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Belle Vue National Stadium

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Phil the Ace, i'm led to believe that the rent is 52 weeks of the year. Could you confirm that ? Really hope the Aces management can make it pay. Still fondly remember my trips to Hyde Road.

That is something you will have to ask management

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I hope you fill the place every week mate and are able to use the venue for concerts and anything else that comes to mind.

No speedway fan want's this to fail and even though I don't go anymore I am a speedway fan.


It seems like people can't discuss this if they bring up all the inconvenient points that speedway is a sport that is dying and not prospering.


Sorry to dent your rosy outlook but have seen many venues fold in my time and many struggle.


I hope BV have a great team and a stadium full of fans but the reality is likely to be different.

It's a lot of risk and a lot of debt for BV.

I wish them well.

If you dont go to speedway anymore why should any of this concern you ?I would think you are one of those so called fans that does not put any money into the sport by attending meetings but are happy to watch it on t v and then moan on that the sport is dying.Its so called stay away fans like yourself that is the main cause of that so put some money back into speedway or move on to another interest.

Edited by B.V 72
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If you dont go to speedway anymore why should any of this concern you ?I would think you are one of those so called fans that does not put any money into the sport by attending meetings but are happy to watch it on t v and then moan on that the sport is dying.Its so called stay away fans like yourself that is the main cause of that so put some money back into speedway or move on to another interest.

I don't agree with that B.V. 72.


I have stopped going purely and simply because of the Rules of Speedway these days.


Double Points, Play Offs etc. are not for me. I still love the actual Sport though.


I have also been a big and consistent supporter of Belle Vue's new Stadium. I will, I hope, get the chance to attend one Meeting there at some stage.

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If you dont go to speedway anymore why should any of this concern you ?I would think you are one of those so called fans that does not put any money into the sport by attending meetings but are happy to watch it on t v and then moan on that the sport is dying.Its so called stay away fans like yourself that is the main cause of that so put some money back into speedway or move on to another interest.

Some of us by virtue of having health issues, financial constraints, distance from nearest track and transport difficulties find attending meetings impossible. That does not stop us being fans...in my case for 54 years, or having valid views and concerns. There are stay-away fans that do so out of choice and those that stay away out of necessity. Are you saying that because I can't get to meetings nothing that happens within the sport should concern me?.

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If you dont go to speedway anymore why should any of this concern you ?I would think you are one of those so called fans that does not put any money into the sport by attending meetings but are happy to watch it on t v and then moan on that the sport is dying.Its so called stay away fans like yourself that is the main cause of that so put some money back into speedway or move on to another interest.

Or maybe people like pandorum are the people that promoters should be trying to tempt back and keep happy?

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You're on a hiding to nothing if you totally ignore the views of people who don't actually attend in person....if you don't you are just preaching to the converted and the problem is that the converted are becoming less and less each year...

The sport should be looking as to why crowds are declining..looking as why previous diehards have stopped coming and not just dismiss their views...all this as well as actually trying to attract new younger fans as well....

There are hundreds and thousands of ex speedway fans out there,many ex Belle Vue fans and their views shouldn't be dismissed as counting for nothing..they stopped coming for reasons

If Belle Vue get this right they can attract many old fans back out purely of interest and curiosity and if the track is good and the product is good and speedway gets its house in order format wise then many might stay...it's a big chance, certainly for Belle Vue......one they wouldn't get at Kirky Lane......but it also needs speedway to get its act together around the country as well.

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If you dont go to speedway anymore why should any of this concern you ?I would think you are one of those so called fans that does not put any money into the sport by attending meetings but are happy to watch it on t v and then moan on that the sport is dying.Its so called stay away fans like yourself that is the main cause of that so put some money back into speedway or move on to another interest.


I don't have to justify myself to you but as you are obviously an idiot I will attempt to.


I don't go as I no longer have a team and travelling to watch another is too expensive and not good value for money as I prefer to travel the world and watch rock gigs.

I have spent a lot on the sport and have travelled to over 50 tracks watching my own team and even matches with just a rider I liked.


Too expensive to do that nowadays and I would rather visit all 50 US states (20 to go) than spend any more

money on the sport.


I prefer armchair speedway nowadays it is true but I am as just as much a speedway fan as you. The state of the sport concerns me as I would love it to be what it was 40 years ago. A new stadium is fine and I do wish BV well but the sports problems are many and this won't solve those problems.


I thought as a speedway fan I had as much right to put my opinions as any but now find it is the elite that have a track who are allowed a voice and not us that no longer have a track.


Sad that as I have spent a lot on this sport and been a fan since I was a kid.


Or maybe people like pandorum are the people that promoters should be trying to tempt back and keep happy?


