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Coventry Stadium Sold

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But if able to develop it now why not just do it rather than buy land that is already his


I don't know if this is the actual scenario regarding Mr Sandhu and Coventry Stadium but here's an obvious answer to your very fair question ...


If a company owns a property but that company also owes a shedload of money elsewhere, then the creditors owed that money could use the value of that property within the process of chasing their money and getting as much of it back as possible.


But if that company sells that property before the creditors start making progress towards whatever's left for them, the value of that property can't now be included in the creditors' chase because it no longer belongs to the company they're chasing and they're not owed anything by the company that now owns it.


Establishing any link between the owner of the company selling the property and the owner of the company buying the property doesn't much help the creditors get their money back ... its only real use is giving them the chance to share that information with any of the authorities helping their chase.

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Crowd last Sunday was less than 2,000, still pitiful compared to crowds at the Ricoh, or even compared to the Cobblers home gates.

That's sort of my point though. Of that 'crowd' there were quite a few 'Fisher Freebies' and others from Northampton. If, as seems possible, the Cobblers slide off the edge of the earth (or at least into non-league), and if CCFC can maintain their status and build on it, then I think we'll see that figure grow - with more disenchanted Cobblers fans.

Just my speculation.

Ugh. Please don't liken Sandhu to SISU! I feel sick now.... (This to philfromcov - not you Salty :wink: ).

Edited by FranktonBee
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Don't worry about us Cobblers fans we'll be OK. Scrapping for our lives at the foot of the table is what we do most years.


I dare say some keen football fans will take in the odd Coventry match on occasion just as keen speedway fans go to matches not involving their team, occasionally.


I cannot envisage a mass exodus of Cobblers fans to CCFC no matter what fate befalls the Cobblers this season.


Once a Cobbler always a Cobbler!

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Didn't Sandhu own half the stadium and some dodgy geezer who was arrested for fraud own the other half. I thought SAndhu and the guy had to sell Brandon to pay the fine. If he has brought it back and now owns it all the bees are in safe hands, are they not? Sandhu is well loved at Coventry and he wouldn't see the end of the Bees over a housing estate, would he now.


Him and Trump were the true speedway fans, the one the Coventry fans backed to the hilt in 2011. Or that's what they had you lot believe. time will tell but I know where I would place my bet on what is going to happen.


So what's the truth then?

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So what's the truth then?

We've known since he ducked out of speedway, disillusioned with its politics, that Sandhu has wanted to sell to develop for housing. He's now doing that. Heaven knows why he became so disillusioned; I can only guess. What we're left with is a repeated promise that he will find another stadium, which he first told us in a crisis meeting during the winter of discontent. It's up to Bees fans and speedway supporters in general if they believe that or not.

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What we're left with is a repeated promise that he will find another stadium, which he first told us in a crisis meeting during the winter of discontent. It's up to Bees fans and speedway supporters in general if they believe that or not.

Along with flying pigs, Santa Claus and fairies at the bottom of the garden.

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Isn't there an empty stadium at Hinckley ? Surprised the football didn't move there as it's nearer than Northampton but it could house speedway


Up for sell by the liquidator currently. 4 interested parties apparently. I don't think Cov football could play there - ground grading and such. Lack of seats etc.

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Isn't there an empty stadium at Hinckley ? Surprised the football didn't move there as it's nearer than Northampton but it could house speedway

Too many houses too near (including those belonging to both my daughters, off Barwell Lane, and a cousin of mine on Waterfall Way - and they'd all blame me personally!) for speedway. Besides: Wrong county....

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A right scurrilous lot, Rugby Borough Council by all reports i've seen from afar.

There's a council leader (Humphries) who has had allegations made against him of serving his own vested interests in housing developments decisions. Then another councillor who allegedly managed to ensure that one of his landowner pals received retrospective permission to run a rat-breeding farm building just outside of Rugby (to stock his reptiles business with snake food), overturning a previous decision not to allow it.

So the chances of a new home in the Borough of rugby may hinge on who knows who, old chap, nudge nudge. How "well-connected" is Mr Sandhu??

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A right scurrilous lot, Rugby Borough Council by all reports i've seen from afar.

There's a council leader (Humphries) who has had allegations made against him of serving his own vested interests in housing developments decisions. Then another councillor who allegedly managed to ensure that one of his landowner pals received retrospective permission to run a rat-breeding farm building just outside of Rugby (to stock his reptiles business with snake food), overturning a previous decision not to allow it.

