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Sky Sports New Deal

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Maybe it has been put into the hands 0f MI16 or the KGB or what ever it is now called. Because if it had it would have been out in the open now. Because getting info out of Sky and the BSPA is far tougher than getting it out of any seceret service.

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Phil has already given information previously about the SKY deal if people actually read posts properly.



In post 517 he states categorically that the IS a deal for TV coverage.

And that it is with Sky.


But he CAN'T announce it in Speedway Star yet.

Even though he just did, here!



Edited by Grand Central
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A promoter states a deal with Sky is done

A Sky employee states a deal with Sky is done

A journalist states a deal with Sky is done


Imagine a rider states to a potential sponsor as part of his negotiations that a deal with Sky is done. Any guesses what would happen to that rider?


This is why if you hear of a rumour in speedway, there is a good chance that it may be true.

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IT is no secret that there is a deal with Sky but what we haven't been able to publish - because we actually don't know - is the precise details of the new contract ... money, length, etc, etc. We were hoping to have been given chapter and verse earlier this week so that it could be included in SS tomorrow but no joy there.


An earlier comment has been mis-interpreted by some ... what I was trying to say, but seemingly failed in some people's eyes, is that it is the prerogative of Sky and/or the BSPA to formally announce any deal at a time of their choosing. I would also agree that it must be frustrating for riders looking to secure or boost sponsorship deals on the back on TV coverage and having no actual evidence of one being in existence.


The silence from Rugby and Isleworth is deafening but perhaps we will discover why in the near future.

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Riders do, indeed, face the difficulty of having no evidence of a TV deal in place when approaching or negotiating with sponsors.

And it is, as you say, no secret at all that such a deal is in place.


So what would be the problem in running a news piece along exactly those lines in the Star?


The lack of official confirmation could be mentioned and, indeed, may deserve a little editorial comment.


A page two or three lead with the fact that there is a deal would help those riders immeasurably.

The boring detail of the deal would be of no interest to their potential sponsors.

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In post 517 he states categorically that the IS a deal for TV coverage.

And that it is with Sky.


But he CAN'T announce it in Speedway Star yet.

Even though he just did, here!



Exactly. Yet some still moan that there is no announcement and why are they being kept in the dark!!

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Exactly. Yet some still moan that there is no announcement and why are they being kept in the dark!!


Some would like to see the Deal signed, sealed and delivered - including me.


Why the delay in the Announcement - it seems utterly ridiculous to me. Are the BSPA and SKY not bothered about their Customers? The answer to that seems to be a resounding - NO!!!

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Some would like to see the Deal signed, sealed and delivered - including me.


Why the delay in the Announcement - it seems utterly ridiculous to me. Are the BSPA and SKY not bothered about their Customers? The answer to that seems to be a resounding - NO!!!

I`m usually exactly the same when i hear about so called in the know comments about signings that quite often aren't true, however with regards the TV deal we have had 2 promoters (Cook and Middleditch) saying that its happening, an in the know journalist saying it will soon be announced. In this instance i think it is fair to say it is happening.


I agree, i am looking forward to an official announcement sometime very soon. No idea why some have to make such a big deal about it with all the knowledge already available on the subject.

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I`m usually exactly the same when i hear about so called in the know comments about signings that quite often aren't true, however with regards the TV deal we have had 2 promoters (Cook and Middleditch) saying that its happening, an in the know journalist saying it will soon be announced. In this instance i think it is fair to say it is happening.


I agree, i am looking forward to an official announcement sometime very soon. No idea why some have to make such a big deal about it with all the knowledge already available on the subject.


Rider Sponsors - as mentioned earlier.

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The silence from Rugby and Isleworth is deafening but perhaps we will discover why in the near future.

Philip ...


Given the lack of official announcement from the BSPA or Sky but also given that you feel able to publish the above sentence on a public forum, please would you explain why you're not also publishing the above sentence in this week's Speedway Star given your significant involvement with that magazine.


All you're doing at the moment is reinforcing the opinion (rightly or wrongly) of many supporters (and particularly, ex-readers of the Speedway Star like myself) that the Speedway Star has developed a ridiculously cosy editorial stance with the BSPA rather than keeping it on its toes with enough really challenging editorial pieces.


Alternatively, given the comments of "Jonny the spud" & "Grand Central" within the last few posts on this thread, how about ringing up a few riders in the next few days, especially towards the lower end of the Elite League averages or the graded-reserves, because it looks like you'll have no problem getting some really good quotes summing up the riders' collective frustration at not being able to give potential sponsors as good an idea as possible of this season's likely TV-exposure.


If you do that, you won't have to worry about any continuing deafening silence from Rugby or Isleworth leaving a blank space in next week's magazine because you can fill it with the article I've just suggested instead.


What matters more at the Speedway Star ? ... well-researched but sometimes hard-hitting journalism or carefully steering round anything remotely awkward for the BSPA ?


By the way, I speak as someone who has stood-in on several occasions over the past decade to supply match-reports or club-columns to the Speedway Star when regular correspondents haven't been available.

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So only rider sponsors are making negative comments on the subject?


No - obviously not. I'm not a Sponsor and I suppose you could say that my comments on this pathetic situation were negative. :unsure: :unsure: :P

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If the announcement is being held up because of a sponsorship deal then this is perfectly understandable.

Deals need to have every "i" dotted and "t" crossed by lawyers, that takes time.


And just in case anyone is thinking of making a comment about this, before you do - ask yourself this question....


"If something went wrong and the sponsors pulled out of the deal mid way through the season leaving speedway in the financial doo doo.

Would I be on this forum criticising the BSPA/SKY/Sponsor/Eurosport/the weather/Cameron/Thatcher/Blair for having a contract that allowed this to happen?"

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FFS!!! Whats not to understand??!


The BSPA are finalising the new deal with a League Sponsor and will announce that deal - along with the TV coverage arrangement at the appropriate time.


I also think you'll find that all/any riders likely to benefit from their sponsors logos being on TV, will be fully aware of what the situation is - in the same way that promoters are with club sponsors!!


For example, I've already seen a 'draft advertisement' promoting the coming speedway season, which is scheduled to appear in the Spring edition of a quarterly magazine!!

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Maybe the twopenny league sponsorship with a second hand car dealership was put on ice and all announcements put on hold when it emerged from Nigel Pearson's own back yard that Zoopla may have £3m to spend on some sponsorship deal or another, now that they have pulled out of the West Bromwich Albion deal?


Just be careful with how you salute your heat wins!

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Well it won't be Man Utd - even though they are the Poole Pirates of football!!


Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee,Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee,. I'm sorry - I can't stop laughing. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I noticed Moyes never came out for the Post Match interview last night - I wonder why? :rofl:

Haaawwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaay SUNDERLAND!!! :t::approve: :approve:


It's not often we Sunderland Supporters get a chance to shout for our Team. :sad:


PLEASE forgive me for taking the chance whilst I can. :t:

Edited by The White Knight
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Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee,Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee,. I'm sorry - I can't stop laughing. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I noticed Moyes never came out for the Post Match interview last night - I wonder why? :rofl:


Who were they playing last night White Knight..................any ideas?!!!! ;)

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