No chance of that really SCB as I don't believe the sport can compete with SE Asia or America of Iron Maiden or Ghost.

Got too many places to visit next year and too many bands to see :)


Sad though that people like TWK have fallen out of love with the sport. I had a lot of good times at his old track in the days of Mad Jack and Russ Dent.

The sport is going headlong for oblivion as far as I can see and a National Stadium may well not be the answer many think it will be.

I hope the sport survives but since when I started watching the sport has lost over 30 teams.

That is not a healthy sport :(


Those in charge seem to spend too much time p#ssing off those who go let alone attracting back those who don't.

There are some really good ideas running around this forum yet they think of us as the enemy.

So I will continue to enjoy foreign matches and GPs on the computer.

I do wish the sport well here but fear for it as it seems as if it actually wants to go the way of the Dodo.

This PO farce simply one of many this year alone.

sad really

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Fair point to all who for whatever reason they cannot get to a speedway meeting anymore.Its the people that can and have stopped going and keep harping on about the problems the sport has as a reason and then still watch it on t v that p me off.So if they are still watching it their reasons for not going anymore kinda goes out of the window.So for me if they can put speedways problems out of their minds while watching it on tv why cant they do the same and support our sport and pay to see it live.

Yes i agree the sport has major problems and it is a long way from what it was.But i keep going because i love the sport and want it to survive and on the day of the meeting i forget all its problems and just enjoy it for what it is 4 very brave and very talented guys racing motorbikes for my enjoyment the same as it has always been.

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Fair point to all who for whatever reason they cannot get to a speedway meeting anymore.Its the people that can and have stopped going and keep harping on about the problems the sport has as a reason and then still watch it on t v that p me off.So if they are still watching it their reasons for not going anymore kinda goes out of the window.So for me if they can put speedways problems out of their minds while watching it on tv why cant they do the same and support our sport and pay to see it live.

Yes i agree the sport has major problems and it is a long way from what it was.But i keep going because i love the sport and want it to survive and on the day of the meeting i forget all its problems and just enjoy it for what it is 4 very brave and very talented guys racing motorbikes for my enjoyment the same as it has always been.

That would be me then B.V72.


I stopped going on principle. I neither like nor enjoy the Double Points, or the Play Offs. I believe they are cheating, both of them. As a matter of principle I will not pay to see what I consider to be cheating, both to the Sport AND perhaps more importantly the paying Public.


I tried for a number of years to 'put up' with it, but I was just getting very angry and very upset. I finally decided enough was enough - I would watch it on Television - then I can just switch it off if I so require.


I do realise that I will probably be pilloried for this - but that is why I do not, and will not go. Remove those Rules and I would definitely return but I can't expect the Rules to change just for me and a few others.


My main argument still stands - the new Rules have not improved the Sport in any way - just ruined it for some. Speedway, sadly, is still losing Support - I see no improvement in the future.


As for your comment about people like me harping on - the only reason I do so is because I care for my Sport.

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People stop going to watch a particular sport for a variety of reasons, promoters can't please everyone. However, crap facilities was a recurring theme, so hopefully a new stadium will cause a surge of interest to increase the crowd levels at BV significantly. Then it is up to the riders and the presentation to keep them coming back.

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It's fine that you stopped going due to the play offs as due to their incredible popularity we've seen loads of fans replace you.



Yes, but only for the play-offs. Shame they don't bother going to the qualifying matches which TWK and hundreds, no, thousands of others did go to.

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Fair point to all who for whatever reason they cannot get to a speedway meeting anymore.Its the people that can and have stopped going and keep harping on about the problems the sport has as a reason and then still watch it on t v that p me off.So if they are still watching it their reasons for not going anymore kinda goes out of the window.So for me if they can put speedways problems out of their minds while watching it on tv why cant they do the same and support our sport and pay to see it live.

Yes i agree the sport has major problems and it is a long way from what it was.But i keep going because i love the sport and want it to survive and on the day of the meeting i forget all its problems and just enjoy it for what it is 4 very brave and very talented guys racing motorbikes for my enjoyment the same as it has always been.

I can watch a football match between two teams I don't care about in the hope I may get some satisfaction/excitement generated by great goals or bits of skill from one or two players..


The same can be said for my cricket, rugby, baseball, American football etc watching


The difference though, watching these professional sports, is that I don't need to 'put their problems aside' when watching them as they don't have the glaring 'self inflicted ailments' speedway has. (and surely any sport that needs paying spectators to make 'allowances' for what they are watching is, by definition, on a pretty downward spiral?)..


With speedway, many fans seem to want 'Utopia' ie a winning team and great entertainment, which isn't ever going to be achieved, however what can be achieved is four riders in each race, racing for 'their' clubs only, of commensurate ability, in a competition that has 'integrity' as its fundamental foundation..


