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The Draft

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So who are the list of eligible draft riders and what is there ranking?


I ask because I see Benji Compton is riding at reserve for Birmingham tonight, he wasn't on the draft list.


As a side note, Benji is 27. So hardly the kind of rider that the "fast draught draft" is about. Oh, you mean it's about money?!

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  On 3/29/2014 at 7:14 PM, stevebrum said:

I would imagine he is just a `guest` as would have no ranking as of yet!

So can you use any NL rider as a guest then? Be a laugh if a team used Jon Armstrong and Dave Mason!

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  On 3/29/2014 at 8:23 PM, SCB said:

So if you did, youd see that its based on the draft list and there ranking.


So, the rules on using guests outside the draft list??

Care to update me on that part, the part i haven't seen in the rules?

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  On 3/29/2014 at 8:33 PM, stevebrum said:


So, the rules on using guests outside the draft list??

Care to update me on that part, the part i haven't seen in the rules?

There aren't any. If a draft rider is missing you can use another draft rider whos ranking is lower.


So Compton must have been added to the list, which sucks balls. But he must have also been added quite low down too so he can guest.

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  On 3/29/2014 at 7:52 PM, stevebrum said:


Have to say i haven't read the ruling on guests outside the Draft list.



  On 3/29/2014 at 9:23 PM, SCB said:

There aren't any. If a draft rider is missing you can use another draft rider whos ranking is lower.


So Compton must have been added to the list, which sucks balls. But he must have also been added quite low down too so he can guest.


So like i said i haven't read the rules on riders outside the draft because there aren't any clearly!

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  On 3/29/2014 at 9:29 PM, stevebrum said:




So like i said i haven't read the rules on riders outside the draft because there aren't any clearly!

There are some. In the rulebook. You have posted 4 times to say you don't know and that if you don't know clearly there is nobody who know.s There are rules, I know them, anyone who has read the rulebook knows them. But the rules are useless without the draft list.

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  On 3/29/2014 at 9:43 PM, SCB said:

There are some. In the rulebook. You have posted 4 times to say you don't know and that if you don't know clearly there is nobody who know.s There are rules, I know them, anyone who has read the rulebook knows them. But the rules are useless without the draft list.


You know the rules but you don't know the draft list. You haven't answered a simple question so i`m taking it you don't the answer, although you `know the rules`.

Says it all really.

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  On 3/29/2014 at 9:48 PM, stevebrum said:


You know the rules but you don't know the draft list. You haven't answered a simple question so i`m taking it you don't the answer, although you `know the rules`.

Says it all really.

You've asked one question. I answered it. The rest if you babbling a load of bollocks about nobody knowing and there being no rules. There are, I told you the rules FFS.


In case anyone has lost interest. Are they able to give a list of draft riders and their ranking so we can see who is eligible to guest for who. Thanks.

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  On 3/29/2014 at 10:29 PM, SCB said:

You've asked one question. I answered it. The rest if you babbling a load of bollocks about nobody knowing and there being no rules. There are, I told you the rules FFS.


In case anyone has lost interest. Are they able to give a list of draft riders and their ranking so we can see who is eligible to guest for who. Thanks.


As expected, a mouthful of bad language. I made a very simple point that Benji must have been used as a guest and i wasn't sure if that was covered in the rulebook.

As usual your ego and know all attitude exceeds itself as per.

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  On 3/29/2014 at 10:29 PM, SCB said:

You've asked one question. I answered it. The rest if you babbling a load of bollocks about nobody knowing and there being no rules. There are, I told you the rules FFS.


In case anyone has lost interest. Are they able to give a list of draft riders and their ranking so we can see who is eligible to guest for who. Thanks.



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The rules have been published on the scbgb website.


I'm fairly sure the initial 23 riders on the draft list were all named in order (can't find it at the moment), but an additional 7 or so riders to be added to the list -making 30 ish in all - have not to my knowledge been named yet. Presumably, the added 7 will be ranked lower (rightly or wrongly) than the original 23?!


Wizzer should be able to clarify, if he still checks out the forum - as its his list?!

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After only few meetings this season those young Brits are something refreshing for the league IMO.

Looking from Polish perspective, but as a British speedway fan, I have to say WELL DONE BSPA.

Finally young British prospects in top division. Much better to watch riders like Jacobs, Ellis, Lambert than all those boring no-hopers like Drymls, Nieminen, Miskowiak, Kosciuch to only name a few.

First step done, now time for shared number 1's position to make league attractive for GP boys and Elite League will shine again. Fingers crossed.

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  On 3/31/2014 at 12:18 PM, krompa said:

After only few meetings this season those young Brits are something refreshing for the league IMO.

Looking from Polish perspective, but as a British speedway fan, I have to say WELL DONE BSPA.

Finally young British prospects in top division. Much better to watch riders like Jacobs, Ellis, Lambert than all those boring no-hopers like Drymls, Nieminen, Miskowiak, Kosciuch to only name a few.

First step done, now time for shared number 1's position to make league attractive for GP boys and Elite League will shine again. Fingers crossed.

You're not Matt Ford in disguise are you?? :rofl::D

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