the question round, can you name a track that provides as consistently bad speedway as BP?


The fact that there are only a couple of fans willing to even try and defend it must tell you how awful it is.

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