I still watch the EL on TV similar to how I watch the sports mentioned above, and make a point of watching the GP's in particular as they often provide great entertainment, however...


In any team sport (let alone one that is allegedly professional) there has to be 'integrity' of both competition rules and regulations, and participants eligibility..


Speedway has no 'integrity' of either hence so many no longer pay good money to attend....


You may be happy to 'forget those problems' and enjoy just watching four lads compete in each race you see(?)


However, thousands of fans, who have simply 'voted with their feet' over the past decade or so, would appear to want some 'integrity' with their racing...


One thing is for sure, 'if' the sport does eventually 'die', it wont be the fault of those who decided to leave it behind and stopped paying their money to attend 'live' because they got disillusioned with it...


Because quite simply if you 'go to the wall' failing to provide what your customers wanted, particularly when you have had so much direct and databased feedback from them, then you clearly have no one to blame but yourself....

Edited by mikebv
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That would be me then B.V72.


I stopped going on principle. I neither like nor enjoy the Double Points, or the Play Offs. I believe they are cheating, both of them. As a matter of principle I will not pay to see what I consider to be cheating, both to the Sport AND perhaps more importantly the paying Public.


I tried for a number of years to 'put up' with it, but I was just getting very angry and very upset. I finally decided enough was enough - I would watch it on Television - then I can just switch it off if I so require.


I do realise that I will probably be pilloried for this - but that is why I do not, and will not go. Remove those Rules and I would definitely return but I can't expect the Rules to change just for me and a few others.


My main argument still stands - the new Rules have not improved the Sport in any way - just ruined it for some. Speedway, sadly, is still losing Support - I see no improvement in the future.


As for your comment about people like me harping on - the only reason I do so is because I care for my Sport.

You say you care for the sport i dont see how.

Fans like yourself can see that the sport is in trouble and can see it needs fans to turn up and support their local club but you are willing to sit back watch it on t v and let it die over a few rules you dont like.

Other reasons by like minded fans are the sport is always cost cutting well this is because fans have stopped going and they cant keep going if they dont. Change to 1 race night tempt back the big boys how the hell can the sport do that when there are not enougth fans going through the gates to pay these riders the money they want.

So the only way our sport can survive is if all the fans that say they care show that they really do care and come back and support their beloved sport its the only way to try and get the sport somwhere near what it was(pipe dream i know).

There will be some sort of speedway in the U K but possibly not good enougth to show on t v what you all going to do then.But look on the bright side you will be able to watch the G P on tv and still come on here and complain how crap speedway in the U K has become.

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You say you care for the sport i dont see how.

Fans like yourself can see that the sport is in trouble and can see it needs fans to turn up and support their local club but you are willing to sit back watch it on t v and let it die over a few rules you dont like.

Other reasons by like minded fans are the sport is always cost cutting well this is because fans have stopped going and they cant keep going if they dont. Change to 1 race night tempt back the big boys how the hell can the sport do that when there are not enougth fans going through the gates to pay these riders the money they want.

So the only way our sport can survive is if all the fans that say they care show that they really do care and come back and support their beloved sport its the only way to try and get the sport somwhere near what it was(pipe dream i know).

There will be some sort of speedway in the U K but possibly not good enougth to show on t v what you all going to do then.But look on the bright side you will be able to watch the G P on tv and still come on here and complain how crap speedway in the U K has become.

Sadly you are wrong B.V72.


I will not go on paying for something that goes so totally against my principles of 'Fair Play'. I have paid for years to watch my Sport with two basic Rules that fail all credibility tests in Sport. That is my opinion which you may not like.


As regards to continue to go to 'support' the Sport' I can see your argument but I don't agree with it. If I went to a Shop and was served with faulty Goods consistently, would I continue to Shop there - would you - I doubt it.


I have railed on against 'Double Points' and the 'Play Offs' for years - I have spoken to people within the Sport, Promoters, Team Managers and even Riders. No action has been taken by the 'powers that be'.


Ergo - the ONLY action left to me is to walk away. This I have done - and - until things change I will not return.


Regarding you crack about watching GPs on the Television and coming on here.


Funnily enough this is a FORUM - people come on here to air their views. You have your point of view - I have mine. Last I heard we were BOTH entitled to them whether we attend Speedway or not.


I would have thought though, that those Posting on here who have stopped attending, by airing their views on this Forum would perhaps influence Promoters as to why people are leaving so that they can do something about it.


Speedway is in real trouble if it ignores it's Supporters - so far I have seen absolutely NO evidence of them listening.

Edited by The White Knight
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White Knight my last post on the subject as we all have our own views and no matter how many posts we write people wont change their minds.

