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Birmingham 2014

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25 million for the Blues, 200 mill for the Villa. Take your pick, bro!! :wink:


The Blues is not that appealing, the last guy got 6 years inside for taking it on. :lol: Villa must have gone down in value a lot since Culverhouse left. :wink:

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Clearly someone who gets a considerably larger wage/bank balance than most then!.


Possibly, but it's a gamble worth taking surely?


The club needs funds and going to it's supporters is one way to get something and offer something in return.


This could bring in £50K (less anything the Inland Revenue want of course).


Is it worth it? Maybe, maybe not, but let's hope there are 100 supporters willing to help the club. Again, Phillips could have dumped the club, but has chosen not to and appears determined to make it work somehow.

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£500 is a lot of money to someone on a state pension. It's the same as 2 years winter heating allowance. Is Philips expecting his fans to freeze over the winter for two years to pay for this VIP malarkey?


And it's a lot to ask for, if Philips is hoping that the elderly fans that Birmingham have, dig into their life savings for this expensive luxury.


What if Birmingham Speedway folds? Is there a refund clause? And if Philips packs in? What then? Will a new promoter be obliged to honour the terms and conditions?

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What if Birmingham Speedway folds? Is there a refund clause? And if Philips packs in? What then? Will a new promoter be obliged to honour the terms and conditions?


With respect, surely there is no point in asking that sort of question on a forum where no-one has the answer. The only ones who can answer are the people making the appeal - have you tried that avenue? It's quite obviously caused a stir, but like the idea or not, at least they are TRYING to do something about the lack of finances. I'm not a huge AP fan but I applaud the efforts being made. It's so very easy to criticize without offering an alternative solution.

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What if Birmingham Speedway folds? Is there a refund clause? And if Philips packs in? What then? Will a new promoter be obliged to honour the terms and conditions?


With respect, surely there is no point in asking that sort of question on a forum where no-one has the answer. The only ones who can answer are the people making the appeal - have you tried that avenue? It's quite obviously caused a stir, but like the idea or not, at least they are TRYING to do something about the lack of finances. I'm not a huge AP fan but I applaud the efforts being made. It's so very easy to criticize without offering an alternative solution.



Well said. :t:


Without AP there would be no speedway in Birmingham.


Speedway fans seem to think promoters are dispensable and as one fails there's another one waiting in the wings.


We are pretty much on our third one now since 2007 so you'd think everyone would get behind him.

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It's all well and good to say that someone is "trying to do something", but you'd expect someone at the top to try to do something that has a reasonable chance of success. If AP wanted to fly he'd be "trying to do something" by flapping his arms, but sadly that won't get him anywhere either. I don't think that the Brummies have the time, or resources to waste on schemes that are ill-conceived and doomed to failure.

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Reading this thread, sure brings home the reality of the sport. Over the years the sport governor's have forgotten the basis rudiments required and concentrated on flash ideas and bright lights. Its all well talking about top riders, Foreign riders, fast bikes, rule cheating, but surely survival is the most important aspect of them all.


The bosses of BSPA don't seem to grasp that the basis of any sport, has to relate with Costs and VFM. Without them there is no chance of survival. Fans, will not continue to support anything that is not value for money. Unfortunately, money doesn't grow on trees, and most people have to work hard for it. To ask them to fitter it away for little reward is a recipe for disaster.


Being a Promoter of this sport must be sole destroying. Banging your head against the wall every day. Hoping your next meeting will be a good one when all the bills can get paid. Hoping to get good reviews to help generate a better crowd next time. Have we enough money to pay for fresh shale, and the site repairs. Don't forget the PA doesn't work properly, Got to get those sponsors sorted for the programme next week, Please don't rain. God it must be murder for those people who are trying to Promote the sport, and do it in a way to make a living. I feel for you all.


Taking all these aspects into consideration, we have to cut our materials to suit our clothe. We cannot compete with the big boys abroad. we need to take stock of what we can afford. Only then will there be a better chance of survival.......

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Reading this thread, sure brings home the reality of the sport. Over the years the sport governor's have forgotten the basis rudiments required and concentrated on flash ideas and bright lights. Its all well talking about top riders, Foreign riders, fast bikes, rule cheating, but surely survival is the most important aspect of them all.


The bosses of BSPA don't seem to grasp that the basis of any sport, has to relate with Costs and VFM. Without them there is no chance of survival. Fans, will not continue to support anything that is not value for money. Unfortunately, money doesn't grow on trees, and most people have to work hard for it. To ask them to fitter it away for little reward is a recipe for disaster.


Being a Promoter of this sport must be sole destroying. Banging your head against the wall every day. Hoping your next meeting will be a good one when all the bills can get paid. Hoping to get good reviews to help generate a better crowd next time. Have we enough money to pay for fresh shale, and the site repairs. Don't forget the PA doesn't work properly, Got to get those sponsors sorted for the programme next week, Please don't rain. God it must be murder for those people who are trying to Promote the sport, and do it in a way to make a living. I feel for you all.


Taking all these aspects into consideration, we have to cut our materials to suit our clothe. We cannot compete with the big boys abroad. we need to take stock of what we can afford. Only then will there be a better chance of survival.......

I can't disagree with any of your comments GRW - I have said many times that I would not like to be a promoter in these very difficult economic times. I have a lot of respect for them in trying to keep this great sport of ours alive.


There is just one slight flaw in point you make - the BSPA are these same promoters you and I are referring to and I just don't get it that they can't work together to find the solutions to the problems the sport evidently has.


Good post though......

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