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Matt Ford Already Planning To Fiddle Reserve Berths?

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i have to say im not sure thats true.

i would expect that a landlord would demand a block of fridays (in the case of coventry) from March till October, and its up to you to use them.

i don't think any landlord would allow you to pick and choose, or how would you re arrange meetings? this all has to be agreed upfront.

the costs would be just about power wages etc on the night for the NL to "fill in" the spare nights.


the fact that it didnt pay (break even) says more about the local fans than it does about matt Ford i suspect

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I wonder if some sort of co-operation between Poole and IOW could work, would give Poole a relatively cheap 'in' to the NL and help keep speedway alive on the Island?

pigs will fly when Poole speedway actually care about British speedway or British riders, Matt ford only out for himself and couldn't give 2 hoots about our sport
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I thought Poole stadium was council owned, wouldn't they look favourable on a training league?

Cost the same to hire for EL as NL, less the cost of a few less stadium staff as the bars are not used.


Fans only have limited funds even down here. Wednesday EL and then Thursday for NL didn't work, as fans will choose EL over NL any day of the week regardless of the cheaper entrance fee for the NL meetings. Two days in a row for speedway also leads to problems about attending. Fans have families, and some members of a family are not so forgiving when their spouse disappears for two nights on the bounce.


It was tried at Poole but unfortunately failed on this occasion. Poole fans are no different to any other fans and only a percentage would attend NL meetings the night after an EL fixture. If the stadium was owned by Poole speedway then costs would be lower and a NL team could operate with lower crowds and break even.

pigs will fly when Poole speedway actually care about British speedway or British riders, Matt ford only out for himself and couldn't give 2 hoots about our sport

What a totally moronic post. But expected from you.

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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No because once you own the stadium your costs of upkeep stay fairly constant whether you run one two or three meetings per week. If you rent your costs increase proportionately for every meeting you run, which is ok if you get enough through the gate to make each meeting pay but history shows that NL meetings rarely get big enough crowds to cover the costs of rented stadiums when shared with EL matches.

I understand that, and agree.

But... Obviously there is a huge cost (opportunity cost) in investing in land/stadium that could presumably produce a better finsncial return elsewhere. To just say kl can do it because it doesnt cost them anything is a little simplistic - obviously the incremental cost of running an nl team is relatively small, but it is part of a much larger invrstment, which is likely more than promoters who rent are making.

Ultimately it comes down to the amount promoters are willing to invest. Just to be clear, this is not ananti poole dig, as clearly matt ford invests more than a lot of other promoters in terms of his team.

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i have to say im not sure thats true.

i would expect that a landlord would demand a block of fridays (in the case of coventry) from March till October, and its up to you to use them.

i don't think any landlord would allow you to pick and choose, or how would you re arrange meetings? this all has to be agreed upfront.

the costs would be just about power wages etc on the night for the NL to "fill in" the spare nights.


the fact that it didnt pay (break even) says more about the local fans than it does about matt Ford i suspect

I'm sure that's the way its done at Brandon and I'm sure Sandhu doesn't mind the extra income from refreshments etc. Point is kind of proved that Coventry has been given the NL fours for next season.

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Take someone investing even a modest £1m in a stadium against a rental at a figure of say £50k a season.


Thats 20 seasons rent equivalent (mininmun given freeholder costs) so the owner/renter arguement doesnt stack up.


The 2 nights weekly being just too much for even many ardent fans is much more to the point.

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