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Belle Vue National Stadium

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The major influence on the track design is the Hyde Road track, regarded by many as the best track we've ever had in the UK.

I wish the Leicester track had been based on Blackbird Road, never mind. Good luck though
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I used to enjoy your Postings about Wimbledon and Oxford Arthur.


I do not, however, like your tone about Mr. Gordon and Mr. Morton. What right do you personally have to call them Clowns - or perhaps YOU have designed a National Speedway Stadium - perhaps that's it.


I don't think so.


I hope I don't detect a Southern bias here. It seems like it to me.

No Southern bias ... I grew up inside the M25 but have lived in a totally different part of the UK for more than 20 years.


Based on dealings I've had within speedway with Dave Gordon and Chris Morton as the front men of Belle Vue (rather than Morton's distinguished career as a rider), I'd regard "clowns" as the best way of combining a description of them while also rightly remaining within any guidelines of decency on any internet forum.

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Some of those Posting, I believe, don't want this to happen for some reason which I cannot fathom. Some of the comments on here are disgraceful. A Promotion is really trying to do something good/great for Speedway - and all some people can do is carp. Frankly it's pathetic.

I don't believe this is the case for one moment, surely every right thinking speedway fan wants this to happen. It's just that the tease of this thread was for some concrete news and quite frankly it's no further forward from happening today as it was at the beginning of the week/month/year.
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what they hoped to learn from one of speedway's newest purpose-built stadiums was more to do with the actual track, drainage, media and rider facilities, etc.


Starting from scratch with the track they have the chance to do as much as possible to counter the great British weather which, as we are seeing so often this season, can play havoc with speedway in this country.

Great drainage at Leicester!
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I'm just happy to have someone 'fumble' and in the meantime keep it going rather than the experts who failed to save speedway at Cradley, Wimbledon, Hackney, Oxford, Reading, Bradford, Exeter etc etc, and who knows who is next to just not even bother to 'fumble'.

Exeter have planning permission for Haldon Race Course. Oxford have planning for Cowley, Reading have planning permission. Doesn't really mean much.


It stands to reason that if you're going to build a new stadium you're going to have to apply for planning permission so telling us they're showing some people a few pictures before applying for planning permissions is not really needed. But the big issue here is we were told, "EXPECT some positive and concrete news about the Belle Vue National Stadium later this week..." and we have none do we? And you kind of expect it to be pretty big when it gets it's own new thread.

Edited by SCB
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No wonder this forum is regarded so poorly with the cynicism and negativity that a seems to pervade most threads.



Look at it another way and it is no wonder people in charge of running speedway are held in such poor regard on here.


A speedway promoter has to build a good rapport and a good reputation with the fans.Such trumpeted announcements don't help.The big announcement might just as well have been, that they have decided to call the team Belle Vue 'Aces'

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Great news, a lot of time will have gone into to getting it this far, the east Manchester re generation project is a big project in a big city, these things take there time. It is moving in the right direction, the people who have planned, spend lots of time, effort and general hard work on this project have my full support. Looking forward to the next stage of the development. Quick decisions and quick planning are not the answer, that's got British speedway into a mess so many times, long term planning and long term developments are the answer, British speedway needs to stop thinking of a quick decision, that quick fix or a Quick stadium! If anything is done quick it will fail as quickly as it became successful.

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The NSS WILL go ahead, i am sure of that. The council are right behind this project. It will not only benefit Belle Vue Speedway but the sport in general and perhaps most importantly the city of Manchester as a whole. That is undeniable. I am very disappointed at the so called fans of other clubs who apparently seem like they want the project to fail. Shame on them. We do not want to lose any more clubs because if we do, make no mistake the sport will eventually die, at least at club level.

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More good news along this tortuously tough road. I don't know how they have the patience but fair play to them on continuing to see it through.

Maybe when it's done they could set up a task force to get other tracks built. This is the biggest UK speedway development since, well since Hyde Road and being wrapped in the sports village makes it even more complicated to sort. If they can use their expertise on developing speedway stadium to some of the ex teams struggling to find new homes then it's win win for all concerned.

Well done.

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More good news along this tortuously tough road. I don't know how they have the patience but fair play to them on continuing to see it through.

Maybe when it's done they could set up a task force to get other tracks built. This is the biggest UK speedway development since, well since Hyde Road and being wrapped in the sports village makes it even more complicated to sort. If they can use their expertise on developing speedway stadium to some of the ex teams struggling to find new homes then it's win win for all concerned.

Well done.

Baring in mind the project is already 3 years late and already £1.3 million over budget maybe we should save all the back slapping until its actually built !
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It is a bit of a pin step forward and I am just about 60/40 that this will eventually happen.

Either way, the PR behind the project has been poor and has done nothing to inspire confidence in the promotion being the right people to see it through. I can't help but think they need someone - preferably from outside speedway - who has the depth of experience of dealing with local councils, sport funding bodies and NGBs (national governing bodies) in getting these type of facility projects over the line. Talking about the shape of the track and the fence is of slight interest to speedway fans, but it means naff all to councillors and funders.

I worked in athletics for many years and I remember going to a big presentation by Edinburgh City Council where they were going to build a fantastic new facility with an indoor and outdoor track. The artistic impressions were fantastic, the plans were big and bold. It never happened. http://www.edinphoto.org.uk/10/12_edinburgh_today_-_sports_centres.htm


Things can change and if there isn't some real concrete progress soon, things are ever more likely to change.

ps. Wonder how my brick is getting on?

