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And for anyone interested, the following works well - with an option for premier league/national league

racing format too.




Ok 'markyb' you've managed to post a link to a racecard and not have it removed! :t:


So let's see how long my one lasts before 'triple M' (Masked Malicious Mod) removes it .


(Note-Perhaps if childish poster would post it in the correct place, a thread he demanded people use, so called 'malicious mods' wouldnt have to waste time putting his posts in their right place. NB thats not called REmoving, its moving)


This match is scheduled for live streaming on Bet365


FREE AVAILABLE as of NOW! Direct download from the page,

Friday, 9th, May, 2014. Local Time 7:30pm, BST 7:30pm, UTC/GMT 6:30pm

MiniMax Racecard Elite League Coventry vs. Swindon


MiniMax Extended Racecard Elite League Coventry vs. Swindon

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(Note-Perhaps if childish poster would post it in the correct place, a thread he demanded people use, so called 'malicious mods' wouldnt have to waste time putting his posts in their right place. NB thats not called REmoving, its moving)


Weirder and weirder it all gets lol. I clicked on a saved bookmark for the match thread and got redirected to this thread in the general section. And Lo and Behold here are also SOME of the links that disappeared from the match threads.


The above quote (was inserted in red into my original post) has been placed by the mod who remains unidentified and greatly at fault on several counts.


I can assure you i certainly did NOT demand or even ask people to use this thread which was set up by 'scb' in reference to an application of his. Even he wasn't setting this thread up as a general siting place for all racecards.


Not sure what i've done that is childish? Others have expressed displeasure that their references to my posts and comments have been removed. I actually find it childish that posts highly praising my link were removed whilst leaving in place abusive off-topic attacks either side of my post. I also find it highly childish, pointless and malicious that time has been wasted by the mod in ploughing through old posts after a meeting has been and gone and systematically removing posts i made which consisted merely of 5 or 6 lines giving a notification of a racecard being made available. To what purpose was that done??? what an absolute waste of time.


Numerous times i asked for information on what was happening with the only response being those requests were ignored and removed!


In all the times that posts have been moved AND removed (never to be seen again lol) why did the mod presume we were all possessed with psychic abilities and know that he was putting some of them into a thread in a different section. Why not say why that they were being moved? also where to and especially so on the first occasion it was done??? How could anyone have known that they were being placed elsewhere (some of them).


It seems to be a repeated case of gross incompetence and/or lack of basic communication ability. How much more simple to say what was happening, i'm only finding this thread by some sort of automatic redirect that has been put in place, not sure that is a quick and simple thing to do.


Even with this message left by the mod concerned the incompetence is crazy with regard the false claim made, so to be clear i did not ask, and certainly wouldn't 'demand' for all racecard links to be put here!


OK well from now on i'll post the links for racecards for the Bet365 streaming and Sky televised EL matches here. I do hope that the childish behaviour and actions shown so far by the unidentified mod will end and as an example this post is not removed, don't think there is anyone in their right mind (or adult mind) could argue i have a right of reply to correcting a false claim made.

Edited by manchesterpaul
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To be utterly honest, Paul, this is the place to leave racecards as designated by the topic title. We do actually know where to get our racecards when the title says 'Racecards'. Please do not insult us posters intelligence.You quite happily use the system set up for the Grand Prix racecards so why not the same here ? I am not a moderator but it seems to me his actions are in the spirit of this forum and for the good of us all. I do somewhat agree with the mod that your comment re. the moderation on this site is childish, and not called for but I am pleased to see that your cards will in future be in the correct place. Another loose cannon we do not need on this forum with all the confrontation that goes on. Please accept this posting in a positive fashion - there is no personal attack intended.

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To be utterly honest, Paul, this is the place to leave racecards as designated by the topic title. We do actually know where to get our racecards when the title says 'Racecards'. Please do not insult us posters intelligence.You quite happily use the system set up for the Grand Prix racecards so why not the same here ? I am not a moderator but it seems to me his actions are in the spirit of this forum and for the good of us all. I do somewhat agree with the mod that your comment re. the moderation on this site is childish, and not called for but I am pleased to see that your cards will in future be in the correct place. Another loose cannon we do not need on this forum with all the confrontation that goes on. Please accept this posting in a positive fashion - there is no personal attack intended.


'bluejigger' i had hoped we could all of moved on now, a PM might have been better. Of course i accept your post without prejudice as i see it's not a personal attack. I'll touch upon a couple of points out your points out of courtesy and for purposes of clarification.


I'm lost at this mention you make of insulting poster's intelligence? Can i make clear that i was not the only one who was totally unaware that EL racecards were being moved to here, not just out of a match thread mind but out of the whole EL section. Links were being removed from where they had always been (in the Elite League section for the Elite League racecards) and nothing at all was left behind to say they were being moved to a totally different section of the forum. I and others are not psychic. Why can't you understand that point. Can you really not find fault with the way it was done?


Just a matter of opinion but i personally don't agree that the lumping of all SGP and SWC cards into a single thread is a good idea. The same with the Elite League i would have thought the one post by any of the racecard providers in the specific match/meeting thread which then fades away is far better than adding a whole thread - and placing it in a different section!!! - where they just pile up.


I'm still lost at what i've done that is supposed to be childish? And do you really think it is "in the spirit of the forum" that the mod should remove posts praising the placing of the racecard link and yet he leaves abusive, rule-breaking off-topic attacking the posted posts either side? complaints about the offending posts were ignored and removed! Is trawling back through old posts after a meeting has been and gone and removing racecard links not only childish and pointless but clearly NOT "in the spirit of the forum"?


