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British Speedway Promoters Meeting

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I do find the posts around the travelling for the 'young brits' somewhat amusing....


Awww bless.... ...


In Aussie in their 'formative years' riders travel days to get rides, and teenage danes and swedes uproot and live in another country to gain experience...


If our precious boys cannot travel a few hours to better themselves in their chosen career then maybe a 9 - 5 existence in an office would be more their calling?


Maybe what they need is a bit of 'hardship' to toughen themselves up to meet the challenge of their foreign counterparts??

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People need to forget about the term "Elite League" the "Elite League" is no more, I think you will see it rebranded as the "British League" in the upcoming weeks.


My first impressions on Sunday evening was that this would be the death of top flight speedway, but as more and more comes out I am excited by the start of a new era, it was only 20 odd years ago that Numbers 6 and 7 were occupied from lads who were part of the Junior sides competing in the 2nd halves, back then we had the British League and the National League, alongside the aforementioned Junior teams that every British League side had (4 man teams, 6 heats in a match).


Seems like we are potentially heading back to those days, and will be refreshing to see reserves scoring less than double figures rather than the ridiculous situation last season where Birmingham dragged themselves to the play off final with a reserve taking 7 rides a night.


Only thing that puzzles me is how do the reserves ever move into the 1-5 positions in future seasons if they have manipulated averages?


And got to feel sorry for riders in the 7.00 average bracket, not exactly enticing to team building with the new regulations.

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I would imagine the majority of NL riders have jobs as do their mechanics/parents. Those riders who are drafted into the EL reserve positions will then have to ride another 36 meetings in a season in addition to their NL meetings and for some of them PL meetings as well.

The money they will need to be paid will have to replace their income, pay for the mechanic and provide for better or extra equipment. This should be cheaper than flying in foreign riders and it is good that young Brits are given this opportunity but will 20+ riders be able to commit to this number of meetings. If it is the case that certain PL riders will be included this would ease the burden on the NL

Edited by A ORLOV
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So one more saving has been made ... no team managers needed!


I guess that Phil Morris was the first redundancy ...

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My thoughts:

  1. Not really much different to the rule introduced in 1986 that all teams must have one home grown junior, who came in on an assessed to point average. Most teams ended up fielding to, to be able to have a decent top 5 under the then 45 point (inc bonus point) limit. The same season a minimum three rider rule was brought in, meanings these juniors needed to take all the scheduled rides (or if replaced in one, come in as a replacement in another). On the downside, it has to be said that that scheme produced only Sean Wilson and Andy Phillips who did anything of note, and tbf they probably would have done so without the rule. But we are now much more desperate for young British riders to come through, so i think its well worth a shot.
  2. In terms of heat format, I’d suggest a return to that introduced in the late 80s, which added an extra reserves heat and the nominated riders heat to the existing 13 heat format. So four scheduled riders, must take a minimum of three.
  3. In terms of elegibility, why not just say any rider who is either under 21 who (at the start of the season) has ridden no more than 10 EL meetings or is under 23 and has ridden no more than 20 PL meetings? Said rider must be British, elegible and available to ride for Team GB or however you want to phrase it. I don’t understand why they are being allocated, but it would seem to stop the richest clubs from “cherry picking” the top youngsters, which therefore makes me very surprised it’s been introduced. Perhaps there should be a “standard wage” for these riders, and a draft system along the lines of baseball’s?
  4. Personally, I would have allowed the riders to move up into the top5 if their averages demanded it, to try to reduce the artificiality of their averages. But the benefit of this way I guess, is that for team building next season (if averages are used) you could say apply a 50% multiplier to get a team building average.
  5. In case of injury during a meeting to a top 4 rider, I’d suggest that they should be allowed to be replaced in their remaining riders by any rider below them in the averages. Once so replaced, they could not ride again later in the meeting, and must have a doctor certify them unfit to reduce manipulation of this system. No rider could be used as such a replacement more than twice.
Edited by waihekeaces1
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I belief the outrage that has been posted on here, about new ideas, is way over the top. Personally, I think the promoters have done well in the idea of bringing in young British riders. Ok , the exact details have still to be finalised, the wording in the announcement, could have been be a bit different. But Christ give them chance, they only had 3 days. I'm sure the minute details can be iron out in due course. The League doesn't start till March 2014


Its appears so easy, to be negative all the time, but what miserable lives you must lead.

Not according to some here that are more informed of the way the BSPA work. They apparently had regular meetings during the season and a pre AGM so they must have had some discussion on the subject and had some idea of how it would work.

If it was just chucked in over the weekend then fans have every right to be scornful of such a half thought out plan.