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Exeter have planning permission for Haldon Race Course. Oxford have planning for Cowley, Reading have planning permission. Doesn't really mean much.


It stands to reason that if you're going to build a new stadium you're going to have to apply for planning permission so telling us they're showing some people a few pictures before applying for planning permissions is not really needed. But the big issue here is we were told, "EXPECT some positive and concrete news about the Belle Vue National Stadium later this week..." and we have none do we? And you kind of expect it to be pretty big when it gets it's own new thread.

SORRY if it wasn't, in your eyes. "positive and concrete" news but it was to me. The fact that this was put out by the Council underlines how strongly they are supporting the concept and are determined to speed up the process which, as we can all agree, has been moving at the pace of a snail.

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SORRY if it wasn't, in your eyes. "positive and concrete" news but it was to me. The fact that this was put out by the Council underlines how strongly they are supporting the concept and are determined to speed up the process which, as we can all agree, has been moving at the pace of a snail.

Do you know if the New Stadium will have a basketball court ?

Edited by orion
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Fair play to them for the press release as getting team information out if some can be a chore. Whenever anything changes no matter how small they keep us informed and that's to be commended. The Ian Thomas type spin can be a bit much for us fans in the know but similar to Kelvin and Nigel's assertions that we're watching great speedway when we know it isn't you have to remember it's also about gathering enthusiasm outside the speedway community.

Well done.

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SORRY if it wasn't, in your eyes. "positive and concrete" news but it was to me.

By confirming today's news about the display schedule for the stadium sketches was indeed the cue for your "positive and concrete" comments that kicked-off this thread, you've just also confirmed your frighteningly low level of journalistic skills regarding what's a big story and what isn't.


If such a desperately routine development of this project counts as "positive and concrete", will you be able to cope with the excitement of any ground-breaking digging by either the Aces management or riders without having a quiet lie-down halfway through it ?

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Ha ha!


You must live in a very sad world if you expect a thread on a minority sports forum to be a 'big story'.


You must be disappointed on a daily basis, lol!

Dear, oh dear, oh dear.


Where have I commented about whether this forum is a place for big stories ? !!


All I was commenting upon was Mr Rising's ridiculously overhyped description of what turned out to be such routine information betraying his inability to accurately weigh up what's a big story (and what isn't) despite his role as a professional journalist.


If his "positive and concrete" news had turned out to be significant new funding for the project (maybe a million quid injection) or confirmation of any dates for a planning hearing, I'd have agreed it was a big story in the overall scheme of creating a National Speedway Stadium.


But, instead, Mr Rising's "positive and concrete" news turned out (by his own admission this evening) to be the dates for a tour of local libraries and community halls by the set of smart sketches of what the stadium might eventually look like.


The housing estate in which I live is currently being expanded from its original 45 houses (built in 2001) with a further 190 new houses ... the builder's plans for this expansion went on display for a couple of evenings in our local arts centre but they didn't feel it necessary to hype-up such a routine part of the building process before putting leaflets through our doors inviting us to those viewing nights.


Underwhelming doesn't start to do justice to how Belle Vue's actual news today matches up to its preview hype.

Edited by arthur cross
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Dear, oh dear, oh dear.


Where have I commented about whether this forum is a place for big stories ? !!


All I was commenting upon was Mr Rising's ridiculously overhyped description of what turned out to be such routine information betraying his inability to accurately weigh up what's a big story (and what isn't) despite his role as a professional journalist.


If his "positive and concrete" news had turned out to be significant new funding for the project (maybe a million quid injection) or confirmation of any dates for a planning hearing, I'd have agreed it was a big story in the overall scheme of creating a National Speedway Stadium.


But, instead, Mr Rising's "positive and concrete" news turned out (by his own admission this evening) to be the dates for a tour of local libraries and community halls by the set of smart sketches of what the stadium might eventually look like.


The housing estate in which I live is currently being expanded from its original 45 houses (built in 2001) with a further 190 new houses ... the builder's plans for this expansion went on display for a couple of evenings in our local arts centre but they didn't feel it necessary to hype-up such a routine part of the building process before putting leaflets through our doors inviting us to those viewing nights.


Underwhelming doesn't start to do justice to how Belle Vue's actual news today matches up to its preview hype.

NOT sure that I ever said it was a 'major' story or that it was 'over-hyped.' The news was indeed both positive and concrete which ever way you look at it.


Do not really see why my journalistic credentials have to come into this but, remarkably, I have managed to scratch a living with them for over 50 years. However, as I always maintain, my posts on the bsf are as a speedway fan rather than a journalist, even one with frighteningly low skills levels.

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NOT sure that I ever said it was a 'major' story or that it was 'over-hyped.' The news was indeed both positive and concrete which ever way you look at it.


Do not really see why my journalistic credentials have to come into this but, remarkably, I have managed to scratch a living with them for over 50 years. However, as I always maintain, my posts on the bsf are as a speedway fan rather than a journalist, even one with frighteningly low skills levels.

Concrete is planning permission or dates they're going to start building. This is nothing. I actually feel a little sorry for the BV management here. You're bigging up has made what could have been a positive little update has turned into a huge let down. Surely as a journalist you must know that reporting some news is coming means that news has to be good or you just leave people disappointed.

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Two points!


1. Did I read 6,000 capacity? That's an English GP out of the reckoning then!


2. Would it not be prudent to have a Plan B in hand, like talking seriously to the owners of the Ricoh Arena? Locationwise, it beats Manchester hands down, and would have a far bigger capacity - in fact, it only needs a track laying!!!

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