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Coventry Meeting Day

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tails between their legs





Actually, the owners of CCFC have made it clear they will not return to the Ricoh, and are planning for a new 12,000 seater stadium!

Yes of coarse , that would meen paing back some of the muney they owe the councill . but nevar say nevar hay ,becaus this is football and the concil wuld hapily bend over bacwards to bring them bak . anywy speedwy would not be aforded the luxsury of liveing rent fre as the footbal did and so it,s not reallisitick to even considder speedwy going their , as an aside if CCFC did deecide to buld a new stadyum , who wuld they aply to for planing permishon . wod that be the peepel they alreddy ough £30.000.000 too

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:D I don't know who you are, why would I be bothered?



I didn't realise you were such a sensitive soul, put me on ignore if I bother you that much ...



Colin, there is a social club in Brandon, not sure how big it is as I've ever been in, that could be one option. There is also the Roseycoombe Pub on the Rugby Road, just up from the stadium they used to run the Cocked hat and I'm sure would be very approachable. Next you have the Oak at Brandon...??


We seem to have posts going on three different threads which isn't too helpful, maybe we could get them merged?


I think Falsedawns suggestion to get the supporters club on board is the right idea. They may know more than us about the situation with the club. But as it stands we don't have any true idea of what is actually going on with the club. That info is vital. Jeremy Heaver is a member here, maybe he could help?

hi, roseycombe is actually a good choice. i rang them 10 mins ago, but the manager not around until the morning...if thats ok with everyone, will try that?
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Yes of coarse , that would meen paing back some of the muney they owe the councill . but nevar say nevar hay ,becaus this is football and the concil wuld hapily bend over bacwards to bring them bak . anywy speedwy would not be aforded the luxsury of liveing rent fre as the footbal did and so it,s not reallisitick to even considder speedwy going their , as an aside if CCFC did deecide to buld a new stadyum , who wuld they aply to for planing permishon . wod that be the peepel they alreddy ough £30.000.000 too

Crumbs - Translation please anybody. :oops::o :o :P

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THERE will be another hour of speedway chat on BBC Coventry & Warwickshire this Monday at 6pm.

Peter York reflects on his most memorable meeting.

Tune in on 94.8, 103.7 and 104FM or on bbc.co.uk/Coventry.


Would that be the one where his microphone wouldn't work all night, which saved us from his rabbiting on, inane questions and his peculiar pronunciations?!

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hi all, am very pleased word seems to be spreading now..hopefully by tomorrow our venue will be sorted too....the meeting with mr pawsey is 2-3 oclock..now, we cant waste this hour, so could everyone whose coming, please be at the venue and seated/standing by 1.55 at the latest..im still hoping we get a local who can chair the meeting with mr pawsey. we need to give mr pawsey as much detail as possible, so he has the knowledge from the off, further down the line. we need the most important details clearly covered, then have time for general question/answer session...as someone whose been through these types of meetings before, could we please have quiet whilst someone is talking, no shouting over each other, most importantly, we all need to fight the same cause..if you read my past posts, im really trying to pass this onto a "local" spokesperson, and im more than happy to take a back seat, i just want what all bees fans want, continued speedway in that area. mr pawsey is very much on our side, and if we can come across united,and professional, all the better. yes, we dont have great detail yet, but what we dont have is much time..im hoping mr pawsey can give us contact on a regular basis, and we can all find a social network site where we can all be kept up to date with details..as i say, we should have a venue by thursday at the latest, then its up to you all, to swamp the meeting and show the rugby advertiser and midlands tv, this long battle has started

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What's the feeling with regard to the reaction of the Stadium management to this meeting? I only ask because it would seem obvious to advertise at a home meeting say by handing out flyers.

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I just stumbled across this thread (usually only have time to read the EL forum) although I have had an email exchange with Colin and would like to thank him for his efforts so far.


I would be happy to publicise the event via the Facebook group that I started and admin. Unfortunately I'm usually busy weekends so don't think I can make the meeting but what would be great would be to design an e-flyer once we know the venue and time (I'd be happy to have a stab at this) which could possibly be printed too.


And perhaps come up with a snappy name for the campaign ('Save our Bees' or whatever.. I'm sure someone can do better than that...), start a new Facebook page for it etc. There's a lot of work to be done but getting these basic tools in place will really help.

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I just stumbled across this thread (usually only have time to read the EL forum) although I have had an email exchange with Colin and would like to thank him for his efforts so far.


I would be happy to publicise the event via the Facebook group that I started and admin. Unfortunately I'm usually busy weekends so don't think I can make the meeting but what would be great would be to design an e-flyer once we know the venue and time (I'd be happy to have a stab at this) which could possibly be printed too.


And perhaps come up with a snappy name for the campaign ('Save our Bees' or whatever.. I'm sure someone can do better than that...), start a new Facebook page for it etc. There's a lot of work to be done but getting these basic tools in place will really help.


Colin, Speedybee is definitely your man!! Speedy, we need a Bees fan who is passionate and articulate enough to ' chair ' the meeting. Would Alan Boon be interested?


Colin are you on facebook?

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