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Belle Vue National Stadium

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I thought the resident BSI scribe said 'why would the GP go to Belle Vue' or words to that effect?


I'm not sure about 21st century facilities - I'd settle for 20th century facilities at a speedway track... ;)

PERSONALLY don't envisage a GP at Belle Vue but plenty of other meetings could and should go there ... SWC Final, GP Challenge, World Under 21 rounds, British Final, list goes on and on.


Still surprised how many on here haven't actually grasped what has happened since the original concept of a new speedway home for Belle Vue was formulated. The whole project is now much bigger than that, it will embrace other sports and activities, has enjoyed the backing of the local authorities, has had to jump through almost endless hoops and has still retained most of what was always intended ... a purpose built track, a splendid grandstand incorporating conference facilities, bars and a restaurant, and the potential to increase its basic capacity by several thousand as and when required.

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PERSONALLY don't envisage a GP at Belle Vue but plenty of other meetings could and should go there ... SWC Final, GP Challenge, World Under 21 rounds, British Final, list goes on and on.


Still surprised how many on here haven't actually grasped what has happened since the original concept of a new speedway home for Belle Vue was formulated. The whole project is now much bigger than that, it will embrace other sports and activities, has enjoyed the backing of the local authorities, has had to jump through almost endless hoops and has still retained most of what was always intended ... a purpose built track, a splendid grandstand incorporating conference facilities, bars and a restaurant, and the potential to increase its basic capacity by several thousand as and when required.

But the usual resident knockers/disbelievers will still not grasp or want to grasp it.

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Please find me a club statement that said GP. It was never said.




Then there was stories off them going to Torun to see how GPs were run.


The front page of http://nationalspeedwaystadium.com/ states, "The forces behind the project are Stadium Owners - BVA, the British Speedway Promoters Association - BSPA, Licence Holders of the Speedway World Cup and Speedway Grand Prix - IMG and Manchester City Council."

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Then there was stories off them going to Torun to see how GPs were run.


The front page of http://nationalspeedwaystadium.com/ states, "The forces behind the project are Stadium Owners - BVA, the British Speedway Promoters Association - BSPA, Licence Holders of the Speedway World Cup and Speedway Grand Prix - IMG and Manchester City Council."

Firstly no club statements there. Plus its says GP EVENTS. The GP challenge is a GP event. Never ever has it been metioned that we would go for a GP it was always speedway world cup. The club went to torun to see how they ran big meetings and mainly to discuss track covers.




Then there was stories off them going to Torun to see how GPs were run.


The front page of http://nationalspeedwaystadium.com/ states, "The forces behind the project are Stadium Owners - BVA, the British Speedway Promoters Association - BSPA, Licence Holders of the Speedway World Cup and Speedway Grand Prix - IMG and Manchester City Council."

Firstly no club statements there. Plus its says GP EVENTS. The GP challenge is a GP event. Never ever has it been metioned that we would go for a GP it was always speedway world cup. The club went to torun to see how they ran big meetings and mainly to discuss track covers.

Great to see that Belle Vue have a new stadium just a shame it's not going to be what was promised ...Maybe there have the Pl pairs there etc

Give your head a wobble. They have and will deliver something wuite special to uk speedway.

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Oh dear SCB in Classic Fail post shock, lol!


Unlike other posters on here I didn't have you down as thick, quite the opposite in fact, but this is not good is it?

Are you under the misguided opinion that anyone cares what you think. Your opinion is as valid as Tsunamis'. You are both more in the objects of ridicule category rather than someone to be taken seriously.


I am pretty sure Shawn wont lose sleep that mr "5 league titles in a row" thinks he is an idiot, in fact he probably sees it as a compliment

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Are you under the misguided opinion that anyone cares what you think. Your opinion is as valid as Tsunamis'. You are both more in the objects of ridicule category rather than someone to be taken seriously.


I am pretty sure Shawn wont lose sleep that mr "5 league titles in a row" thinks he is an idiot, in fact he probably sees it as a compliment

Tsunami's if you don't mind.

Luv the coverage you are giving me, makes me feel wanted. If only you weren't a halfwit :D as proved in those other posts.

