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Elite Riders Championship - 25/09/2014

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Everybody in the sport knows that the top riders come over here and want to get in some practise meetings before the first SGP. They also know, that after along winter Layoff, the supporters wants to see Speedway, regardless of who is riding or where. Surely it's not difficult to accommodate everybody. Just takes a bit of thought.


But to promote a meeting called BLRC is asking for comparisons, To make it an Invitation format you are in fact devaluing the BLRC Name and all the previous winners.


All the riders and supporters want, are any race meetings, just to rekindle the appetite after the long winter break. The name of the event is irrelevant. Just don't make it into something it's not.

Edited by GRW123
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Clubs that use riders not in a 1-7 for individual meetings currently have to pay an appearance fee of £500

Assuming the likes of Nicki Pedersen, Greg Hancock and Chris Holder will be asked to supplement the field will the BSPA then compensate Wolves, Coventry and Poole accordingly.


This meeting, another individual meeting, being staged early in the season will take money out of the Ben Fund meeting and every other club putting on a curtain raiser individual meeting to kick off their season.


What's more we shouldn't IMO be extending invitations to riders not riding in the league here. Just giving them the opportunity to line their pockets. They don't want to ride here, why should they benefit when that cash could be going to riders who are in teams here?

Edited by Double Up
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Everybody in the sport knows that the top riders come over here and want to get in some practise meetings before the first SGP. They also know, that after along winter Layoff, the supporters wants to see Speedway, regardless of who is riding or where. Surely it's not difficult to accommodate everybody. Just takes a bit of thought.


But to promote a meeting called BLRC is asking for comparisons, To make it an Invitation format you are in fact devaluing the BLRC Name and all the previous winners.


All the riders and supporters want, are any race meetings, just to rekindle the appetite after the long winter break. The name of the event is irrelevant. Just don't make it into something it's not.

Careful GRW123, you will have some telling you that its not the ELRC/BLRC anymore :rofl:

Have it at the start of the season to try and create interest but ensure its for riders that want to ride here so wont need to test!

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Personally I think its a decent idea if some of the worlds top riders (who don't currently ride in the Elite League) are on show. The old format didn't appeal to me and I never attended. This one of the other hand I probably will attend if the line up is attractive and everyone is likely to turn up.


I did go to an ELite League pairs meeting a couple of years back and (with no disrespect to him) Joe Jacobs was riding for one of the teams. I happily watched Joe ride for Mildenhall and Coventry NL teams but I didn't pay the top admission price to see him totally outclassed at that meeting.


Lets see who actually turns up and how many people go before shooting the idea down. At least they are trying something different to attract the customers.

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This competition should only be for the top riders in the EL for that season. As it's now moved to the start of the season, I guess rider eligibility will need to be based upon 2013 averages. If rider's don't want/can't attend, then the next best riders must be the replacements.


Isn't Brandonapolis and other such events the big name invitational pre-season opener? Let's leave such guest ridden line-ups for that kind of event and not disrespect history by inviting all and sundry to the ELRC or whatever it's called.


Addressing the riders appetite (or lack of) to take part in the ELRC could be done by addressing the prizes on offer, and by running it at a sensible time of the year.


Teams fielding weakened teams in the FA Cup doesn't have the FA thinking "Let's invite Real Madrid and Juventus to take part in the FA Cup this year to make it more interesting" does it?!? Respect history.

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Is this meeting on SKY?

Now that's a good idea. Let's not bother paying out for petrol and travelling on what will probably be a cold day and sit at home and watch it instead. :) (Well, not me personally because I don't have Sky Sports any more.)

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Great idea to move it but no way should anyone not riding over here in 2014 be invited to take part.


This event is there to replace a time honoured traditional individual meeting.


Im all for having a big individual meeting with gp stars invited but the ERLC should remain as it is an individual for the top boys to ride in that ply their trade in this league.


Would hate to see a part of the history of the sport disappear. Corect it needed a revamp but peopl like Holder Lindgren and Nicki should not be in it.


Granted it will be Tai or NKI or Ward who may win but why cant a Zagar or Bjerre win it.


Either limit this to league riders or have 2 seperate individual meetings.

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The usual whinging and moaning that greets anything 'new'. The same people who whinge and moan that things need changing are the first to whinge and moan when something is changed.



And I bet you like the tactical rider / joker rule : )


I am not averse to change, but in this case, why shun tradition/history when it's actually one thing our sport/this event actually has going for it?!


Get sponsors, promote the event, make a fuss of the prestige associated with this event, get a big prize on offer, and top EL riders will ride.

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Is it a myth about top riders pulling out of the ELRC - at least in recent seasons? I remember the 2011 one at Swindon (cracking meeting by the way) and I don't remember many of the top riders being absent?

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Is it a myth about top riders pulling out of the ELRC - at least in recent seasons? I remember the 2011 one at Swindon (cracking meeting by the way) and I don't remember many of the top riders being absent?

Was that one Rory went around Scott Nicholls coming off the last bend to nick it on the line? If so, that was a cracking meeting. Seem to recall pretty much all the top boys were there that day, even Niels got eliminated after the heats when in his last ride he went for a big move going into turn 3 on the last lap where he lost it. Was a bit gutted for Scott as he probably deserved the win that night.

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Was that one Rory went around Scott Nicholls coming off the last bend to nick it on the line? If so, that was a cracking meeting. Seem to recall pretty much all the top boys were there that day, even Niels got eliminated after the heats when in his last ride he went for a big move going into turn 3 on the last lap where he lost it. Was a bit gutted for Scott as he probably deserved the win that night.

Yep, sure was and yes, he probably did but fair play to Rory. Last year it was run in poor conditions and it should really have been cancelled which may have prompted this change - what makes them think March will be any better though!!

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Im not in favour of offering riders who havent been prepared to ride in Britain a big pay day and practice before their 'real' season starts.


Surely if they need to blow away the cobwebs and get a bit of practice in they will ride for expenses only.


That way they get their practice and British Speedway earn some benefit too by not having to fork out a fortune and therefore increasing the shareout .


Perhaps the few thousand saved could part fund the U21 trips for this year.

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Which shafts Gary Havelock's Farewell Meeting at Poole the same night.

I dont see how, his tesimonial would more than likely be attended by Poole fans mostly, not the easiest place to get to on a Friday night for most. Only Ward and Cook would ride in the ERC from the riders named so far think. May hinder the attendence a little but not a lot in my opinion.

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I dont see how, his tesimonial would more than likely be attended by Poole fans mostly, not the easiest place to get to on a Friday night for most. Only Ward and Cook would ride in the ERC from the riders named so far think. May hinder the attendence a little but not a lot in my opinion.


Attracting other 'top' riders might be a problem though?

Edited by The Abbott
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Initially great planning by Havvy, yes only a testimonial but a chance to see some decent riders and a very early season meeting. I was and still will be going to Poole to pay respects to someone who gave me plenty of enjoyment ever since he started and a great servant to British Speedway. Yes he has been shafted and it will stop may people going. I think the BSPA should hang their head in shame.

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