So the chances of a new home in the Borough of rugby may hinge on who knows who, old chap, nudge nudge. How "well-connected" is Mr Sandhu??

Thats how it is with every thing in this world it's not what you know it's who you know been like that for years
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With a bit of luck Sandhu ends up with a white elephant earning him sod all !


What chance has a potential buyer getting through Rugby Council as many have tried before.

Just look at Oakdale Nurseries across the road from the stadium.

just give up !


12 months after speedway has ended in Coventry it will just take up a few inches in the speedway star about he history, Nigel Boocock, Rick France, Ron Mountford Ole Olsen and to me Gary Gugliemi (out and out entertainer)


I originally have commented that speedway will fold on the uk if coventry were no more - but know I was wrong.


Long live British Speedway !

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I don`t have a problem with Sandhu selling the land, thats what he bought it for in the first place, the last ten years or so have been a bonus however it does seem a bit cloak and dagger on Sandhu`s part but again its his business what he does with his money. Most people in Sandhu`s situation would do the same ! I have too much respect for him to start slagging him off now, in my eyes he`s been a hero over the years.

Edited by dornier
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I don`t have a problem with Sandhu selling the land, thats what he bought it for in the first place, the last ten years or so have been a bonus however it does seem a bit cloak and dagger on Sandhu`s part but again its his business what he does with his money. Most people in Sandhu`s situation would do the same ! I have too much respect for him to start slagging him off now, in my eyes he`s been a hero over the years.

If an alternative site is not found(we all know the difficulties)Mr Sandhu will be the man who ends speedway in Coventry. How that gives him hero status I'm not sure !
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As an aged Lions fan, the impending plight at Coventry would for many years have given me great pleasure to see the shoe being on the other foot & I would have been happy to quote “what goes around comes around” . This all due to the demise of Blackbird Road speedway being as a result of selling the site to developers and using some of the money to significantly upgrade Brandon to become (at the time) a truly fantastic speedway stadium in all of its glory.


However, now with the Lions returning from the wilderness and entering the Elite League, I am truly saddened that the supporters of Coventry face the same heartache as we lions did back in the early eighties (I guess I am growing up in my more senior years!) and I trust a new home can be found for the Bees as soon as possible.


If I could offer one word of advice. Don’t rely on the current owners or promoters to find that alternative home. Waiting for them to lead the way I fear will be wasting valuable time. Instead I encourage you the supporters to form an appropriate committee to take on the challenge, by all means involve current and future interested parties, but as they drop out one by one, you will need to have an ongoing team to carry on the search and deal with all that is involved until you find your new home.


If there is one truth in speedway it is that fans care more about the long term future of our sport than most promoters do and therefore only the fans can ensure the Bees are not forgotten. I just hope it doesn’t take you guys as long as it did Leicester...We didn’t win many matches back then and I am hoping we can start to address the balance a bit for many years to come :lol:


Good hunting and see you all at Brandon and BP during 2014.

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if anybody in the coventry area want a fund raising night, for future funds, i can supply a hall for an evenings entertainment and money raising around june/july time, it could alsobe an awareness night with local press involved..if enough support, i can arrange this, if nnot then i have at least offered

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1 valve....... As an aged Lions fan, the impending plight at Coventry would for many years have given me great pleasure to see the shoe being on the other foot & I would have been happy to quote “what goes around comes around” . This all due to the demise of Blackbird Road speedway being as a result of selling the site to developers and using some of the money to significantly upgrade Brandon to become (at the time) a truly fantastic speedway stadium in all of its glory.


I'm glad you didn't just stop there but went on to be a bit more sympathetic because nothing annoys me more than Leicester fans being pleased at the demise of Coventry. As Speedway fans we shouldn't want to see the loss of any track, particularly a Midlands one. The closure of the Blackbird Road Stadium, and I had been a fan since 1949, was heartbreaking but Charles Ochiltree only played a minor role and it wasn't him that decided Leicester had to go but the directors of Midland Sports Stadiums. Consequently it really irritates me that some fans bear a grudge all these years later when it has been nothing to do with the last three promotions at Brandon.

The whole thing seemed a bit strange to me but Martin Rogers has stated he knew nothing about it so I've got to believe him. That final meeting just fizzled out with no 'Goodbyes, see you next season' from the riders, which always previously happened. Was there even a fireworks display? I can't remember if there was but it was a very unusual end to the season.

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