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British Speedway Promoters Meeting

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Think we gotta let them release a full statement before getting to over excited at seeing a national league rider go should to shoulder with Holder and Ward etc.... Hopefully its along the lines of those who have been in recent British U21 finals or Under 25, British and not yet gone Elite on a permanent occasion. May just give some riders who arent upto a consistant premier league level a new lease of live to gain the confidence again.

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Exactly HOW will that bring them on in their Speedway Career Development - Simple answer is - IT WON'T.


The National League Riders, if forced to move up at all, should be racing in the Premier League. That would make some sort of sense. As it is - Elite League Supporters are going to have to put up with their Teams being degraded (again), pay the same or more Entrance money and the National League Riders will get no chance to prove themselves against better Riders and will be absolutely murdered if they do. How this is going to help with improving a Riders ability by riding against better Riders, he can't. Perhaps in the Premier League this sort of idea might have worked - but - NOT in the Elite League.




You'd think so, wouldn't you? But the fact is the Premier League (while being a pretty good product in itself) hasn't done nearly enough to bring on new British talent. There are far too many third-rate foreigners earning easy money in the league and British riders seem to reach a certain level and sink into a comfort zone. Sure, Woffinden came through the PL, but where are the other British riders (Bomber excepted) capable of challenging for a GP place? Progress for British riders is painfully slow compared to the Scandinavian countries, Kyle Howarth, Ashley Birks and others are good lads, but shouldn't they be regularly winning EL races by now?


Don't get me wrong, I really like the PL, but in reality it's a stand-alone, semi-pro league that hasn't been about rider development for many years.


Putting two and two together (and probably making five) I suspect the EL promoters are deliberately easing the PL to one side with the aim of using the NL as a direct source of home-grown and (hopefully) cheaper talent.


Without knowing what the heat formula will be and exactly how riders will be allocated it's hard to predict how this will turn out, but if it does bring on young British riders and maybe reduce the need for guest reserves then I can't see the problem.


And, of course, Terry Russell can now go to Sky and tell them an agreement has been reached which will keep Tai, Darcy, Chris, Niels and so on, in British racing, while the brightest British talent will be fast-tracked into the league - TV loves that kind of stuff.

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I hope all the british riders get an elite league chance not just NL but where is the reduction in admission to entice the most important people (the supporters) back to the sport. This imo was the first important step the sport has to make to getting the missing thousands back .Sadly it hasnt happened and i cant see the sport recovering any time soon

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If NL riders only race each other, what good is that? We tried this scheme in 1993 and I can't recall anyone coming through that season with flying colours. I remember, because juniors raced each other only, average calculations were halfed... meaning youngsters couldn't progress out of reserve into the team and stayed racing the same fellas all year, despite some looking to have upt another level and were capable of going against second strings.

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To make the ruling of 2 National League riders for the Elite League reserve places is ludicrous I can understand the reasoning behind it by giving British riders a chance to improve but the practicalities are out of this world.

Most of these riders find it difficult to hold down a Premier League reserve spot let alone an Elite League spot, all that is going to happen is that they are going to lose so many races that their bank balance and their confidence is going take a beating, their heads will drop and there is the possibility that we could lose them to the sport which will result in less British riders available

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I always wanted a rule to help brits that are not potential stars from day 1 but could improve but spots are taken by poor foreigners at reserve. However they seemed to have made a mess of it, it Should have been 1 nl in pl teams to help them develop and maybe get better equipment and experience and hopefully improve. Good example paul Starke waited a long time but took his chance. Then EL have 1 decent pl proven brit like Kerr,Newman,Howarth and Birks and hope they improve with the constabt rides at higher level. Instead system is basically cheap riders as second half but counts as team points that will lose confidence by being thrown in the deep end.

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These NL reserves could well benefit from the Sky money if TV comes off. Some of the money could be directed towards these lads equipment to bring them on.

Wont happen, never has and never will. Any money will go to the 'top boys' as it always does and always will. That's why the league is in a mess and will only get worse...

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These NL reserves could well benefit from the Sky money if TV comes off. Some of the money could be directed towards these lads equipment to bring them on.

Much more likely to end up in the pockets of the 'Superstars' who ride in the the UK on the 'cheap'

Compared to Poland and Sweden - a comment made by a few Elite riders of note!

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So we can think of half a dozen over 20 years that its worked for then , great !

Where did you get the 20 years from? I'm talking about the compulsory junior rider scheme which last for two seasons from 1986. Read the latest Backtrack for full details! Screen and Stoney came along later.
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Using the end-of-2013 greensheet averages (and for the sake of this quick example, transferring Peterborough's top-5 straight over to Leicester), here's how the "top-5 / 32-point-Elite-limit" rule looks ...


Belle Vue ... Zagar, Cook, Wolbert, Zetterstrom, Nieminen ... 30.68 giving 1.32 to play with


Birmingham ... Smolinski, King, Doyle, Harris, Barker ... 35.61

(keeping Auty as a Brit reduces the total to 32.95 if replacing Smolinski or 33.21 if replacing Doyle so that's still around a point too heavy)


Coventry ... Sundstrom, Nicholls, Zengota, Allen, Szczepaniak ... 30.61 giving 1.39 to play with


Eastbourne ... B-Pedersen, Woodward, L-Dryml, Nilsson, Gustafsson ... 30.51 giving 1.49 to play with


King's Lynn ... Iversen, Korneliussen, Schlein, R-Worrall, L-Bjerre ... 32.99, hence 0.99 heavy


Lakeside ... P-Karlsson, Watt, Ulamek, Bridger, Swiderski ... 34.67

(keeping Lawson as a Brit reduces the total to 32.87 if replacing Ulamek or 33.25 if replacing Swiderski so that's still around a point too heavy)


Leicester (using Peterborough's figures) ... K-Bjerre, Buczkowski, Kylmakorpi, Hougaard, Fisher ... 34.80, hence 2.80 heavy


Poole ... Ward, Hancock, Janowski, Jonasson, Tungate ... 35.07, hence 3.07 heavy


Swindon ... Andersen, Kildemand, Batchelor, Kennett, Morris ... 37.09

(Howarth 4.28 and Birks 3.06 reduce the total to 30.28 or 30.32 depending on whether Kildemand or Batchelor is replaced along with Morris definitely being replaced)


Wolverhampton ... Woffinden, F-Lindgren, Skornicki, Wells, Miskowiak ... 34.74

(assuming F-Lindgren doesn't return, that makes it 25.80, leaving 6.20 for his replacement)

Edited by arthur cross
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So the criteria is...


British passport

previously rode NL but never EL

Under 21


...Cameron Heeps anyone??!!

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