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British Speedway Promoters Meeting

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Absolutely. With a caveat to ensure ALL clubs in ALL leagues get an equal share of any TV revenue which might accrue, after investment in grass-roots.



GREAT idea. :t::approve:


NO chance though. :sad::sad:

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Absolutely. With a caveat to ensure ALL clubs in ALL leagues get an equal share of any TV revenue which might accrue, after investment in grass-roots.

what a load of tosh why should a premier club get as much as a elite club out the t.v pot ,

that's like saying a championship football club should get as much as premier league football club

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Pointless having the AGM before we know where we are with Sky. Teams can be sorted once the BSPA know whether sky or another TV company are onboard or not.


Certainly foolhardy to go ahead and deal with team building plans etc before the finances are known.


At the Poole celebration night last night is was reported that Matt ford was more confident the sport would be shown on TV next year, though whether it's Sky or BT who knows? He did say whatever the league structure, Poole would build the strongest possible team under the rules of the league.



Simple assume they get nothing and anything extra is a bonus. Its the only way!

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If the points average is decreased for Elite League clubs then I will not be a paying customer in 2014.


I think it's important that anybody else who feels the same should speak up now. It is not a case of not supporting speedway, it's a case of being a consumer who expects the highest standards for their buck. Anybody with a real passion for the sport wants to see the best of the best, not a selection of inferior riders who will leave our shores as soon as they start to reach the standard we expect to see!


Matt is quoted as saying "I have been told that one or two people have effectively decided they are not coming to Poole Speedway next season because certain changes are afoot." I think "one or two" is grossly inaccurate.

Edited by Synikalle
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If the points average is decreased for Elite League clubs then I will not be a paying customer in 2014.


I think it's important that anybody else who feels the same should speak up now. It is not a case of not supporting speedway, it's a case of being a consumer who expects the highest standards for their buck. Anybody with a real passion for the sport wants to see the best of the best, not a selection of inferior riders who will leave our shores as soon as they start to reach the standard we expect to see!

In an ideal world we all want that but if things carry on as they are just watch track after track close and then we have no speedway at all !



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this is ridiculous.. let each track do what they want. if some don't want yellow paint why should they be forced to use it? if a track has some purple left over then why not let them use that.? the starting marshal can surely point it out before the start of each riders 1st race can't he? Whilst he's at it he can also point out the crowd changes for that day and remind the riders what time their plane leaves. ...We have to stop burdening tracks with unnecessary expense wherever possible.

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In an ideal world we all want that but if things carry on as they are just watch track after track close and then we have no speedway at all !




We need to address the real issues. The corruption at the top spearheaded by Terry and Ronnie Russell, the god awful marketing campaigns, the complete ignorance surrounding the vast marketing power of the internet and the embarrasment of promoter squabbles coming out in public.


If we keep ignoring these issues while diluting the product further and futher people will simply stop attending! Eventually orange squash will simpy become water if you keep diluting it.


The product is not broken, it needs a completely fresh approach to GROWTH, not RETENTION!

Edited by Synikalle
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We need to address the real issues. The corruption at the top spearheaded by Terry and Ronnie Russell, the god awful marketing campaigns, the complete ignorance surrounding the vast marketing power of the internet and the embarrasment of promoter squabbles coming out in public.


If we keep ignoring these issues while diluting the product further and futher people will simply stop attending! Eventually orange squash will simpy become water if you keep diluting it.


The product is not broken, it needs a completely fresh approach to GROWTH, not RETENTION!

the biggest issue costs have spiralled out of control ,the simple fact is british speedway cant afford what it offers , it's time it went back to basics and started again at a lower costs ,its not just the elite either the premier is just as bad finance wise

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You become frustrated by the lack of ideas from the people running the sport - a sport we all love - and just what they come up with next, that it hurts us... In turn, we, as fans, grow so frustrated... we can't take any more and eventually turn our backs on it.. at least the attending side.


If a rule hasn't been invented yet... watch this space.

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Todays Echo.


Pirates: Ford urges fellow promoters to 'work together' at crucial speedway summit

.6:00am Friday 15th November 2013 in Pirates News By Ian Wadley .



PIRATES PROMOTER: Matt Ford PIRATES chief Matt Ford is pleading with his fellow speedway chiefs to work together after vowing: “We will play our part.”