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Congratulations to all involved with this, There will be people behind the scenes, it takes a lot of planning and organisation and hours for a project of this scale.it is yet another massive achievement, within this huge project. I have read the public report and this project is massive involving other sports, this will bring something special to the Gorton area and it's a bonus that the project has been heavy based round the speedway.

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Belle Vue bosses David Gordon and Chris Morton could not hide their delight when, at 2pm this afternoon, Manchester City Council unanimously granted planning permission for the Belle Vue Sports Village; at the heart of which lies the National Speedway Stadium.


Described as a fundamental step forward, this historic milestone comes just 11 weeks after the planning application, the culmination of nearly eight years of patient work, was submitted on June 26th 2014.


A small contingent of representatives from Belle Vue Speedway, including Gordon, Morton, George Carswell and Rentruck Aces No.1 Matej Zagar, were present in the council chambers in anticipation of this magic moment.




The sense of anticipation amongst the small group was palpable as the chairman of the Planning Committee reached the agenda for the BVSV, and requested any objectors to the project to make their presence known.


Nothing but the sound of silence was to be heard however, and in the swiftest of manners the motion was carried completely unopposed.


Now it will be all systems go to begin visible work on the site on Kirkmanshulme Lane, next to the Rentruck Aces current home at the greyhound stadium, after the prolonged period of negotiations and planning behind the scenes.


It is anticipated that, within the next 2-3 weeks, an on-site marketing office will be erected so that supporters can examine the plans and images of the NSS and find out more about this new era for the Belle Vue Aces.


Gordon, thrilled at the successful outcome after so much time and effort, said: Weve done so much and there is still so much to be done, but receiving planning permission is a fundamental step forward so we can really get on with the job now.


"We are extremely pleased that the scheme has received planning approval and now we're looking forward to the construction work commencing as soon as the post-planning formalities have been signed off.


This is a significant time in Belle Vue Speedway's history. We are at the start of an exciting new era. It is very good news for Manchester, for Belle Vue and UK Speedway overall.


"Once again, Manchester will lead the way with a world-class sporting venue.



We will soon be able to release details of the start of activity on site, and the set-up which will include a marketing and information office where fans, sponsors and any interested parties can visit us and see at first hand the stadiums progress.


They will be able to find out how to get involved with Belle Vue and National Speedway Stadium.

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I thought the resident BSI scribe said 'why would the GP go to Belle Vue' or words to that effect?

I'm not sure about 21st century facilities - I'd settle for 20th century facilities at a speedway track... ;)

I think you will find they all do have 20th century facilities but got stuck in the 1950's.

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Firstly no club statements there. Plus its says GP EVENTS. The GP challenge is a GP event. Never ever has it been metioned that we would go for a GP it was always speedway world cup. The club went to torun to see how they ran big meetings and mainly to discuss track covers.


Firstly no club statements there. Plus its says GP EVENTS. The GP challenge is a GP event. Never ever has it been metioned that we would go for a GP it was always speedway world cup. The club went to torun to see how they ran big meetings and mainly to discuss track covers.


Give your head a wobble. They have and will deliver something wuite special to uk speedway.

Ok, lets assume I've been mislead by the poor PR form the campaign - again, I've said for a long time it's poor PR. Why go off on "fact finding missions" to GPs if the plan isn't to have GPs? It just misleads people.


When is the 2013 and 2015 SWC final going to be run there then? didn't happen, and isn't going to happen. So get as excited as you like, what was promised didn't happen so the "haters" and "cynics" are/were right. What was promised didn't happen.



Also, how the hell is a qualifying round a GP event LOL. A GP event is a GP event, you know, one of the rounds. Thats some serious twisting of things.

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NO bloody stock cars. never ever in any shape or form.

If outgoings exceed income it may well be a necessary step. Hope not, but you can never say never.


btw At the present Kirky stadium who pays for the maintenance of the track, the speedawy promotion or do the stockies chip in?


The Stock Cars stay at the dog track. They can't run at the new stadium because of the 3G astroturf centre green

So will the bikes be kept off the astro?

Edited by pugwash
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