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Birmingham Future In Doubt ? Alan Phillips Has Had Enough!

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it the level of losses being sustained are a high as it is said,over 100k/season plus locked out of the stadium until arrears is paid,again said to be around 10k,as much i i admire the efforts to raise money,what the hell happens to my donation if the cash raised isnt enough?


id love to make a donation to try and help i just feel that your efforts will fall along way short of what is needed ,and after it has been saved, if you can,how will you continue to raise funds to keep it going?


Its a great idea to try and save it,but then what?


Good luck

Edited by montie
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it the level of losses being sustained are a high as it is said,over 100k/season plus locked out of the stadium until arrears is paid,again said to be around 10k,as much i i admire the efforts to raise money,what the hell happens to my donation if the cash raised isnt enough?


id love to make a donation to try and help i just feel that your efforts will fall along way short of what is needed ,and after it has been saved, if you can,how will you continue to raise funds to keep it going?


Its a great idea to try and save it,but then what?


Good luck


The more this campaign to save Birmingham goes on the starker realities of what is involved is now emerging. The early sentiment of the campaign and fund raining is now beginning to face tge cold realities involved. I fully ensorse what you say, and I have raised some pointers of my own previously in regard to the 'save Birmingham and help raise funds' venture. There have been similar issues to this in football at smaller clubs - funds have been raised to keep insolvent clubs going and they do sometimes temporarily emerge to a blaze of trumpets but in the end the previous problems again present themselves.

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it the level of losses being sustained are a high as it is said,over 100k/season plus locked out of the stadium until arrears is paid,again said to be around 10k,as much i i admire the efforts to raise money,what the hell happens to my donation if the cash raised isnt enough?


id love to make a donation to try and help i just feel that your efforts will fall along way short of what is needed ,and after it has been saved, if you can,how will you continue to raise funds to keep it going?


Its a great idea to try and save it,but then what?


Good luck

Money will be returned if speedway doesn't continue and the campaign fails.


This campaign is intended to support next seasons revival under new owners. It is not intended to bail out the current promotion.

Edited by Deano
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The more this campaign to save Birmingham goes on the starker realities of what is involved is now emerging. The early sentiment of the campaign and fund raining is now beginning to face tge cold realities involved. I fully ensorse what you say, and I have raised some pointers of my own previously in regard to the 'save Birmingham and help raise funds' venture. There have been similar issues to this in football at smaller clubs - funds have been raised to keep insolvent clubs going and they do sometimes temporarily emerge to a blaze of trumpets but in the end the previous problems again present themselves.



Clearly the Ltd company that operates Birmingham Speedway is insolvent, probably both cash flow and balance sheet. To continue trading under these conditions is "wrongful trading" and can leave directors vulnerable.


The likely outcome of this now is that the ltd company will go into liquidation and the inevitable trail of unpaid debts left in its wake.


The GRA are likely going to be the biggest losers in it all and I can,t see them welcoming speedway back with open arms in the future, certainly any rent will be inflated to recoup some losses and no doubt payable up front

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For those of you accessing the donation page. the money shown there is only the monies donated through that page. the truer figure at this point in time is in excess of £4000.


If this is not successful all monies will be returned to the donors or to the Speedway riders benevolent fund if that is preferred by each individual. Please understand that this is not to bail out the current owners and they will not see a penny of it.

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Money will be returned if speedway doesn't continue and the campaign fails.


This campaign is intended to support next seasons revival under new owners. It is not intended to bail out the current promotion.


Just a suggestion, but why not give it to the SRBF rather than going to the trouble of sending it back ?

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Interesting article on the sports-radio website: -



It's a load of crap.


The fans.
We need to take responsibility for two things. My second point will be dealt with when I talk about the Brummies Fans Forum. Put quite bluntly not enough of us turned up. There are supporters out there that have stopped coming. They still watch from afar but for one reason or another they don’t attend Perry Barr. If you are one of those, shame on you. (I of course exclude those who cannot come due to finances and/or have too far to travel.) To be even more blunt if we don’t turn up in more numbers (and we are not talking thousands here.) we don’t deserve to have speedway in Birmingham.
News for people who peddle this crap. The people who don't go any more won't care if it's not there any more. You can heap as much blame on them as you like but they don't go any more and whose fault is that? Birmingham speedway doesn't have some God given right for people to turn up. Also, those who don't turn up are not fans. So having a go at the "fan" (the people who turn up) is not a good idea.
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If this Matt Ford comment has already appeared on this very active board I apologise. It's good reading - http://m.bournemouthecho.co.uk/sport/11312985.Poole_Pirates_chief_Ford__Lessons_to_be_learned_from_Birmingham_plight/?ref=la

Sloppy to say that there is a 400k shortfall, implying that is what's owed. My understanding is that what the promotion claims they have put into the club over their tenure, the debts owed are a lot less

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Sloppy to say that there is a 400k shortfall, implying that is what's owed. My understanding is that what the promotion claims they have put into the club over their tenure, the debts owed are a lot less



It doesn't mention debts, it says shortfall, as in between income and expenditure, and is correct, not sloppy at all


It's a load of crap.


News for people who peddle this crap. The people who don't go any more won't care if it's not there any more. You can heap as much blame on them as you like but they don't go any more and whose fault is that? Birmingham speedway doesn't have some God given right for people to turn up. Also, those who don't turn up are not fans. So having a go at the "fan" (the people who turn up) is not a good idea.




Yes but that is easier than asking why those fans don't go anymore and taking measures to try and get them back.


Remember "Use it or lose it" is the brain dead promoters mantra

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It's a load of crap.


