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Belle Vue National Stadium

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I was under the impression the stand held a little under 2,000 with the remaining 4,000ish on terraces. My apologies if I have that wrong but the basis of my argument is valid no?.

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Apart from the cost of building a stadium with permanent seating and terracing for 15,000 plus, the main purpose of the stadium is as a home for the Aces. Given the likely crowds, what would be the point of a stadium where 2000 spectators would make it look empty and the atmosphere would be zero?


The compromise is what we shall have, a regular capacity of 6,000 with the ability to increase it to a level more than sufficient for, SWC, ELRC, British Finals. In fact many GP's attract less than 15,000.


It is sad that some of those who thought it would never be built still feel the need to snipe. They are just making themselves look foolish, be better if they could find the courage to admit they were wrong.

Edited by Aces51
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If this is meant to be a National Stadium and the permanent capacity is only 6.000, increasing to 18.000 with temporary facilities, this appears to me a tad "Mickey Mouse". Most of the 6,000 is standing room out in the open. It says much for Speedway attendance in the UK if this is the best we can offer. If Cardiff do not renew their contract to stage the British GP in a few years time, where does it go?. 40,000 in to Belle Vue does not go but Manchester would be ideal, in the absence of Wembley of course. Has anyone sounded out Old Trafford or the Etihad?.Cardiff has shown it can be done.

A National Stadium needs to be a showcase for the sport.

I hope I'm not being to disrespectful here.


You really do want a white elephant if you think Belle Vue can build this mega capacity, fully seated stadium ...the cost of that would be astronomical and to be honest would be a complete waste of money even if it could be built which would be unlikely in the extreme..

A good modern 6000 capacity stadium with a top grandstand around a top class race track is ideal , perfect in fact......if they can possibly extend for bigger world level meetings than so be it and that is good but to build this so called super stadium that people seem to be expecting is completely unrealistic in this day and age.

This stadium should be excellent, ideal for what it's intended for week in week out and something to look forward to in my opinion instead of constantly looking for negatives about it

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If this is meant to be a National Stadium and the permanent capacity is only 6.000, increasing to 18.000 with temporary facilities, this appears to me a tad "Mickey Mouse". Most of the 6,000 is standing room out in the open. It says much for Speedway attendance in the UK if this is the best we can offer. If Cardiff do not renew their contract to stage the British GP in a few years time, where does it go?. 40,000 in to Belle Vue does not go but Manchester would be ideal, in the absence of Wembley of course. Has anyone sounded out Old Trafford or the Etihad?.Cardiff has shown it can be done.

A National Stadium needs to be a showcase for the sport.

I hope I'm not being to disrespectful here.

Not very realistic speedway is a minority sport amongst minority sports, we are lucky cardiff is available let alone a old Trafford or etihad, I think a packed out belle cue as a second choice is ok

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Bah humbug......

Well I would love to see the World Cup, a European championship round, world u21 final, etc at the new stadium, even if there is no second GP there ( although they have held GPs at a lot smaller venues).

I sure most people do . My point was that it's no big deal to get the World cup final and are only chance of having it here is when this stadium is built ... it's been at Smellmead and Boro in the past and Even Bewick host big under 21 events etc .

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I never really felt like Bradford was the ideal arena for domestic speedway. Odsal always appeared empty and soulless, even when there were a couple of thousand in it, and therefore I prefer small stadiums without vast gaps on the terraces. Apart from the initial matches, maybe, Belle Vue's new stadium will probably never average better than a third full for team matches, and that, I'm afraid, is being positive about the sport's ability to pull.

Edited by moxey63
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Yes - it will be great sitting on the Toilet watching Belle Vue in the new Speedway. That should make it pretty unique. :shock: :shock: :wink:


Sadly I am unable to see the Track from the Bog at Newcastle. :sad::D:rofl:

Looks like me getting my hand in my pocket to buy you a pint TWK, is closer to reality! And I can forget any concessions on the entry fee! :drink:

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I seem to have given the wrong impression here. My point was if at some time in the future we lose Cardiff, where do we go if 40,000 want to attend the British GP?. The new Belle Vue I'm sure will be perfect for everything else, but not for a GP if the attendance is to hold up. Okay, Wembley, Old Trafford and Etihad may be "pie in the sky" but 20 years ago did anyone really envisage a stadium like the Millenium staging Speedway's showcase meeting?.

Tonight's GP had everything including a deserved winner and I for one enjoyed it, even if I am a boring old fart who pines for the old days!.

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I sure most people do . My point was that it's no big deal to get the World cup final and are only chance of having it here is when this stadium is built ... it's been at Smellmead and Boro in the past and Even Bewick host big under 21 events etc .

