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Sky Sports New Deal

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Great news that speedway is to be screened again on sky. But now wait for all the negative comments to come. Each and everyone speedway fan should be happy that it's going to be back on but something tells me that it won't be like it ! It's great news that should be embraced. Well my glass is half full 😃😃

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Great news that speedway is to be screened again on sky. But now wait for all the negative comments to come. Each and everyone speedway fan should be happy that it's going to be back on but something tells me that it won't be like it ! It's great news that should be embraced. Well my glass is half full


No negativity from me - great news!!! :t:

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Cancelled my subscription when they started charging me full price again ! so no advantage to me that they are showing it again, however I do still have Eurosport, so I will still get the main meetings ( the SGP's) and quite possibly the Swedish League this season, I would also have to say that it is hardly an earth shattering 6 of the best line up that they are announcing this morning, it would'nt tempt me back at full price for that lot.

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GETTING back on topic ... this could actually be THE week!






"Could", as in "maybe", or "perhaps", or "possibly"...or as in "not at all"? I suppose sooner or later something will be announced, so by the laws of probability, if you keep on predicting it, eventually you will be right.



been reading your spin on the tv deal for months all we've heard is soon or this week no let's wait for it next week I've come to the conclusion you no bugger all . Bored stiff with reading your spin when all any speedway fans wants to no is there a deal or no deal ,



Nigel Pearson has just announced new 5 year deal for speedway on SkySports



Announced on sky sports news too.



It's on the Sky Sports News Breaking News ticker!


Great News!



So now it becomes obvious why there was the delay.


Its results day for Sky and they at the same time announced the renewal of 6 of their deals.


Part of their strategy to say look at us - sign up.


Let's hope the doubters and knockers will apologise and then dissapear whimpering, like a whimpering thing........


And TWK will enjoy watching live speedway on Sky.... Despite not being against it being shown per se...... :P

Edited by The Abbott
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Nigel Pearson has just announced new 5 year deal for speedway on SkySports


:cheers: ....and there's dancing in the streets :party:Truly fantastic news.


They wanted to announce speedway alongside egg chasing, Scottish football and WWE!


I've a good mind to complain about your post Matt, don't think i've ever been so misled and let down in all my life. I just went over to the Sky site and Googled but nowhere do i see anything to back up your claim. That's a cruel false post as i see no sign of me EGG CHASING waaaaaah!


Big question is "Will the Elite League last 5 years?"


Hee hee hee.




Heartily for sure. Thank you Sky and all involved in negotiating.


Let's hope the doubters and knockers will apologise and then dissapear whimpering, like a whimpering thing........


Try not to lynch too many as i think a lot of fans were moaning about the delay in announcing the deal rather than one existing, especially after the Matt Ford false start.

Edited by manchesterpaul
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GOT there in the end and, as suspected, Sky wanted to lump it in with other deals. Just disappointed that they and the BSPA would sanction a release in Speedway Star today. There will be interviews with Terry Russell, Nigel Pearson and Kelvin Tatum next week.

This is something I find very odd, the press obviously had the info ready for release early today. How come the sports only dedicated magazine wasn't given the same privilege?

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This is excellent news and all those concerned should be congratulated for keeping speedway on our screens. Hopefully now the powers that be use this 5 year window as an opportunity to really put speedway on a firm footing that will see our sport grow for many years to come.


So all those doom and gloom merchants who wouldn't be renewing their Sky packages without speedway can now renew their Sky subscriptions and while they are on the line to Sky they might congratulate them for continuing to cover speedway.

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Brilliant news...for me anyway, it allows me to see League Speedway in Ireland. I can understand all the negatives about attendances etc but I for one have a smile on my face today :t: Well Done Sky AND I am looking forward to Nige and Kelv too.....all I need to make my year complete is TMole succeeding in talking the Bradford Bulls into letting speedway back into Odsal. (I visited it during a trip 'home' this past weekend) and theres no doubt the track or maybe a smaller track CAN be accommodated there. If they leave it much longer to decide NO sport will be there anymore. #Bradfords loss.....Now whats Skys phone number need to sign up to a deal again :lol::lol:

Edited by emerald tyke
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Great news that Clubs will receive much needed finance.

But I still would prefer a Magazine type programme that covers all the Leagues.

Just saying. :D

This is good news and welcome but but not sure about the much needed finance. From previous information I was under the impression that Sky are just showing the meeting and not paying for the rights. It may be the case that only the club showing the meeting will receive payment from Sky.


The much needed finance is supposed to come from a sponsor which is still to be found.

Edited by A ORLOV
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This is good news and welcome but but not sure about the much needed finance. From previous information I was under the impression that Sky are just showing the meeting and not paying for the rights. It may be the case that only the club showing the meeting will receive payment from Sky.


The much needed finance is supposed to come from a sponsor which is still to be found.

I think that info is quite a way wide of the mark. I've seen and heard plenty of the same rumour and it seems to be based only on what Sky have done to some other smaller sports and nothing at all to do with Speedway as I understand

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