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Birmingham Future In Doubt ? Alan Phillips Has Had Enough!

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Let's be honest. It's an absolute shame (possibly sham) if Birmingham fold but the crowds have been horrendous. Unsustainable probably for even the Premier League but Phillips hasn't helped himself.


The team put out this season is dreadful, most knew it was dreadful from the word go. It would probably not be at top club at PL level either let alone in the EL. He clearly pee'd off people at the club the previous season hence the number of quitters from within. Danny King clearly didn't want to be there either but he didn't really get a decent offer elsewhere in the EL so stuck with (probably down to Revolution Speedway sponsorship).


The strong Brummies fans did say at the start of the season they'd see this coming but hoped it wouldn't. The GRA are probably asking ridiculous number's but Phillips was aware of these numbers but got himself in debt to the track owners and not pay rider's etc.


So where has the gate / sponsorship monies gone? Has he's supped it up to cover his losses? Has he made any losses at all and just been bankrolling everything?


Brummies fans need answer's and very swiftly.


I'd imagine Tony Mole isn't taking the Brummies on again because Phillips want money for the licence plus any debt to be carried by the club. That's just not reasonable.

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Any updates on this particular news story - which appears just a tad more promising:




And any progress on the bail out front - I'd willingly donate a tenner and get to as many meetings at PB for the remainder of this season as possible (albeit I think Wednesday is a stupid bleeding night)!


I lost my team mid-season. It isn't nice. I may now support Lakeside, but the void left from my beloved Waterden Road closing still hurts 24 years down the line. Hackney till I die........and all that. :(

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Any updates on this particular news story - which appears just a tad more promising:


And any progress on the bail out front - I'd willingly donate a tenner and get to as many meetings at PB for the remainder of this season as possible (albeit I think Wednesday is a stupid bleeding night)!

I lost my team mid-season. It isn't nice. I may now support Lakeside, but the void left from my beloved Waterden Road closing still hurts 24 years down the line. Hackney till I die........and all that. :(

I think that article appeared on the day he withdrew his interest - still looking like we've reached the chequered flag!

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No one posts on the brummies forum do they ???? Last post date 9 days ago or am I looking at the wrong thing ?

Yes, like on here, you have to be a member to access all the threads.

Edited by Leicester Hunter
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No one posts on the brummies forum do they ???? Last post date 9 days ago or am I looking at the wrong thing ?



Yes, like on here, you have to be a member to access all the threads.


I've just registered, I'll gladly donate to any fund too! Good luck, I hope we can help to save the Brummies :t:

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Poole, Wolves, King's Lynn and Lakeside - clearly sturdy enough for the current level of the Elite League both in terms of their finances and stadium availability.


But after that ... what's your minimum number of clubs for a "meaningful EL" ? !!


Birmingham are in dire straits, Coventry don't have a stadium from 2017 onwards and Eastbourne whinge nearly every autumn about struggling to afford staying in the EL but just about manage to do so.


Belle Vue could join the "sturdy" group if the National Speedway Stadium proves successful but that remains a big "if" and won't be fully known for a few years yet ... as long as they're still reliant on using the GRA's version of Kirky Lane, they're battling to make ends meet.


Swindon are reliant on the new version of the Abbey Stadium working out for them (both in terms of their new track settling in and avoiding noise-hassle from loads of new residential neighbours).


And as for Leicester, how can anyone describe them as sturdy while David Hemsley remains in such dominant charge ? !!


Ipswich and Peterborough have already taken some of the most sensible decisions in British speedway's recent history by realizing the Premier League's their more realistic level and there appears little enthusiasm anywhere else in the PL to move up, not even from somewhere like Sheffield who'd immediately be among the top EL stadiums if they chose to move up.


The Sky contract that ran out at the end of 2013 clearly stated it would be invalid if the EL dropped below a minimum of 8 clubs ... I don't know if the current Sky contract says likewise but I think it's fair to expect that's again the case.


This current Sky contract runs to the end of the 2018 season ... so perhaps "stevebrum" (or anyone else) could suggest who'll be in that 2018 Elite League to satisfy that tv-contract.

I have to say that it is debatable regarding Peterborough, the crowds in Premier League are woeful, whether they are financially viable only the Promoters would know. Kings Lynn I believe have better crowds since moving into Elite.

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I have to say that it is debatable regarding Peterborough, the crowds in Premier League are woeful, whether they are financially viable only the Promoters would know. Kings Lynn I believe have better crowds since moving into Elite.



Seems Speedway is on its knees in many places, The BSPA really have to do something drastic or revolutionary, cant keep re packaging the same old product, as for Peterborough Tuesday race nights is not a favourable racenight in my opinion, where possible it has to be weekend racing of some form, People have more money in their pockets then, and its also easier to travel for away fans.

Edited by greyhoundp
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Even though I've already paid for my season ticket, I'd be willing to put a tenner in, it'll be a push as I'm a senior but If it saves my beloved Brummies I'll do it all day long.


However..................... Only if not one penny is handled by Messers Phillips sorry, but I'll not hand them another red cent of my money!

Surely NOBODY can blame Alan Phillips? He has put his money where his mouth is 100%

Really? Yes, he has put a substantial amount of money in but he knew he was struggling last year and that was with a 50/50 partner. He had the option to go in the "Winter of Discontent" but he turned down that offer probably because it wouldn't recoup what he'd put in. However he's in a worse financial situation now isn't it better to take a loss than go broke?