But while we are shareing our views there is just one question i dont feel you have not covered in your posts that puzzles me. If you feel so strongly about your reasons to stop going to meetings how can you still watch Elite league speedway on T V the same reasons still apply dont they even though you are not there live.I know you have said you can turn it off but you know that the reasons that you feel so strongly about and stopped you going are still going to be there before you turn it on ?

I know we are all different but i can see where you are coming from re falling out with a sport,it happened to me with football.(ie i feel that money domminates the sport to much now,same few teams winning prem league over the last 20 odd years and much more etc.)But where we differ is that i gave up my season ticket and i have not been to a match or watched a match on t v or been on a football forum for the last 10 or so years as in my mind set if i fall out with something i give it up and move on to somthing that i do like.I now just subscribe to sky sports for the summer months just for speedway.I hope the 2nd leg of the playoffs goes ahead on Monday as my summer subscription ends on wednesday lol.

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White Knight my last post on the subject as we all have our own views and no matter how many posts we write people wont change their minds.

But while we are shareing our views there is just one question i dont feel you have not covered in your posts that puzzles me. If you feel so strongly about your reasons to stop going to meetings how can you still watch Elite league speedway on T V the same reasons still apply dont they even though you are not there live.I know you have said you can turn it off but you know that the reasons that you feel so strongly about and stopped you going are still going to be there before you turn it on ?

I know we are all different but i can see where you are coming from re falling out with a sport,it happened to me with football.(ie i feel that money domminates the sport to much now,same few teams winning prem league over the last 20 odd years and much more etc.)But where we differ is that i gave up my season ticket and i have not been to a match or watched a match on t v or been on a football forum for the last 10 or so years as in my mind set if i fall out with something i give it up and move on to somthing that i do like.I now just subscribe to sky sports for the summer months just for speedway.I hope the 2nd leg of the playoffs goes ahead on Monday as my summer subscription ends on wednesday lol.

To answer your question directly - as I have said - if I am getting upset then I switch it off. I have not fallen out with Speedway at all, I still love it. I will not though continue to subscribe to something that goes so against my principles of 'Fair Play'.


I have enjoyed discussing this with you B.V72. Nothing wrong at all with people of differing opinions putting their point of view.

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Mikebv i agree with you U K speedway has massive problems and we all look at the causes differently. this is my point of view.I started going to speedway in the 70s and every thing was a bed of roses we had 20 or so teams in the top league all able to field 3 top class heat leaders, massive crowds and every top rider in the world riding here.

But how things change.The differences there was no Polish league the Swedish league was a small time affair compaired to now and there was no G P.

So you name many sports in your post that are run better but the difference is every member of those teams plays for just that team and every team can afford to pay a squad of players in case of injury or loss of form as you know speedway is so different.Every rider now races for many different teams and the top boys have the G P on top of all the league racing plus all the traveling and the truth is there are just not enougth riders to go around.

U K speedway now faces massive problems the G P Poland and Sweden pay better money.Poland and Sweden have purpose built speedway tracks that can all race on the same night.In the U K we dont( dogs etc) and as we all know alot of riders dont want to ride over here( to many race nights etc)and they can earn more money from the other leagues.

So all of the above have caused massive problems in the U K. The way i look at it is that they are fighting an up hill battle.(reasons) atracting and paying the top riders,they can just about get enougth riders to fill the teams let alone squad riders,team members have much more chance of injuries with all the riding they do causing r/r more often over here,now trying to produce more home grown tallent. changing the rules to try and compensate for all the above problems All of which is causing fans to walk away.I know there are many more problems these are just a few.

So are the promoters really that bad or are they doing the best they can to keep speedway going in this country everyone will have their own answer to that question For me i will keep going and keep my fingers crossed that they can.

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you lot will never be satisfied, what are you moaning at? the play-offs? double point tac ride? poor facilities? the play-offs happen in most team league sports, its exciting and the rule is you play the season to qualify to compete in those play-offs to win the league title! its not difficult is it, its how it is, the double point tactical ride is a rule introduced to keep it close and exciting, aagain, its the rule, its how it is, its not hard on a particular team its just a slight chance to get back into the match, and don't compare it to football, cos its a different sport entirely! or any other sport, in football if you get a kick in the box the other team gets a free shot at goal, that's a rule, in speedway if your team is getting hammered you can nominate 1 rider to score double points! as for facilities go, a lot of these stadiums run greyhounds, or stock cars, and plenty attend them, as for answers on the whys n whens, iv no idea tbh, my team went years ago, so I go to various tracks, scunny, Leicester, KL, Sheffield, all depends when im working and what my plans are, I still enjoy it, I still see some good action, passing, thrills n spills, whats the problem? what do you want for £15/16/17 for 15 races?

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