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British Speedway Promoters Meeting

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First of all commiserations to Panthers fans. Looks like Frost was too shy to tell his fans personally. A real shame and hope someone comes forward to give their fans a team in 2014.


Many on here have been crowing for Brits to be in the team at reserve. The BSPA have obliged.


The result? Moan, moan. bloody moan. People on here were saying no more rubbish foreign 3 and 4 point journeyman taking up places where Brits could be used. The BSPA obliged. Moan, moan, bloody moan.


Sure Ward V a NL rider would be a foregone but by the sound of it that isn't going to happen. IN three or four years time we might just start to see the budding flower from the seeds sewn in 2014. Teething problems? There's bound to be some but we now have an extra 20 Brits coming into the EL and gaining real experience.


Any team can keep their top men as well. Lets be more positive on here.


Be positive about this news. No foreign journeymen taking up Brits places. Brits have got these places!


Spot on. My views entirely. Add to that the fact that we are now rid of the ridiculous system of meeting some teams once and some teams twice, although none of the moaners have applauded that.


In a perfect world I would rather not have NL reserves ride in EL teams but we don't live in a perfect world. We live in a world where clubs like Eastbourne were losing over £9 on every punter that walked though the turnstiles. In Peterborough's case it was nearly £10 lost per customer per meeting. Several others, including 2 of the 4 play-off finalists were losing big money. We clearly couldn't go on like that.


The starting point for me is the if we didn't get more regular league meetings the sport would die anyway . That issue has been addressed. Having increased the number of meetings , costs clearly had to be cut. If some clubs were losing unsustainable sums in 14 meetings there is no point in increasing the losses by increasing the number of meetings without cutting the cost per meeting, and that's what they have done.


We are where we are not where we would like to be. This could be the start of the long road back to where we want to be, but I think we should at least wait and see what the team sheets look like and how the season starts to pan out before passing judgment.

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Well after of thought about this years AGM since the press release I've decided that this was a good AGM and the league next year should be the closest it's been for a while giving the likes of us and eastbourne a more level playing field. But this depends on how fair the draft pick/allocation is functioned.


They went into the AGM needing to cut costs, ie loosing top go riders and try and get more meetings with lesser riders. Well with the structure they have laid out they have cut cost while managing to give clubs the option of signing the top boys. Add to that an extra 8 meetings more if you get in the playa offs. So a big thumbs up from me for that.


The sky deal seems likely now so that's good For riders and sponsors. Although if they don't come back then they are no loss. Peterborough is different because there fans base is shocking to say the least so can't live of that.


Now onto the 2 reserves. There's a lot of grey area over this at the moment but for years people have all be saying get young riders at reserve and soon as they do everybody moans. WTF. I don't get it, from what I'm seeing/hearing it seems that there will be 2 reserve races and maybe 1 race with a teams 1-5. For me this is good for them. Just being around the likes of ward,holder,NKI,tai etc is just brilliant experience for them. The sets ups they will Lear and the advice they will get from these top boys is irreplaceable. And if sky are back the extra sponsor they will gain will help maintain the maintenance of there equipment. But us fans are not to put to much pressure on these riders. We as fans have a big part to play in there development. But this wil only work if it's don fairly. I understand that Ellis should b at lakeside as they have spent money on him for his development so why shouldn't they hope to be given him. No problem at all with me. I have no problem if kings Lynn get Kerr and lambert because again they have helped and spent money on there development. Maybe it will be allocated due to logistics. I wouldn't mind young local lads in the team.


So all in all I'm a happy fan and think we can put together a decent team an challenge for honours so now David Chris George and Jason it's upto you.

Good post. Though I don't thnk Kings Lynn have a cat in hells chance of getting those two together as they are the pick of the riders. One yes, two no chance. The reserves will be allocated, one decent, one not so experienced. Reserves win meetings and those two together would be 8 points advantage over 2 heats.



It's good to see a proper fixture list. 2 Home and 2 Away.


I'm sure though, very soon we'll hear from riders who object to that level of commitment. Fortunately the new points limit doesn't require a team to employ riders from the category where we will hear the discontent from.


I'm a MASSIVE believer in getting more Brits into the EL, and have argued before you need to take one step back to take two steps forward in this area. But even I fear this has gone to the extreme. Depends what really happens, but it shouldn't be NL directly to EL.


The fact it's a money cutting exercise under the guise of British development tells you everything you need to know. But at least the exercise involves British rider development. Hopefully all the mistakes in this process (there will be many as loopholes are encountered) actually turn out to enhance this for those youngsters.

Of course it will save money but fans on here have been barking for more Brits and more fixtures. They have got both. Whilst it will no doubt have teething problems, in the long term it will produce more quality British riders. Just hope a foriegner doesn't start shouting about losing his rides due to "illegal" employment rules to stop a European from working here in his trade.