But it will be nice to watch them at a decent stadium for once. I also don't see any reason why a second GP can't be held there with a 15,000 capacity with temporary stands like the one at Vojens

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But it will be nice to watch them at a decent stadium for once. I also don't see any reason why a second GP can't be held there with a 15,000 capacity with temporary stands like the one at Vojens



Two GPs. in this Country would be better than one, and more profitable - and we would probably have the only GP that is a total sell out. (I'm guessing about that)

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Yes - it will be great sitting on the Toilet watching Belle Vue in the new Speedway. That should make it pretty unique. :shock: :shock: :wink:


Sadly I am unable to see the Track from the Bog at Newcastle. :sad::D:rofl:

Yep thats what i mean by mod cons for the younger generation large screens in the toilets with hand sets to control the racing lol. :wink:

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had an idea, with all the racing heritage that Belle Vue have over the years, 4 world champions, some of the greats ridden for you, why not open a museum on site, it could be open to the general public during the day even when there not racing and during the winter as well. Get one of those brown signs up and get it on the general tourist package as well, tourist information and all that, dont know too much about Manchester myself but I reckon it could work.

If the council are backing it think of the people it would bring in.

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Yep thats what i mean by mod cons for the younger generation large screens in the toilets with hand sets to control the racing lol. :wink:

Would that be for the Toilet Paper? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :oops:

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I always believed this stadium would be built despite all the negativity that people had about it, now the green light has been given perhaps the naysayers can target the supposed new stadium at swindon, coventry too could be looking at a new stadium in the not too distant future depending on the outcome of brandon, some people i think should be more concerned about their own clubs.

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I for one would like my Club back to be concerned about. As I have been one of the "naysayers" I shall eat "humble pie" and say congratulations. Hopefully the stadium will be completed in time, on budget and be a credit to British Speedway. As all speedway fans know, 2018 is the 90th. Anniversary of British speedway. If the National Stadium hosts a Gala event I for one shall be buying a ticket.

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I always believed this stadium would be built despite all the negativity that people had about it, now the green light has been given perhaps the naysayers can target the supposed new stadium at swindon, coventry too could be looking at a new stadium in the not too distant future depending on the outcome of brandon, some people i think should be more concerned about their own clubs.

Why is it that those who were critical of the farce surrounding this stadium will now go and moan about another one?

When it's built I say great but it is not going to be some magic wand waved over speedway.

The sport has massive problems number one of which is getting a regular crowd so BV will have a lot of work to do to make it viable.

That is simply the reality and not some negative ninnys prattlings.


And the idea we can hold a 2nd GP with 15 thou is a bit of a stretch. Let's try and get a crowd in the place that allows them to pay the bills first before GPs and SWC finals.

If it happens good luck to them and I hope they make it pay.

But get real a bit first as the promotion have a lot of debt to sort out and speedway is hardly something that generates massive profits.

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Two GPs. in this Country would be better than one, and more profitable - and we would probably have the only GP that is a total sell out. (I'm guessing about that)

Profitable for whom? I doubt (m)any GPs turn a profit other than those run directly by BSI, and those are effectively subsidised by local tourist boards.


By the time the local promotion has coughed up the staging fee, it's difficult to see how the smaller GPS can be profitable.

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Why should the people who were critical go onto moan about another stadium you ask? Because thats what a lot of posters on here do, they appear to delight in negativity, yes the sport has massive problems attracting crowds and some of that is down to ramshackle stadia that are really past their sell by date, BV by providing a new facility have made a step in the right direction in trying to appeal to a new fan base, yes of course the main ingredient is the quality of racing but people nowadays tend to want more for their money and at least some degree of comfort for their hard earned. Also why the obsession about a GP? no doubt something else to be negative about, its a stadium for BV not a replacement for Cardiff, as for 15,000 capacity we have seen GP,s run to crowds of this number and even below. We keep being told by people on here obviously not in the know as to how much debt the promotion are in but as for making the stadium pay its not just going to be speedway events held here it will be more multi purpose. At least the promotion are trying to do something for the whole of British speedway with their aims of a facility to help and nurture young upcoming British talent, but lets overlook that positive aspect and continue sniping. The stadium is going to be built, it was always going to be built the doom mongers were wrong simple as, if its going to be the new start the club desperately needs who knows but one thing is for sure there would be no future at the current dump so it gives us more than a fighting chance and for that reason alone I welcome the project.

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Yep thats what i mean by mod cons for the younger generation large screens in the toilets with hand sets to control the racing lol. :wink:


You may joke, but someone went on Dragons' Den with this very invention a series or so ago.

The urinal was connected to a video game which was then controlled by the speed and direction of your pee. (i'm not joking)


Imagine that. You could go into the bog, log-on to the Chris Harris app, make him go faster, and pee on Nicki Pedersen at the same time!



Edited by John Leslie
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