Hopefully we can now begin to just post the links here. Although i can assure you there will still be Elite League fans who reading up on an EL match won't go looking into the 'general speedway discussion' section too see if there is a racecard available. I certainly wouldn't have done and i'm not insulting my own intelligence by saying that! lol. We look for SGP and SWC racecards in the SGP/SWC section of the forum, surely the EL should go by the same common sense logic.


Anyways......for the televised meeting

FREE AVAILABLE as of NOW! Direct download from the page,

Wednesday, 14th, May, 2014. Local Time 7:30pm, BST 7:30pm, UTC/GMT 6:30pm

MiniMax Racecard Elite League King's Lynn vs. Swindon

MiniMax Extended Racecard Elite League King's Lynn vs. Swindon

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Watch the action of POOLE v LAKESIDE at 19.30 Wednesday May 14th with live streaming from http://www.bet365.com using a scorecard from http://www.speedwayscorecards.net/

Watch the action of KINGS LYNN v SWINDON at 19.30 Wednesday May 14th live with Sky Sports 1 using a scorecard from http://www.speedwayscorecards.net/

Edited by drofgum
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Its HERE should anyone want a copy.

EL racecard here. You don't need me to post it for every meeting. I don't write 6 paragraphs justifying it and where it's posted every day. Just download it, put the riders names in yourself and use it.


It's innovative too because when you put scores in, it adds them up for you!


Main reason I'm posting, I was asked about TRs and bonus points not going on for team mates. If a rider takes a TR, put an ! after his score (eg 6!, 4!, 2!) that was any bonus points will appear.

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'Sigh' and still we can't get to just post a link as there is always something more to respond to.

'SCB' i always come on to simply give the few lines of notification absolutely nothing more. However, if as anywhere else in the forum i see something that needs correcting or a right of reply i will respond. I also don't write 6 paragraphs justifying it, but i will write 6 paragraphs or more if i have something to respond to. Not all Elite League meetings are covered, fans are not psychic so i notify when a racecard is available. I could address your other superfluous comments but nah! can't be bothered.

This match is scheduled for live streaming on Bet365
FREE AVAILABLE as of NOW! Direct download from the page,
Wednesday, 7th, May, 2014. Local Time 7:30pm, BST 7:30pm, UTC/GMT 6:30pm

MiniMax Racecard Elite League Birmingham vs. King's Lynn

MiniMax Extended Racecard Elite League Birmingham vs. King's Lynn

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'Sigh' and still we can't get to just post a link as there is always something more to respond to.


'SCB' i always come on to simply give the few lines of notification absolutely nothing more. However, if as anywhere else in the forum i see something that needs correcting or a right of reply i will respond. I also don't write 6 paragraphs justifying it, but i will write 6 paragraphs or more if i have something to respond to. Not all Elite League meetings are covered, fans are not psychic so i notify when a racecard is available. I could address your other superfluous comments but nah! can't be bothered.


This match is scheduled for live streaming on Bet365

FREE AVAILABLE as of NOW! Direct download from the page,

Wednesday, 7th, May, 2014. Local Time 7:30pm, BST 7:30pm, UTC/GMT 6:30pm


MiniMax Racecard Elite League Birmingham vs. King's Lynn


MiniMax Extended Racecard Elite League Birmingham vs. King's Lynn



To be honest with you, you have five lines of text, of which two are enlarged and coloured in red, just to announce that your "MiniMax" race cards now are available for download.Why?

It's very self-explanatory that the race card is available when you post a link to it. And why is the extra size and the red colour needed?

Why can't you just post a standard non-formatted link directly to the race card like everybody else, instead of adding allot of extra unnecessary information?


All that is needed is name of the fixture+a standard link directly to the race card (not to the website where it is hosted). No extra "available now" and etc.

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EL racecard here. You don't need me to post it for every meeting. I don't write 6 paragraphs justifying it and where it's posted every day. Just download it, put the riders names in yourself and use it.



Couldn't agree more.

The format for every Elite match is the same, so it only ever needs one racecard. And once you've downloaded it, just save it to your hard drive and you never need download it again.


It's ridiculous to keep posting the same Elite League racecard every meeting over and over again, and got quite stupid when it was being spammed all over every match thread and even on to the betting threads.


All that's needed is one EL racecard, one PL racecard, and one GP racecard. And your EL racecard is easily the best. It's...erm...truly innovative!

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Free race card for the Finnish Grand Prix available from Dropbox https://db.tt/D5FMmPpq


Screenshot here: https://db.tt/ikihdbzz


See the Facebook SpeedwayRaceCardGenerator page for more details



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This match is being shown on Sky Sports


FREE AVAILABLE as of NOW! Direct download from the page,

Monday, 19th, May, 2014. Local Time 7:30pm, BST 7:30pm, UTC/GMT 6:30pm


MiniMax Racecard Elite League Lakeside vs. King's Lynn


MiniMax Extended Racecard Elite League Lakeside vs. King's Lynn

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There is no rule against posting free racecard links so don't know why the mod who is removing only my racecard links is doing so. He refuses to say who he is or why he is removing them. He's still trawling though all threads and removing them quite astounding and petty and malicious.


Probably as it's the link to the same page every single time. Just post a direct link to the pdf, without the paragraphs of justification and they'll probably stay on the thread?



Free race card for the Finnish Grand Prix available from Dropbox https://db.tt/D5FMmPpq


Screenshot here: https://db.tt/ikihdbzz


See the Facebook SpeedwayRaceCardGenerator page for more details




Has to be said that is an awesome racecard design!! Never see anything like that before! Great job! :t:

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I'm so bored with this......where do we go from here? Well let's be clear, i'm staying not going anywhere and i'll be posting my minimal 5 to 6 lines of text including shock horror the two red lines! If people can't handle that maybe they should consider seeking some form counselling lol lol. JOKE! lol.

Edited by manchesterpaul
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