Ford will represent Poole when the sport’s bosses sit down for the three-day British Speedway Promoters’ Association AGM in the Midlands.


The much-talked-about summit, which begins at 10.30am this morning, will largely decide the rules and team-building regulations for the 2014 campaign.


This year’s meeting is widely regarded as one of the most important in the sport’s recent history, particularly with the outcome of crucial television contract negotiations yet to be confirmed.


And Ford insists rival promoters – and concerned supporters – must keep an open mind as rumours continue to circulate about potential changes.


He told the Daily Echo: “We must not get carried away by (website) forums. I have been told that one or two people have effectively decided they are not coming to Poole Speedway next season because certain changes are afoot.


“We have to do what we can to make sure the sport can continue. It may not be Poole that makes those decisions but we have to play a part in them. We must support our fellow promoters because we need to make sure they come back to play next year.


“If we had a TV contract in place, I would ask to run at the highest level we could, but that would not suit others. We have to be sensible, take a common ground and try to work together.


“There are not any questions answered until the AGM. I am going with a totally open mind and I hope the fans will be the same.”


Ford reported that talks remained ongoing over a TV deal following the expiry of Sky Sports’ contract with British speedway and he insisted it was “certainly not dead in the water”.


..The Pirates promoter, who has won five Elite League titles in 15 seasons, has already voiced his concerns that a lack of broadcast revenue could price out the likes of Darcy Ward and Chris Holder.


He said: “There are some hard decisions to be made – there always is – but in particular this year because we are still unsure about the TV deal at this point in time, which is crucial for British speedway.


“Without the financial help from television, we clearly couldn’t run at the level we have been. It could be that we have to go to the AGM without having full knowledge of a (potential) TV contract, which is unfortunate.”


Ford added that Pirates were in a “very luxurious position” as they were not losing money. He says they will “try to help other clubs by accepting the rules they bring to the table” but insists he will “never accept anything which will truly damage Poole”.


Asked about some of the rumoured developments, Ford said he had heard that “two or three” clubs could be interested in stepping up to the Elite League. He also hinted that a rule could be discussed where teams are permitted to only track British riders at reserve.

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Absolutely. With a caveat to ensure ALL clubs in ALL leagues get an equal share of any TV revenue which might accrue, after investment in grass-roots.


I don't think an equal share is right but it should be shared out and there shoul be no middlemen negotiating on behalf of the BSPA. I think that in football, the revenue from the the TV rights does filter down into youth development so why in speedway does it not do the same or does it?

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this is ridiculous.. let each track do what they want. if some don't want yellow paint why should they be forced to use it? if a track has some purple left over then why not let them use that.? the starting marshal can surely point it out before the start of each riders 1st race can't he? Whilst he's at it he can also point out the crowd changes for that day and remind the riders what time their plane leaves. ...We have to stop burdening tracks with unnecessary expense wherever possible.

This yellow paint has been tested in Argentina, Canada & The Vatican City, it has prooved to be the "straightest" and has been tested on "left hand" corners as well. At the moment supplies are low due to late homological testing by the FIM and it can only be produced in Lithuania at the moment, a couple of other yellow paint suppliers have shown interest in producing the paint, but the FIM believe that it is best to keep it with just the Lithuanian producer until just before the season, when other paint producers will be invited to tender for production rights.. The no yellow kerb/white line rule will be flexible for the first 2.5 meetings until the paint levels are at a level where tracks don't have to share cans. .

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Very laudible of Ford but the most glaringly obvious failing of the so called promoters is that they always try to solve the problems with a 3 day booze up/get together at the end of the season.

The problems have been obvious now for years and they should have been discussing this among themselves all this season and been able to come to this p#ss up with a solid agenda for change that had been discussed among themselves in small groups over the season.

They should already have a blueprint for the sport's future and use this 3 day bash to ratiffy and fine tune it.


This meeting of minds (now that is a laugh) is akin to waiting until you have been tied to the firing post as the firing squad line up and at the command 'Aim' suddenly manage to raise a hand and say 'ah yes but wait a minute I think I might have a solution to my innocence'.


3 days is nowhere near enough to solve the sports problems. And now discussing solutions (Brit only reserves) that have been raised here for years whilst slagging off people here as fringe lunatics shows how inept this bunch of clowns are.

