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Sky Sports New Deal

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Is anybody actually bothered by a TV deal?


I mean I prefer to watch it live than on a box just my thoughts


Well it got me back into Speedway in 1999 after 19 years away, so it could do the same for others, also not everyone can get to speedway, plus Monday night nowt else to do,first day back at work after weekend summat to look forward to...SMILEY FACE.

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Well it got me back into Speedway in 1999 after 19 years away, so it could do the same for others, also not everyone can get to speedway, plus Monday night nowt else to do,first day back at work after weekend summat to look forward to...SMILEY FACE.


No ok I take your points, altho I am sure some people take the easy route to watch the box which does effect gate money.

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Is anybody actually bothered by a TV deal?


I mean I prefer to watch it live than on a box just my thoughts

Live TV and Radio kill off attendances. With so many fans all over the country being elderly, it's a comfortable option to watch at home.


Messing around with the race nights to suit TV schedules messes people about too.


Birmingham's crowds increased after Radio WM were stopped from broadcasting. More important that crowds come in through the gates not stay at home. It's bigger crowds in stadiums that attract sponsors too.


Maybe instead of live speedway, someone could do a roundup show at the weekend or something?

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You've 'peddalled' this line of Birmingham's attendances increased after WM stopped broadcasting, have you got any evidence to back up it was BECAUSE of that?


I seem to remember a number of 'cut price meetings' and appeals to save the club that will have boosted the crowd, plus as the season went on it became more apparent that Birmingham had a title contending team which of course also will have bolstered the crowd.

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Well it got me back into Speedway in 1999 after 19 years away, so it could do the same for others, also not everyone can get to speedway, plus Monday night nowt else to do,first day back at work after weekend summat to look forward to...SMILEY FACE.


I also came back to watching speedway again after a long break, by seeing the sport on Sky. TV exposure is vital these days for any sport.

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never said its cheapest, just pointing out, every activity cost money, I personally don't think £16 is expensive to watch a speedway match..how on earth can you pay 14 riders alone,on anything less?..i put on monthly shows, the out goings would shock most people..

the hot dog and coke at pictures not cheap either..people on a Friday night don't think twice of paying £30 for a round of drinks,not sure why cost enters peoples heads sometimes

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Wait and return taxi rides to mcdonalds drive through including food would cost around the 16 quid mark so the value of a big mac to some people is 16 pound some folk on here dont think 15 races for 16 is good value.....everybodys different with their money.

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never said its cheapest, just pointing out, every activity cost money, I personally don't think £16 is expensive to watch a speedway match..how on earth can you pay 14 riders alone,on anything less?..i put on monthly shows, the out goings would shock most people..

the hot dog and coke at pictures not cheap either..people on a Friday night don't think twice of paying £30 for a round of drinks,not sure why cost enters peoples heads sometimes


Mum, Dad and two youngsters over sixteen and still in education. Yes - I can certainly understand how cost "enters people's head". Especially in these times of austerity.


What an odd comment for you to make.

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over priced? where can you go for a night out on £16??....

Loads of places.

ARE you going to step forward?


Think a million down is wrong by a large margin.

Not an Elite league anymore so not were not. 150k to much for it and would not be a good company move. I could get Cardiff, and five other gp for that a year :wink: Well my sourse said it dropped a million from the original so can only quote that.

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not sure whats "odd"..white knight with thinking £16 is a lot of money.......not everyone got 2 kids, was talking bout per person, course the more you take the dearer it is! it is anywhere....you drive? drink? got sky sports? etc...everything costs, to think you can

watch for £10, must be in cuckoo land!

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I don't think it's the actual cost but the percieved value for money that puts people off.


£16.00 for 15 minutes entertainment in a run down crap hole of a stadium especially if the weather is a bit iffy would certainly put people off.

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