It's a bit unfair to criticise fans for not falling at the feet in gratitude at the BSPA reducing the product for the paying public.

Of course it's something worthy and long overdue and yes we don't know the detail but then the detail seems to be unknown also to those who thought of it.

We saw riders from the PL like that Lawson kid find it impossible to make ends meet in the EL so how difficult will it be for the NL boys.


I wish the NL lads all the luck in the world and hope they gain something out of the experience but we all know why they are getting this chance and it's not because the BSPA care about the National Team or the youngsters they will use to fill EL rosters now the Golden Goose has flown and all the eggs were wasted on Greg Hancock and his ilk.

A well thought out program with obtainable goals set for the progression of these lads will indeed be a great idea that all fans should support but this seems like the EL is short of cash and 5 regular paid riders and 2 NL kids rather than expensive foreign rubbish fits the bill.


The sensible reservations people here have will have to be dealt with before the season starts so people saying March is a long way off are naive. There are a lot of problems to be addressed long before the new season starts.

I wonder how long the queue will be of NL kids wanting to race in the top league. How they will be distributed and how they will be competetive are serious concerns.

The new format idea is good but again it seems that nobody as yet knows what it will be. If 2 reserve heats and still 15 heats that further dilutes the product which was not worth the price at EL level this year.

People will be asked to pay more for less once again. Another serious concern for fan and promoter.


Let's not kid ourselves that these people are some kind of geniuses. They are doing this because the sport is up a certain creek without any oars.

The coming weeks will be very interesting and hopefully something good can come out of it at the end. :)

Edited by pandorum
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Not according to some here that are more informed of the way the BSPA work. They apparently had regular meetings during the season and a pre AGM so they must have had some discussion on the subject and had some idea of how it would work.

If it was just chucked in over the weekend then fans have every right to be scornful of such a half thought out plan.


It's a bit unfair to criticise fans for not falling at the feet in gratitude at the BSPA reducing the product for the paying public.

Of course it's something worthy and long overdue and yes we don't know the detail but then the detail seems to be unknown also to those who thought of it.

We saw riders from the PL like that Lawson kid find it impossible to make ends meet in the EL so how difficult will it be for the NL boys.


I wish the NL lads all the luck in the world and hope they gain something out of the experience but we all know why they are getting this chance and it's not because the BSPA care about the National Team or the youngsters they will use to fill EL rosters now the Golden Goose has flown and all the eggs were wasted on Greg Hancock and his ilk.

A well thought out program with obtainable goals set for the progression of these lads will indeed be a great idea that all fans should support but this seems like the EL is short of cash and 5 regular paid riders and 2 NL kids rather than expensive foreign rubbish fits the bill.


The sensible reservations people here have will have to be dealt with before the season starts so people saying March is a long way off are naive. There are a lot of problems to be addressed long before the new season starts.

I wonder how long the queue will be of NL kids wanting to race in the top league. How they will be distributed and how they will be competetive are serious concerns.

The new format idea is good but again it seems that nobody as yet knows what it will be. If 2 reserve heats and still 15 heats that further dilutes the product which was not worth the price at EL level this year.

People will be asked to pay more for less once again. Another serious concern for fan and promoter.


Let's not kid ourselves that these people are some kind of geniuses. They are doing this because the sport is up a certain creek without any oars.

The coming weeks will be very interesting and hopefully something good can come out of it at the end. :)

. A really good post i agree with everything, the intention looks good but i cannot see how it can work.This idea i would of liked seen happen in the PL with national league British lads getting extended runs at that level.But I believe the PL has its own very good product and should be able to run there shop as they seem fit it is the EL that is at deaths door.For me the big decision was that the GP stars have to go it is not practicle and this cost cutting measure really is a Kop out at addressing a big problem.Saying that i hope some Brits make progress and are not just turning up knowing they will only score a point or two and those points will be only against riders of there own ability.
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dear promotors


how about ring fencing the likely reduced Sky money (as it seems the new EL model has discounted this now anyway). buy the selected young NL 20 x2 each super tuned engines, on a season contract with the BSPA (not club specific) but with an obligation to up their EL average from 3.00 to say 5.00. have a regular weekly contractual training day on a Tuesday at different size tracks, say with Phil M, Gary H, Joes S, etc. in the evening have a bonding session plus cover the fitness, technical, phycological, logistical side of the sport.


If they dont make the EL required cut at then end of the season then select from the NL averages at the start of the next season for the next crop and take back the kit to give to the newcomers.