News for people who peddle this crap. The people who don't go any more won't care if it's not there any more. You can heap as much blame on them as you like but they don't go any more and whose fault is that? Birmingham speedway doesn't have some God given right for people to turn up. Also, those who don't turn up are not fans. So having a go at the "fan" (the people who turn up) is not a good idea.



To be fair, a lot of negativity in statements, even to the point of calling fans Sewer Rats on Twitter meant a lot of people stopped going on principle, granted we might have ended up in this situation anyway, but Phillips made a bad situation even worse by putting his mouth ahead of his brain, many companies would sack their PR guy if some of the things that have come out of the Brummies management came out of their company.


If your going to bite the hand that feeds you, you can't complain when the dog dies of starvation, I'm certain a number would return for a new promoter with the cause of many grievances gone.

Edited by david2905
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Its a terrible trait often seen in speedway that promoters (some) come out and scorn the fans in general because not enough of them come to watch.


Sometimes big City teams just don't work, Oxford was the same, huge population but largely a student based community and the rest never had any interest. (that will need to change if they reopen)

London Lions in 96 was an absolute flop, brand new stadium but crap viewing and more often than not crap racing not too mention the busy East London roads to deal with.

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It doesn't mention debts, it says shortfall, as in between income and expenditure, and is correct, not sloppy at all



Yes but that is easier than asking why those fans don't go anymore and taking measures to try and get them back.


Remember "Use it or lose it" is the brain dead promoters mantra

A 400k financial shortfall. Only becomes correct when put into a context of time. I still reckon a more realistic figure to have printed would be the actual much lower figure of debts owed.
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A 400k financial shortfall. Only becomes correct when put into a context of time. I still reckon a more realistic figure to have printed would be the actual much lower figure of debts owed.

The problem being that the total amount of debts owed is being pieced together whereas the £400k shortfall figure over a number of years is what has been quoted by Phillips

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Its a terrible trait often seen in speedway that promoters (some) come out and scorn the fans in general because not enough of them come to watch.


Exactly, I'm sure Phillips is just the most recent in a line who have displayed this, you have to be so careful in what you say and how you word things in businesses that rely on people through the door to survive and Speedway all too often has been lacking in this department, such things could easily have some who might be tempted to see what it's all about saying "stuff this, others attractions are more appreciative of my leisure spend"

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i may be wrong here, but i believe all us making donations will be re-imbursed if it goes up the swanny?.....so my way of thinking is, donate money now, as money is the thing thats needed 1st 2nd and 3rd..without money, birmingham are finished..if its saved through donations, the questions and arguments can come later?

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i may be wrong here, but i believe all us making donations will be re-imbursed if it goes up the swanny?.....so my way of thinking is, donate money now, as money is the thing thats needed 1st 2nd and 3rd..without money, birmingham are finished..if its saved through donations, the questions and arguments can come later?

The arguments have already started between fans and the former promotion. You can be assured the money won't go spent willy nilly. The commitee really have to have their heads screwed on to make sure what they have gets us up and running for next year.


The proposal is to clear the way for a new owner to have a fair start and not be compromised by an unfair advantage due to the previous promotion. If a new owner fails to bring Birmingham speedway to the tapes next season, then money will be handed back.


Remember everyone is just quessing what the debts actually are, only those in charge who have walked know the truth.

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I personally feel, that the promoters that have walked away from Birmingham speedway should be made to pay for thier incompitnse. Why should they be allowede to get away with not paying the clubs rent at the stadium. If they have capitol, as I am sure they have from other busnisses that they are involved in, then they should be made to pay up for the mess they have left behind. Why should a new promoter be made to find the the money to clear off the debts of other that just walk away from it without a care in the world. If it leaves them pennyless then hard luck, after all they where still taking money off people that came through the gate at Birmingham right up until the final week. Plus they have people out there who have taken out season tickets. Have they re-paid those people and have the riders wages been paid. This is a mess that should be paid by the previous management and noone else. It is ridiculess the way that that people can get away from things like this and leave other people to clear up the mess they have left behind. For the said people to come out with thousands of pounds in bank accounts and they end up smelling of roses instead of the PIg S**t that they deserve to smell of.

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The proposal is to clear the way for a new owner to have a fair start and not be compromised by an unfair advantage due to the previous promotion. If a new owner fails to bring Birmingham speedway to the tapes next season, then money will be handed back.

A great aim in theory to hand the money back if the Brummies don't come to the tapes and I hope it doesn't get to that stage.


But while the full wreckage of the Phillips regime remains to be unfolded, surely there are going to be some modest costs along the way while anyone else finds out whether Birmingham can resume in 2015 ... then, if it's not going to work out, you can't live up to that pledge to give everyone their money back because some of that money's been spent in good faith but, ultimately, in vain.


Increasingly I reckon everyone trying to drum up any sort of Brummies fighting fund probably needs to take a deep breath for a couple of weeks to let more details of the existing debts emerge.


There's been nothing to suggest the Brummies have any hope of resuming their 2014 fixtures so why the rush to gather up that fighting fund in double-quick time ? !! ... Monday's meeting at Belle Vue by all accounts had the current lineup's farewell written all over it, the BSPA have already been quoted about when that lineup will become free agents, Belle Vue have already been parachuted into Birmingham's trip to Leicester on Saturday and even Tony Mole has decided an immediate rescue's not for him.


Given there's 4 months to the BSPA annual general meeting setting up the 2015 season and then another 4 months to that season actually starting, it must be far better to spend the next few weeks finding out the depths of the current debt, starting the negotiations needed to bring goodwill back towards the Brummies and, most importantly of all, establishing a much more accurate view of how much money's needed so that the fundraising can be far more efficient than the current desperate scramble.


Yes, there's a lot of hard work ahead for the Brummies fans ... but well-thought-out hard work is usually much more successful and enjoyable than hastily-thrown-together hard work.

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