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Danish League And Ind Final 2015 Streams

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Munkebo is supposed to have another home meeting on friday...



The Super league final will be at Munkebo.


Munkebo have now been approved as a host for Superfinalen which will take place on September 9th at 18.00 Danish time.



Udgivet den 30. aug 2015

SK formand Stefan Kristjansson har netop meddelt, at der nu er taget en endegyldig beslutning vedr. Superfinalen, efter nogen turbulens i den seneste tid.

Denne afvikles på Munkebo Speedway Stadion, d.9.september kl. 18.00. SK har de seneste 14 dage været inde over situationen vedr. forskelligartede emner, som bekymrede såvel SK, som DSL-bestyrelsen.

Efter gode dialoger samt praktiske handlinger, fra Munkebos Scorpions side, er der nu styr på det hele.

DMU ansvarlige indenfor baneforhold samt stævneafvikling af høj karat, samt TV2Sport og i sidste ende SK, har alle godkendt Munkebo og deres forhold på alle fronter.


Med venlig hilsen

Annette Vesterskov

DSL sekretær








Banen i Munkebo må ikke bruges før Superfinalen 9. september og vil blive passet og plejet af baneeksperter fra Holsted

Efter aftale med Munkebo-klubben må der ikke blive kørt overhovedet på banen før 9. september.

Allerede nu arbejdes der også på en løsning, så der kan komme lys på banen. Et vigtigt element også fordi, finalen sendes direkte på TV 2 Sport.

De fire deltagere i Superfinalen bliver: Munkebo, Esbjerg, Fjelsted og Region Varde.Superfinalen i speedway om guld, sølv og bronze mellem de fire bedste klubber i grundserien bliver kørt i Munkebo, 9. september.



Edited by Ghostwalker
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If we can get a stream for the finals next Wednesday 9th September start time 5pm uk time-we need to know that these are the match points the teams start the final with.

1 Munkebo 4 pts

2 Esbjerg 2 pts

3 Fjelsted 1 pt

4 Region Varde( Outrup) 0 pts


the match points for the final are

1st 4 pts

2nd 3 pts

3rd 2 pts

4th 0 pt


so the home team Munkebo need to finish 1st or 2nd in the final to guarantee them the title.

Edited by racers and royals
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So I wonder what the final team line-ups will be and how any British EL line-ups may be affected on the night?!

You only have to ask and I go running :lol:


1 Andersen

2 Thompsen

3 Lahti

4 Belousov

5 Scharff




2 Bech

3 Bach

4 Palm Toft

5 Simon Jensen



1 Kildemand

2 Covatti

3 Hougaard

4 Busk Jakobsen

5 Patrick Hansen


Region Varde

1 North

2 Gapinski

3 Korneliussen

4 Jonas B Andersen

5 Michael Thyme

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When doing the SKY deal I would make sure there was a series of play off semis dates in case of bad weather etc, so if the first lot of dates couldn't be met then the next could be. Then alter the league finishing dates accordingly ..... win win .....


SKY can't be that chocker with football to not be able to put Speedway on the red button or whatever ....


I can totally understand that they perhaps want to put some sort of intro together for the meetings but there would be time.


The GP boys don't fly out to Aus until October anyways so there shouldn't be a prob in that dept??

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Lineups for tonights super final at Munkebo:


Munkebo Scorpions: 1. Hans Andersen, 2. Anders Thomsen, 3. Timo Lahti, 4. Vitaly Belousov, 5. Jesper Scharff.

Esbjerg Vikings: 1. Niels-Kristian Iversen, 2. Mikkel Bech, 3. Rene Bach, 4. Michael Palm Toft, 5. Simon Nielsen.

Team Fjelsted: 1. Peter Kildemand, 2. Nicolas Covatti, 3. Patrick Hougaard, 4. Nikolaj Busk Jakobsen, 5. Patrick Hansen.

Region Varde Elitesport: 1. Dakota North, 2. Tomasz Gapinski, 3. Mads Korneliussen, 4. Jonas B. Andersen, 5. Michael Thyme.


Team points before the final: Munkebo (4), Esbjerg (2), Fjelsted (1) and Varde (0).


Then additional points will be awarded depending in the positions in the final.


1st = 4p





If Munkebo finishes 2nd or better they will win regardless. If Esbjerg isn't better then 2nd then Munkebo will also win.

If Esberg wins and Munkebo is 3rd I would assume that there will be a run off.



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After 9 heats. Final points within ()


Fjelsted 15 (1+4= 5)

Varde 14 (0+3=3)

Munkebo 13 (4+2= 6)

Esbjerg 12. (3+0=3)


According to reports, there have been two controversial exclusions of two Esbjerg riders.

Apparently lots of falls. Seems to be some ruts going into bend one where many riders have lost control due to the ruts.

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After 9 heats. Final points within ()


Fjelsted 15 (1+4= 5)

Varde 14 (0+3=3)

Munkebo 13 (4+2= 6)

Esbjerg 12. (3+0=3)


According to reports, there have been two controversial exclusions of two Esbjerg riders.

Apparently lots of falls. Seems to be some ruts going into bend one where many riders have lost control due to the ruts.

It's interesting that the tracks in Denmark are generally crap. From what I hear DMU had issued somesort of ultimatums towards to Munkebo track and it was not just about the lights...

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It's interesting that the tracks in Denmark are generally crap. From what I hear DMU had issued somesort of ultimatums towards to Munkebo track and it was not just about the lights...


Yeah, I mentioned it a bit here : http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=76173&page=54&do=findComment&comment=2673363

Track conditions were poor, they had to accept to bring in track staff from Holsted to fix it for the league final (apparently they weren't much better) and the

track was not allowed to be used before the league final.



De seneste dage har der været tvivl om, hvorvidt Munkebo ville få finalen, selv om klubben fredag vandt ligaens grundserie. Blandt andet fordi baneforholdene har været problematiske i foråret.

Specielt i første sving har der hurtigt været opstået dybe og farlige spor.





Results after 19 heats:


Munkebo 30p

Fjelsted 29

Esbjerg 28

Varde 27.

Munkebo are Danish team champions in 2015!

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