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In terms of elegibility, why not just say any rider who is either under 21 who (at the start of the season) has ridden no more than 10 EL meetings or is under 23 and has ridden no more than 20 PL meetings? Said rider must be British, elegible and available to ride for Team GB or however you want to phrase it. I don’t understand why they are being allocated, but it would seem to stop the richest clubs from “cherry picking” the top youngsters, which therefore makes me very surprised it’s been introduced.

I've long thought that riders under 21 or in the first 3 years of their careers should not be subject to the points limit, but only if they start their careers with the team and only whilst they stay with that team. In principle, these riders should also retain this exemption if they ride on loan in either a lower or higher league to gain experience, but aim would be to encourage teams to develop their own riders.


Of course, this system wouldn't be possible to introduce next year, but it's something to aim for.

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Whilst I applaud the attempt made to provide opportunities for young British riders to progress I'm not convinced they've gone about it in the best way, only time will tell.

At the end of the day I still feel the big problem is that the sport needs to be governed by an independent body. With the current set up I can't see how promoters can make decisions for the good of the sport when at the end of the day they want to further the interests of their own team illustrated by Matt Ford's comment in the local press before the AGM;

“ we'll try to help other clubs by accepting the rules they bring to the table” but insists he will “never accept anything which will truly damage Poole”.


I don't know who would make up the independent body but I can't see how the sport will ever move forward with the existing set up. I don't think there's anybody currently in the BSPA with the vision to give the sport the much needed revamp it needs to secure its future in this country.

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What a load of rubbish. Will not be wasting a penny of my money on British Speedway next season.


You need to look at the sport like a business. It is losing money for a variety of reasons.


The main issue with British Speedway is it's complete lack of marketing strategy. The internet is completely misused and under used. You cannot sell a product that nobody knows about, just having it on Sky Sports is not enough! We don't want to attract the odd channel surfer, we want to attract a much larger newer, younger, long term customer base. Speedway would benefit from a dedicated marketing team that each club pays a fee to monthly in order to manage their local advertising, online web site and social media management. It's not rocket science guys.


The second issue with British Speedway is our tracks. The riders do not give it their all because the tracks are simply too dangerous for them to try. Our surfaces are littered with ruts and we still struggle with getting covers on the track when it rains.


Diluting our product is not the answer. The reserves will frankly be boring compared to the standard you would expect with the title "Elite". It is an absolute joke to expect a completely inexperienced young rider to compete alongside the likes of Darcy Ward, even if it is one race. They will get walked over every time. If anything it will give their confidence a battering!


Give the riders the tools they need to race properly. Utilize the vast power of the internet and use social media more effectively by handing control over to those who know what they are doing, young IT and Marketing graduates who can turn the sport around in a matter of weeks, not the old and out of touch promoters who frankly haven't a CLUE what they are talking about when it comes to modern day marketing and technology.


I am currently watching Torun matches on YouTube. Spend 5 minutes having a watch and you will see why Polish league racing has 12,000+ in attendance every week.


Step 1 - Harness the power of modern day marketing techniques and the vast power of effective social media management


Step 2 - With the extra revenue generated from simple and effective online marketing schemes invest in better quality track surfaces and preperation.


Step 3 - Sit back and watch. The racing standard will improve as riders will give it their all and attack the track with CONFIDENCE. The attendance figures will rise in line with better quality racing and effective marketing strategy.


British riders should not to be given positions in teams that they will not be competitive in. They will suffer drastically and their confidence will surely suffer. Riders should be given Elite League positions on merit alone, not through what can only be described as pity. The only way riders will be able to achieve these positions on merit alone is when there is a strong and prosperous speedway framework with the additional funds required to support the riders, their development and their equipment to allow them to excel. This will only happen when we take the steps above.

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I don't know who would make up the independent body but I can't see how the sport will ever move forward with the existing set up. I don't think there's anybody currently in the BSPA with the vision to give the sport the much needed revamp it needs to secure its future in this country.

Agreed, there are very few plausible options.


But James Easter puts forward the name of one genuine candidate for the role in his in-depth interview to appear in the next issue of Backtrack magazine.


Oh, and it's not him!

Edited by tmc
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What a load of rubbish. Will not be wasting a penny of my money on British Speedway next season.


You need to look at the sport like a business. It is losing money for a variety of reasons.


The main issue with British Speedway is it's complete lack of marketing strategy. The internet is completely misused and under used. You cannot sell a product that nobody knows about, just having it on Sky Sports is not enough! We don't want to attract the odd channel surfer, we want to attract a much larger newer, younger, long term customer base. Speedway would benefit from a dedicated marketing team that each club pays a fee to monthly in order to manage their local advertising, online web site and social media management. It's not rocket science guys.