PL riders under a certain limit will also be included in the 'draft'.

Yes they will. Not just restricted to NL riders. PL riders who are young and on a low average also qualify.

Edited by Steve Shovlar
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Agree with concept and cannot understand all of the negative comment. Sure there's lots to be clarified including qualifying riders and who goes where, but its great to see the young Brits being given opportunities that other countries have given to there kids for some time.

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The team could be interesting when PL and NL meetings clash with the EL meeting.

With d/u from the PL and two reserves from the NL, add to that one or both NL riders being injured or a 1 - 5 rider not available or injured during the meeting. Who will take the rides if rr is one of your lowest 2 averaged riders


More interesting is who will be the first NL rider to beat an opposition Number 1.

Edited by A ORLOV
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Good post. Though I don't thnk Kings Lynn have a cat in hells chance of getting those two together as they are the pick of the riders. One yes, two no chance. The reserves will be allocated, one decent, one not so experienced. Reserves win meetings and those two together would be 8 points advantage over 2 heats.



Of course it will save money but fans on here have been barking for more Brits and more fixtures. They have got both. Whilst it will no doubt have teething problems, in the long term it will produce more quality British riders. Just hope a foriegner doesn't start shouting about losing his rides due to "illegal" employment rules to stop a European from working here in his trade.



Yes they will. Not just restricted to NL riders. PL riders who are young and on a low average also qualify.

Of course Lynn may look to put Kerr in their 1-5 in which case he wouldnt be in the draft.


I think given the level of riders at the lower end of most 1-5s he is more than capable plus he may well get 1 ride against the NL drafted riders if at the correct position in the riding order.

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Well after of thought about this years AGM since the press release I've decided that this was a good AGM and the league next year should be the closest it's been for a while giving the likes of us and eastbourne a more level playing field. But this depends on how fair the draft pick/allocation is functioned.


They went into the AGM needing to cut costs, ie loosing top go riders and try and get more meetings with lesser riders. Well with the structure they have laid out they have cut cost while managing to give clubs the option of signing the top boys. Add to that an extra 8 meetings more if you get in the playa offs. So a big thumbs up from me for that.


The sky deal seems likely now so that's good For riders and sponsors. Although if they don't come back then they are no loss. Peterborough is different because there fans base is shocking to say the least so can't live of that.


Now onto the 2 reserves. There's a lot of grey area over this at the moment but for years people have all be saying get young riders at reserve and soon as they do everybody moans. WTF. I don't get it, from what I'm seeing/hearing it seems that there will be 2 reserve races and maybe 1 race with a teams 1-5. For me this is good for them. Just being around the likes of ward,holder,NKI,tai etc is just brilliant experience for them. The sets ups they will Lear and the advice they will get from these top boys is irreplaceable. And if sky are back the extra sponsor they will gain will help maintain the maintenance of there equipment. But us fans are not to put to much pressure on these riders. We as fans have a big part to play in there development. But this wil only work if it's don fairly. I understand that Ellis should b at lakeside as they have spent money on him for his development so why shouldn't they hope to be given him. No problem at all with me. I have no problem if kings Lynn get Kerr and lambert because again they have helped and spent money on there development. Maybe it will be allocated due to logistics. I wouldn't mind young local lads in the team.


So all in all I'm a happy fan and think we can put together a decent team an challenge for honours so now David Chris George and Jason it's upto you.

CAN'T just assume it's SKY who are to potentially provide TV coverage...

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Good post. Though I don't thnk Kings Lynn have a cat in hells chance of getting those two together as they are the pick of the riders. One yes, two no chance. The reserves will be allocated, one decent, one not so experienced. Reserves win meetings and those two together would be 8 points advantage over 2 heats.





The thing is that King's Lynn have spent time, effort and money developing both Lewis Kerr & Robert lambert, with there policy of bringing on riders. If you are going to allocate your numbers 6 & 7 on a whim, then you might as well do it for all riders. There is also a concern that riders who have very promising futures will be allocated to tracks which will do absolutley nothing for their long term careers, and eventually jepoardise their careers, and in turn the future of British Speedway in the long term

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PL riders under a certain limit will also be included in the 'draft'.

This is getting more dodgy all the time.

Are we now to believe that Morris and Vatcher are going to pick a pool of low average PL riders and NL riders, and these get allocated to clubs?


I can see a lot of scope for allegations of favouritism if it's done like that.

What if they select a 19-year-old with a 3.89 average, but don't include the 17-year-old with a 3.99 average?


