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Grzegorz Knapp

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Desperate message across to our editorial on Sunday from Belgium, where he played 3. round of the Dutch League. During the competition as a result of the injury after the fall, Grzegorz Knapp.

During the competition the Dutch League (Heusden-Zolder) with the participation of two Polish players came to the tragic consequences of collapse. In 5. men competed in Lelystad Windmills Grzegorz Knapp had an awful-looking. The damage, which was a Polish player were very extensive. Despite its attempts at resuscitation he died. Grzegorz Knapp recently was mainly known for his work with Ice Speedwayu .


I have translated this from the Sportewefaty.pl site, condolences to all family and friends. A truly sad day for our sport.

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Condolences to family and friends.Saw him a few times in Berlin and he was a very colourful and exciting rider who just seemed to lack the consistency to reach the top.Sad day for speedway and ice speedway



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We all know that speedway riders whilst riding on all kind of tracks are exposed to danger. To minimise it some years ago air filled fences were introduced to protect them. It seems that not everywhere. When you look here: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/p180x540/10417659_4234433356754_2752396118744457455_n.jpg one wonders who gave permission to stage a speedway meeting on such a venue.


My sincere condolences to Grzegorz's family (wife and small daughter)



Edited by PolskiZuzel
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YES they did not have an airfence, but please get your facts together about the fence. The fence looked like your picture a year ago, they added karting wheels and another layer of rubber. See this pics below on the link. I know this does not make it much 'better' though.




RIP Grzegorz :(

Edited by DutchGrasstrack
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Always so sad to hear someone losing their life doing something they enjoyed and giving us spectators pleasure too.


Being away from speedway for 30 years or so, I started watching the GP's last year on Eurosport and was surprised and pleased to see the air fence. Tracks I knew were either boards or greyhound fencing, neither would I liked to have gone into.

I did a spot of club grass tracking and was glad there was plenty of run offs.

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