The second issue with British Speedway is our tracks. The riders do not give it their all because the tracks are simply too dangerous for them to try. Our surfaces are littered with ruts and we still struggle with getting covers on the track when it rains.


Diluting our product is not the answer. The reserves will frankly be boring compared to the standard you would expect with the title "Elite". It is an absolute joke to expect a completely inexperienced young rider to compete alongside the likes of Darcy Ward, even if it is one race. They will get walked over every time. If anything it will give their confidence a battering!


Give the riders the tools they need to race properly. Utilize the vast power of the internet and use social media more effectively by handing control over to those who know what they are doing, young IT and Marketing graduates who can turn the sport around in a matter of weeks, not the old and out of touch promoters who frankly haven't a CLUE what they are talking about when it comes to modern day marketing and technology.


I am currently watching Torun matches on YouTube. Spend 5 minutes having a watch and you will see why Polish league racing has 12,000+ in attendance every week.


Step 1 - Harness the power of modern day marketing techniques and the vast power of effective social media management


Step 2 - With the extra revenue generated from simple and effective online marketing schemes invest in better quality track surfaces and preperation.


Step 3 - Sit back and watch. The racing standard will improve as riders will give it their all and attack the track with CONFIDENCE. The attendance figures will rise in line with better quality racing and effective marketing strategy.


British riders should not to be given positions in teams that they will not be competitive in. They will suffer drastically and their confidence will surely suffer. Riders should be given Elite League positions on merit alone, not through what can only be described as pity. The only way riders will be able to achieve these positions on merit alone is when there is a strong and prosperous speedway framework with the additional funds required to support the riders, their development and their equipment to allow them to excel. This will only happen when we take the steps above.

Only a few years ago, you'd have been watching 20,000+ watching Polish League on a regular basis, speedway as we know it in on a worldwide decline, we are just at the sharp end of that unsavoury decline.....

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There seems to be a lot of negativity about the idea of having two British (NL) youngsters in each EL team and I can understand the scepticism, however the full details aren't yet known and if there is a complete fastrack system put into place it could be the most positive thing to happen to the sport in many years. Originally I had real doubts but many of them are being answered as more details of the plan become public.


Just imagine if each year those entered into the fastrack system are given proper coaching, help finding and keeping sponsors, mechanical and setup advice from top riders, dietary and fitness help rather than just being chucked into the EL. Suddenly it becomes a very worthwhile exercise and would explain why 20 riders are being selected and drafted rather than a blanket under a certain age and average rule. Just being in the team at EL meetings would be an education in itself but not enough on it's own in my opinion.


Maybe it's just a pipe dream but anything close to that would be far better than has so far been available so I really hope it could become a reality.

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Not according to some here that are more informed of the way the BSPA work. They apparently had regular meetings during the season and a pre AGM so they must have had some discussion on the subject and had some idea of how it would work.

If it was just chucked in over the weekend then fans have every right to be scornful of such a half thought out plan.


It's a bit unfair to criticise fans for not falling at the feet in gratitude at the BSPA reducing the product for the paying public.

Of course it's something worthy and long overdue and yes we don't know the detail but then the detail seems to be unknown also to those who thought of it.

We saw riders from the PL like that Lawson kid find it impossible to make ends meet in the EL so how difficult will it be for the NL boys.


I wish the NL lads all the luck in the world and hope they gain something out of the experience but we all know why they are getting this chance and it's not because the BSPA care about the National Team or the youngsters they will use to fill EL rosters now the Golden Goose has flown and all the eggs were wasted on Greg Hancock and his ilk.

A well thought out program with obtainable goals set for the progression of these lads will indeed be a great idea that all fans should support but this seems like the EL is short of cash and 5 regular paid riders and 2 NL kids rather than expensive foreign rubbish fits the bill.


The sensible reservations people here have will have to be dealt with before the season starts so people saying March is a long way off are naive. There are a lot of problems to be addressed long before the new season starts.

I wonder how long the queue will be of NL kids wanting to race in the top league. How they will be distributed and how they will be competetive are serious concerns.

The new format idea is good but again it seems that nobody as yet knows what it will be. If 2 reserve heats and still 15 heats that further dilutes the product which was not worth the price at EL level this year.

People will be asked to pay more for less once again. Another serious concern for fan and promoter.


Let's not kid ourselves that these people are some kind of geniuses. They are doing this because the sport is up a certain creek without any oars.

The coming weeks will be very interesting and hopefully something good can come out of it at the end. :)


True, but a lot of what you say is your assumption. All I said was give the BPSA time to detail their plans when a lot of the negatives should be answered. I personally don't think they went far enough.

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