Surely the way to do it should have been to let clubs sign a top 5 with an average below 32, and then sign two reserves who must be British, Under 23, and with an average below the No.5

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If the rule was something along the lines of any rider under 25 who has competed in the NL and has a PL average less than 5 or 6 gets put into the pool then it would be a great idea.


If it was any current NL rider, even though I am very keen to see British riders helped I don't think it would be doing them any real favours, I also don't believe the rule would last long.

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Many on here have been crowing for Brits to be in the team at reserve. The BSPA have obliged.


The result? Moan, moan. bloody moan. People on here were saying no more rubbish foreign 3 and 4 point journeyman taking up places where Brits could be used. The BSPA obliged. Moan, moan, bloody moan.

When? Show me a post where you have said that.


You are missing the main point of the argument Steve. People are not against Brits at reserve, people are against the fact it is in most cases non-competitive NL riders. The reserve berths should be for any young British rider, not just those in the NL.

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CAN'T just assume it's SKY who are to potentially provide TV coverage...

Whatever tv broadcast it is at least it's extra income to the clubs that they did not budget in this year

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If the rule was something along the lines of any rider under 25 who has competed in the NL and has a PL average less than 5 or 6 gets put into the pool then it would be a great idea.


If it was any current NL rider, even though I am very keen to see British riders helped I don't think it would be doing them any real favours, I also don't believe the rule would last long.

Very good point Vince, that would help British PL riders and good NL riders who are limited in numbers. Also it gets round any EU rules that most other countries ignore anyway.

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Agree with concept and cannot understand all of the negative comment. Sure there's lots to be clarified including qualifying riders and who goes where, but its great to see the young Brits being given opportunities that other countries have given to there kids for some time.

Not just restricted to NL riders. PL riders who are young and on a low average also qualify.

If the concept had been one British youngster per team as a graded reserve while still allowing room for middle-order riders and the other reserve to swop places during the season as usual on their averages, then I could agree with the concept as there would be just about enough talented-enough British youngsters to give the project a chance of succeeding.


But making it 2 British youngsters per team as graded reserves means I can't remotely see how this project will stand up in practice over a whole Elite League season, especially one expanded to 36 meetings instead of the recent 28.


There were plenty of discussions on here last night about who would make the cut for the top-20 National League riders given the BSPA's own post-AGM press release yesterday evening ... Steve's view that the qualification is a bit wider doesn't actually make much difference to who's eligible.


Having had a look at the end-of-2013 greensheets for both the Elite & Premier Leagues, I'd reckon the only 2 extra riders (not already in the Elite League) that Steve's qualification would play in are Kyle Newman and Jason Garrity.


Kyle Howarth and Ashley Birks would be the most borderline cases of riders already in the Elite League who could be graded if the qualification is stretched a little bit further ... Howarth's a bit younger but it's messy when you look at their averages because Birks is higher in the PL but Howarth is higher in the EL !! (Birks 3.06 & 7.30 / Howarth 4.24 & 6.86).


After that, among the Brits already in the Elite League, I doubt we can really count the likes of Josh Auty or Richard Lawson as "young" any more while Richie Worrall's 5.78 is surely too high for him to be graded.


So instead of last night's attempts to list the top-20 National League riders needed to fill all the Elite Leagure reserve spaces, maybe we should be settling for needing the top-16 or top-18 of those lists last night ... even then, that still means using quite a few riders who've already proved they're barely good enough (at best) to be a Premier League reserve.


Yet now we're expecting them to add a 36-meeting Elite League season into the level of commitment to the sport they feel they can make (or afford) ... the notion from some of the most optimistic folk on here that most of these youngsters will benefit mechanically from any new TV-money is ridiculously laughable as they'll be way behind the basic bills in the queue for what happens to such money (if indeed, it happens at all).


Meanwhile, we're expecting Elite League spectators to all chant the mantra "so what if plenty of them are nowhere near good enough, they're plucky young Brits so we don't mind paying Elite League prices to watch them" ... again, ridiculously laughable.


I want speedway to be as constructive as possible in trying to dig itself out of its current troubles .... but 2 young Brits per team as graded reserves in the Elite League is utter madness and I'll be amazed if it doesn't disintegrate as a project by midway through the 2014 season.


By the way, given the struggles several Elite clubs have had in recent seasons to balance their books for a 28-meeting season despite having the previous level of Sky money coming in, how the hell are those clubs going to cope with a 36-meeting season even if they're saving wages/expenses with these graded reserves ? !! ... don't forget, their 4 extra home meetings are mostly going to be against the teams from whom they least fancied a 2nd-visit in the 28-meeting format because that unbalanced fixture-list was tilted whenever possible in favour of giving each team its full quota of local derbies ... hence moving up to 36 meetings means a whole load of financially unattractive extra action against distant opposition !!

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