What I can't understand is at our Fans Liasion group meeting a few weeks ago AP sat us all down and said Birmingham Speedway is completely DEBT FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Why does he continually blame us the fans? A lot of us have already put our money in via season tickets yet every time he opens his mouth via the programme or the media its our fault, he's the promotor for Gods sake get out and promote your business!

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First time poster, but I post on Wolf Cry under mb1982


Sadly, it shows the sorry state that British Speedway is in.


Brummies look on the brink. Swindon can't be much better off with poor crowds. Coventry are leaving Brandon in 2017 and then what? Belle Vue are in limbo until the new stadium arrives - if it ever does. Eastbourne just about appear to survive each year. Thats 5 clubs out of 10 with questions marks over their future. Is it any wonder they can't a league sponsor when half of the membership are scrabbling around trying to survive?

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In respect of the post which raised the subject of the planning condition that the speedway facilities all be removed if racing ceased, this applied only if the original 3-year temporary planning consent was not replaced by full planning permission at the end of that 3 year term.


In fact, the temporary consent was extended to a fourth year, and then full planning permission was granted, so this condition no longer exists.


As far as I am aware, if speedway does finish at Perry Barr, and a new promotion came in in say, three or four years time, there would be no requirement to apply for a planning consent as the existing one has no time limit attached to it. All that would be need would be to show evidence that the stadium had been used for speedway racing without causing serious problems to local residents - which has been the case.


Whether this would still apply if there was another 20 year gap would probably be different since there would inevitably have been major changes to housing etc in the intervening period and of course, because planning matters would have changed.


Joe Thurley was not required to apply of a planning consent when he installed the speedway at the old Ladbroke Stadium on the other side of the Walsall Road in 1971 - all he had to do was show evidence that the stadium had been used for speedway before - even though it had been 40 years previously, but that wouldn't washwith the Council these days.


Still, this is all beside the point. This latest news is devastating for Birmingham supporters like myself, but we are all grateful for the kind comments and good wishes that have been extended from supporters of other clubs. The situation looks bleak for us at the moment but what else can we do but keep our fingers crossed and hope against hope that someone will come in and save us.

Cheers thanks for clearing that up, i knew the PP had something about removing the track, but good to read that even if the worse happens this season, at least there is hopefully a chance of a return in the future.

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Obviously the debt is a problem but how great it would be for Brum to now become community/fan/council owned.

A reasonable suggestion. But in timess of cutbacks how would it be implemented?

Why this difference: Birmingham\s match at Velle Vue on Monday - subject to weather - i to take place. But match against Leicester is off.



THis is on the SGB?BSPA site at the moment:




SUNDAY JUNE 29, 2014

BIRMINGHAM'S Elite League home meeting with Leicester scheduled for this Wednesday, July 2, has been postponed.


This is due to the current uncertainty over the future of the Brummies.


However, Birmingham's trip to Belle Vue on Monday will go ahead as planned.

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Let's be honest. It's an absolute shame (possibly sham) if Birmingham fold but the crowds have been horrendous. Unsustainable probably for even the Premier League but Phillips hasn't helped himself.


The team put out this season is dreadful, most knew it was dreadful from the word go. It would probably not be at top club at PL level either let alone in the EL.


So dreadful that Birmingham are not actually bottom of the league and have matches in hand the win against Swindon denied by the weather or a win on Monday could take them even higher in league and above Belle Vue. So if Birmingham are so dreadful yet still not cut a drift, what does that say about the rest of the EL.

Edited by Pirio Barre
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A reasonable suggestion. But in timess of cutbacks how would it be implemented?

Why this difference: Birmingham\s match at Velle Vue on Monday - subject to weather - i to take place. But match against Leicester is off.



THis is on the SGB?BSPA site at the moment:




SUNDAY JUNE 29, 2014
BIRMINGHAM'S Elite League home meeting with Leicester scheduled for this Wednesday, July 2, has been postponed.


This is due to the current uncertainty over the future of the Brummies.


However, Birmingham's trip to Belle Vue on Monday will go ahead as planned.


Thought the BSPA had agreed to pay the riders wages for the Poole and Belle Vue meetings,but nothing said about any other future matches.


And of course,they were away meetings.And the present regime has been locked out of Perry Barr.

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Matey, we have a lot more than 500 fans. But would 500 of them be willing to save the club.... ?


Depends who the monies going to I'd say, a bit more clarity about who is owed what woulden't go amiss for such an idea, at this stage I woulden't give anyone associated with AP 10P for a last phone call.

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Depends who the monies going to I'd say, a bit more clarity about who is owed what woulden't go amiss for such an idea, at this stage I woulden't give anyone associated with AP 10P for a last phone call.

You can rest assured that any money raised in a situation like this would go to pay off existing debts, and help anyone who wishes to take the team on as a going concern.


From what I have seen on here so far, the speedway family doesn't want one of it's own to leave, no matter what the circumstances are. Many thanks to all of you, fellow supporters far and wide, I for one hope this isn't all in vain. :t:

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Don't get me wrong, what I mean is your likely to get more of the non hardcore fans to put money in if you can prove who the money is going to and what they are owed, after the winter of discontent, there's a lot of mistrust about the club which possibly contributed to this situation, in winter when the revolving door of departures was going on we had endless rumour and counter rumour, story and counter story, Phillips said this, Drury did that, Morris didn't like that person and the Commercial Manager was not friends with that guy etc, etc, to the extent we didn't know who to believe anymore, so generally took everyone statement from then on with a bit of suspicion.


Long story short, I think people need proof the money will go to something worthwhile and not into someone's pocket, if you could provide that, then I am hopeful a decent amount can be raised.

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