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Poole V Coventry 14/4/14 Ela Sky Meeting.

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I've defended Harris over and over but that can't be justified. 2 truly terrible rides, a decent enough ride when he made a gate and then beat a clearly finding his way back into the swing of things Chris Holder. It's ok saying away 5 is a hard position and looking at other riders scores but you're looking at Hougaard and Bridger for about half of them FFS!


Harris needs to pull his finger out. He's just not doing it. Hans is only slightly better. While Sarjeant continues to plod along nicely, rode well again IMO, Howarth did about all I'd expect of him and Ryan has been a revelation this season so far. Hansen has been pretty solid but tonight really come to the party. Garrity just doesn't seem to be doing it after his big off down at Plymouth, started well with a couple of good meetings this season and has struggled since for the Bees and for Rye House - I've no doubt given time to settle he'll do just fine.


Considering this team was built on having a good top 2 and a decent reserve who has under performance recently, the teams not doing that badly really.


Track was rubbish but entertain. Certain a leveller and allowed the "lesser" riders to show up some of the bigger boys.

Edited by SCB
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Blimey was that the same Kyle Newman who I watched at Foxhall last week and score only 4+1, and then only score only 3 on his home track on Friday night??!!!

EL-TV obviously suits him, and if it hadn't been for some inspiring riding by Kenneth Hansen who was definitely my MoM, Newman would have got it!!

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Poole have ridden poorly tonight, Holder and Pawlicki both ridden below their levels but still look like they are going to take 3 points.

Big concerns about the Bee's side.. Why keep Harris in when Larsen and Sundstrom are both flying in Poland?

What planet are you on............What about how well Janowski and Newman did and Josh G towards the end...........


Janowski and Milik are far better than MJJ and Dudek will ever be...........



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Struggling to remember a meeting where a team deserved a point and missed out as much as tonight's! Gutted we've left empty handed after putting up such a good fight. Still, never expected us to get anywhere near Poole tonight and can comfortably say it was a really entertaining meeting, regardless of the disappointing scoreline in the end from a Bees point of view.


Newman baffles me though, not for the first time he was flying around Wimborne Road and yet is a rider who's hardly pulled up any trees in about 3 years of Premier League racing! Clearly found his special track but looks a completely different rider! If he can take that to other tracks then GB have a good one there.


Hansen may struggle some nights but boy will there be some entertaining races along the way! Inspired ride to hunt down Grajczonek and Holder all race and then swoop around Holder. It was like watching Bomber 7 or so years ago!


Just hope we can get some points on the board against Leicester at the weekend, really can't have any excuses for those meetings. Sure they've got some capable riders but we need to start getting the points to match our potential.

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........ bomber is fit ....


I hear that all the time from fliss44. Personally I don't know what she sees in him. :D

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You keep on about this no5 position how many did the Poole no5 score if you are good enough comes to mind

Agree if the No 5 is such a difficult position stick your best rider there.the truth is Bomber is just rubbish these days.Whether the form will ever return is the question.this isn't a minor blip he has been poor for the last 2 seasons.
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Well first of all why do the BSPA demand that Ronnie Russell prepares the track for Sky meetings? I thought the track was far below its best. Made a comment that it was far slicker than normal with no grip up the insides to make passes. All passes were out wide. Hopefully the dirt and grip will be back for Friday. Shamek clearly struggled with conditions as did Milik bucking and rearing and Holder struggling to make up ground.


Under normal circumstances Poole would have had this sewn up earlier but Coventry battled. I poo pooed Hansen but he was the pick of the opposition and deserved his points.


For Poole.

Holder very rusty and it showed. Can and will get better.

Josh started slowly but came to the party when it mattered.

Shamek was woeful. His worst ever meeting.

Milik did good but threw away a paid win.

Magic was Magic.

Newman was motm. Brilliant Kyle.

Smart least said the better.


For Coventry.

Hans was OK

Fisher battled.

Hansen was pick of the Bees.

Howarth battled

Harris had one good ride..

Both reseveres did OK.


So a misfiring Pirates march on to Friday with what looks like a tough couple of meetings.

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Really great to see Kyle Newman showing his proper EL potential. He has been in the doldrums for the most part and even up at Brough we only saw glimpses of his real talent last season. Hopefully the lad has now fully regained his pre-life threatening form when he was a Diamond. Never forget that without us having three doctors in attendance on that fateful night he would have died, a sight I was so very thankfully spared.

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Matt Ford has to be given the credit to sticking with Newman, Kyle has been under-performing at EL level for a while but Matt has given him another chance.


