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Belle Vue National Stadium

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Yes I think the new BV will be built, and lets remember the speedway stadium, although a major feature of the site, is just paprt of the whole complex. There are other sports being promoted there which will mean the complex will be use 7 days a week, making an investment in the whole more viable, and soeedway gets a brand new stadium with modern facilities - including toilets (last time I went to a BV meeting was at Hyde Road and so the old time fans will know what I mean)

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The planning report looks to be very comprehensive and covers just about every objective so I don't see any reason to suppose that the application will not be approved. Actually, the report is quite similar to that produced by Birmingham's planning officer in 2005 although that for Birmingham was more negative and it was clear that the planning officer himself was not supportive of it, and on this and subsequent occasions when it was revised and resubmitted, he always recommended refusal. I notice though, in Belle Vue's case, there is no recommendation which I personally would take to indicate that it is expected to be approved.


The number of objectors seems to be very small (although there were only a small number in Birmingham's case too - 17 including the University across the road). In Birmingham's case too, this was an application to stage speedway at a venue where there had been no racing for 24 years, so it seems to indicate that the people living locally to the current Belle Vue stadium are not unhappy about racing continuing at the new site.


As far as the five objectors are concerned, my advice to Belle Vue supporters is to resist the temptation to try to ridicule their objections and concentrate on on trying to build some bridges even though these people are unlikely to change their views.


Belle Vue supporters have waited a very long time for this, and I send my very best wishes for a successful outcome.

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I can't for the life of me see that if this is going to be the British National stadium and not just Belle Vues stadium. You would think that all the teams be the EL, PL or Nl level teams would wish to put some money into this great new stadium.

Because they will all be using it in one form or another over the coming years.

It seems silly that Belle Vue have to find all the money in one form or another be it in grants sponsers etc.

If I was a speedway promoter I would be jumping at the chance to help to build thisnew venture for our sport.

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I think people are under the illusion that, give a speedway a brand new stadium and... crowds will forever fill it.


But they won't be filling it to watch the type of antics British Speedway has been handing out over the years and are still doing.


First of all the product has to find some form of concrete base before we start getting chatty about building this and building that. Most clubs have trouble preparing their tracks from one week to the next, some even after five months of close season. Most are having trouble fielding a team of their own riders.


Belle Vue's new stadium is good news... if it comes off. But, the way support is growing increasingly frustrated with what they are being served, it may as well be built on quicksand.


Get the product right, at least begin making plans for repairing the slow puncture in the speedway inner tube and worry about brand new stadiums... when we are more confident of actually having a sport to play an active part.

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There you go again, spouting your minority opinion as though it is representative of the majority. I know you've an axe to grind after they stopped you getting for free but why don't you just wind your neck in because it is getting boring.


If the support is getting 'increasingly frustrated' then it has manifested itself into bigger crowds at Belle Vue this season. Therefore I think you are talking bollox unless you are talking in absolute numbers rather than a representative proportion.


I suppose if you increase numbers then it probably follows that even a smaller percentage of 'increasingly frustrated' fans could actually be an increase from say three to four (that's you, oldace and my dad plus one from the new fans) is that what you mean?


Obviously the increased attendances are a result of the attractive team they put together this season, the general feel good factor as more people realise that the new stadium is getting close to becoming reality, and the improved racing since Colin Meredith has been doing the track. (Personally I preferred the old difficult to ride track from the Perrin days but I'm not bigoted enough to rant on and claim that my opinion is the majority view). The only problem this season has been the disappointing results but I agree with Peter Adams when it comes to explaining that particular anomaly.





Didn't mean to offend.


I am surprised crowds have increased at any track, but take your word for it. You attend and I don't.


As for an attractive team being the reason, I therefore suggest Belle Vue would easily fill the 6000 stadium... if crowds are good now, as you infer they are, for a team that's bottom of the pile again. Imagine the uproar if you were watching a mid-table squad.



Did anyone here buy a Belle Vue Brick?


Do brick owners get any updates on how their investment is getting on?


A few on here bought Lego at Christmas, if that counts.

Edited by moxey63
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Rotherham United FC - a well-known sports team in a relatively run-down urban area who had been based for 101 years in the ever-increasingly decrepit Millmoor until they fell out once and for all with that ground's owner.


So they finished playing at Millmoor in May 2008 and announced their aim to find and purchase a new site in the town while renting the Don Valley Stadium (two-thirds of the way from Rotherham into Sheffield) in the meantime.


In January 2010 they bought the site of a former steelworks foundry within Rotherham ... in November 2010, outline planning permission was granted ... and in June 2011, construction was started on the 12,000 seater New York Stadium comprising of 4 separate stands holding about 2,000 at each end and about 4,000 along each side (it's in a district of Rotherham called New York).


Prince Edward formally opened it in March 2012 but Rotherham United completed the 4th full season of their spell at Don Valley before kicking-off at New York with a July 2012 pre-season friendly against South Yorkshire neighbours Barnsley.


Therefore it took them just over 4 years from needing a permanent solution having fallen-out with the Millmoor owner to playing in their new home ground ... it could've been less than 4 years if they'd snapped their Don Valley residency in mid-season.


It's sparked a tremendous revival in their fortunes because they've been promoted in both their first 2 seasons at New York as well as being given the honour of hosting an England youth-international.


Since 2011 in terms of public statements (but well before that privately), the Belle Vue Aces have been aiming for a permanent 6,000 capacity (plus easy options for temporary stands towards a total 15,000 capacity) so they're going to be take quite a bit longer than Rotherham's example for your timescale of "idea to completion".


Chesterfield FC first became aware of a former glassworks' availability in the autumn of 2004 and began playing there in summer 2010 with the biggest delay to that project being the full demolition of the old glassworks rather anything to do with the new football ground.


Salford rugby league were provisionally allocated their new site by their local council in 2005 and would've begun playing there as soon as 2009 (rather than the actual 2012) if the original development company on that project hadn't gone into administration in 2008.


Hopefully that answers your question rather accurately.

New York Stadium is a very neat and tidy and a decent size and design just wish they'd scored less when they tonked us there. Mind you not the 1st time a good day out has had the lowpoint being the match.


Edit due to that bloody predictive text

Edited by Triple.H.
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Looks to have shrunk since the original grand plans and with the new capacity can not in all reality be a nation speedway stadium. There appears no space for increasing the capacity and know where for the paying public to park. Why not just move the whole operation to Buxton.








I am surprised crowds have increased at any track, but take your word for it. You attend and I don't.



I don't know if gates have increased but I do know that I attend regularly now.


That's not so much about the team as the track, which has improved beyond all recognition.


The Aces put out a decent side at the start of the year (sadly, it hasn't worked) and with the improvement in the quality of the racing I can very much believe that gates have indeed gone up.

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Yes they stated that it would have temp art stands taking it to double the capacity. So will be interesting if that happens.


I did notice though somewhere that it changed to elite league standard stadium

This is the rub for me,I am not a fan of Belle Vue but have taken an interest in the National Speedway Stadium as it was billed a 10,000 + venue being able to hold World events ,and as a base to give our best young riders ample track time to develop their skills.If this is now not the case then the promotion should come forward and admit this,fans have been asked to invest in this project as a national stadium not as just a new stadium for the Belle Vue Aces.
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