'Hinted at' and 'could be discussed' this is the level of ineptitude we have in UK speedway.

The wolf is at the door and he is huffing and puffing and the cardboard house that is British Speedway looks like it is about to be blown down by it's own greed and maladroitness so it's a bit late ringing up a bricklayer.


Brit reserves is an absolute must for speedway here and should have been implemented 10 year ago.

But it won't save the sport and be like trying to save the Titanic with a session of prayer.


The sport is too expensive for both rider, promoter and spectator. The current product is not worth the cost.

Costs need to come down markedly but enetertainment value needs to improve radically.

Promoters need to promote and leave the paying customer feeling like they have had 2 hours of entertainment.

It's not a pipedream as I have attended many a meeting where we got just that.

Look to the past to secure some kind of future whilst incorporating the modern era of marketing and social networking to bring the sport to the attention of the many rather than the few.

But the danger is that in bringing the sport to the many that 'the many' realise how Mickey Mouse it really is and how stupid those that profess to run it really are.


That is the challenge for the promoters.

Improve the sport, cut the cost but enhance the experience and stop looking like the bunch of greedy, spiteful, incompetent fools you really are.

More for less may sound frightening to such a motley crew but it may well save your worthless arces if you manage to pull it off.


But of course we all know what will happen as we have all seen these pointless p#ss ups come and go.

Reduction in points and increase in prices blah blah bloody blah.

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We need to address the real issues. The corruption at the top spearheaded by Terry and Ronnie Russell, the god awful marketing campaigns, the complete ignorance surrounding the vast marketing power of the internet and the embarrasment of promoter squabbles coming out in public.


If we keep ignoring these issues while diluting the product further and futher people will simply stop attending! Eventually orange squash will simpy become water if you keep diluting it.


The product is not broken, it needs a completely fresh approach to GROWTH, not RETENTION!



if you think these are the real issues you're sadly mistaken


Terry and Ronnie russell, squabbles?? Your average punter who turns up and watches don't even know who these people are

They pay their money, watch, realise its not worth the money and don't go back


it need not mean dilution - as has been stated on here before - 4 riders of reasonably equal ability is all you need in any race

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if you think these are the real issues you're sadly mistaken


Terry and Ronnie russell, squabbles?? Your average punter who turns up and watches don't even know who these people are

They pay their money, watch, realise its not worth the money and don't go back


it need not mean dilution - as has been stated on here before - 4 riders of reasonably equal ability is all you need in any race


These are the real issues. Your average punter is more informed than you might think.


4 riders of equal ability does not mean good racing, it just means 4 riders who are all as bad as each other.

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Not knocking Ford or any of the other EL promoters who have come out recently saying how important this conference is,and how much everyone needs to work together,but Im afraid we seem to hear these noises before every conference in recent times without very much actually getting done.I hope their words have meaning this time round and we see a way forward for speedway in this country come sunday evening.

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I would suggest that the main part of the reason why attendances are dropping is because the product on offer is just not attractive enough. I took my son to speedway when he was a youngster but after a few races he was bored stiff and never went back. But he loved banger racing and still does. So no matter what rule changes are made, unless they tackle the big issue, namely speedway is not attractive enough to youngsters, nothing is going to change. We can blame the "brothers" and Tom Dick and Harry but the real issue is that speedway is not staged to make it attractive, it is staged via track preparation to give the home team as much advantage as possible, as what many traditional fans want is runaway home wins. Understandable maybe to an extent, but unless our sport has a sea change and begins to prepare tracks solely for quality racing a hundred and one rule or personnel changes will achieve absolutely nothing. But, alas, we are trapped in this vicious circle of home track advantage. I recall a few seasons back at Arena Essex watching a terrific speedway meeting which the Hammers lost in a last heat decider. The chap beside me, a Hammers fan, complained loudly about it being a load of rubbish but the following week when they won by a distance in a meeting full of boring processional races he was in raptures.

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I have been to ice hockey a few times since speedway season ended and twice i have seen Sheffield Steelers lose but enjoyed the whole night including the matches and all for same price as speedway, until speedway can offer more for money then it will continue to struggle to compete with other sports, nights eating out with family etc

I love speedway but is a lot of money for not very much and of course we all know about meetings dragging on, tractor racing etc

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