Also, a big shout out to Lee Smart, being a speedway rider is tough and I respect him for getting on the bike.

Edited by KingKennyBjerre
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Kenneth Hansen. Young, Danish and good. He should be very afraid.


SuperKennethRacing on the way?



Another to add to the collection of banned avatars.



LOL you think Poole are not as strong as Kings Lynn? Seriously?




No i don't, Its not anti Poole to rate a team better on paper you know by the way. PMFSL


Are you Hougaard Racing Fans big or little sister? ;)


Or KingKennethSpeed.

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R Russell doing the track Not the same as usual looks very slick on inside.


Weather perfect though a small crowd due to off night with two home meetings this week and Sky.


Andersen looked fine on the track walk.

Ronnie Russell didn't do the track Steve..

Matt Ford has to be given the credit to sticking with Newman, Kyle has been under-performing at EL level for a while but Matt has given him another chance.


Also, a big shout out to Lee Smart, being a speedway rider is tough and I respect him for getting on the bike.

Really, you think so. Proves you don't watch him very much, he's been improving meeting on meeting... Do you have a specsavers in P'Boro??

Thought the track was garbage, way too slick and bumpy, and only one dirt line up against the fence...

Think you also need to join King Kenneth wotnot at Specsavers.. its rode better tonight than in the last few meetings. it was way over watered last week, and they were not going to make that mistake again, very difficult when the evenings this time of year turn cold.. The more you put on the more likely it is to just stand, so caution was er'd on the safe side.

Cracking meeting on a slick track.


Good effort from the Bees and a shame not to come away with a point.


What is going on with Harris, his gating is getting worse apart from 1 decent gate


Hopefully Garrity will improve as looks to be struggling at the minute


Roll on Friday where hopefully we can turn Leicester over!

Quite right, your boys rode very well, i said to Havvy, you've rode well and been a bit unlucky.

What a brilliant meeting. Thought riders from both teams put in a great performance. Great close meeting that could have gone either way.


I personally thought the track was better tonight, was alot of overtaking and hard racing.


Real shame Coventry didnt come away with something from this meeting as deserved it


Magic was very impressive and fast, a very likeable rider



I'l give you that. spot on.

Edited by Starman2006
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Harris only scoring 3 wasn't good enough tonight but its to early to call for him to be replaced. He has had 2 average meetings and one very poor meeting so far, I'm interested to see how he does in the two meetings against Leicester. Scored well there guesting for Wolves so we should expect similar and to be honest he should have the beating of most of the Leicester top 5 at Brandon. Whether he does perform is another matter.

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So 3 more points tonight, but i don't think it will be a walk in the park on Friday.

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Have now had chance to watch the meeting.

Great racing so a good watch.

The Bees will feel unlucky not to have got something out of the match after being a huge part of it till the tail end.

For the bees - hansen and Fisher were superb whilst Howarth got stuck in.

Pirates - Janowski looked the business and maybe this is the year he brings his Polish class to the EL. Shamek was awful, seems we have the best brother at Wolves. :P

Newman can raise his game in the EL and was immense.

Holder was very ordinary, i hope we wont be seeing too many low points scores from him in his 28 day stay to prove this isn't an average lowering exercise.

Milik proving yet again why all new foreigners need a 5 minimum assessed starting average.


How much longer before Smart is replaced?

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Was a fairly good meeting to watch just a shame that the track only had one decent line a yard from the fence. Holder in particular didn't want to ride anywhere near it. I don't think Coventry are going to be title contenders so would have expected Poole to win by more. Won't be long until Smart is thrown aside. Personally I think the object of the draft should at least be to give these boys a season. Bit of average lowering from Holder and Pawlicki and hey ho might be room to have Holder and Ward. Think it proves that better sides than Coventry will give Poole a test at home.

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Was a fairly good meeting to watch just a shame that the track only had one decent line a yard from the fence. Holder in particular didn't want to ride anywhere near it. I don't think Coventry are going to be title contenders so would have expected Poole to win by more. Won't be long until Smart is thrown aside. Personally I think the object of the draft should at least be to give these boys a season. Bit of average lowering from Holder and Pawlicki and hey ho might be room to have Holder and Ward. Think it proves that better sides than Coventry will give Poole a test at home.

Let's be fair to Poole here, if Smart is scoring anything less than 3 at home he would have to go. Same with any teams home meetings. Yes it's a development draft system but having a rider continue all season scoring nothing will not do them any good at all let alone the club.


No way should the draft riders be protected to their team places, they have to ride hard and fight for that team spot

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