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Birmingham 2014

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Jepsen Jensen is eager for some meetings to regain his sharpness, Why don't the Brummies match his demands and make a competetive team


Sounds like you are more desperate for him to ride here than he is. Simple solution, you pay him out of your pocket money, and MJJ rides for the Brummies. You'll be happy, MJJ will be happy, and the Brummies get a replacement for Kennett, and apart from the thought of you supporting our team by default, maybe the fans will be happy too.



I've been speaking to Emil Sayfutdinov, Nicki Pedersen and Greg Hancock.


Ha ha ha ha ha...who else do you speak to? Jesus? Allah? The fairy godmother? The dead? I bet your address book is bigger than Philip Rising's and Nigel Pearson's put together isn't it?


The other one's got bells on, by the way.

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Sounds like you are more desperate for him to ride here than he is. Simple solution, you pay him out of your pocket money, and MJJ rides for the Brummies. You'll be happy, MJJ will be happy, and the Brummies get a replacement for Kennett, and apart from the thought of you supporting our team by default, maybe the fans will be happy too.




Ha ha ha ha ha...who else do you speak to? Jesus? Allah? The fairy godmother? The dead? I bet your address book is bigger than Philip Rising's and Nigel Pearson's put together isn't it?


The other one's got bells on, by the way.


In agreement shocker.

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Sorry, do you think screamer is KKS etc etc etc? If so, you're wrong, as screamer is a completely different person. I know as I've met him! I don't necessarily agree with his posting though. Have a joke by all means, but not on a matter as serious as this. Birmingham as a club are in trouble right now and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I certainly wouldn't want it to happen to Lynn!


Screamer ?, no I mean that KingKennethJesperJensonBerreRandomDanishRiderRacing pillock.

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The green sheet averages will be out soon to enable team changes but lets face it there is not a number one rider out there who wants to ride in the uk at the present time. Frankly , good riders fit for the elite league are as thin on the ground as they have ever been in the history of this league. If anyone can pull a rabbit out of the hat for Mr Phillips, lets hear it now.

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Oh martin smolinski oh martin smolinski oh martin smolinski



I wish in all serious I think to improve I.e get a proper number 1 in 2 changes have to be made.... which can only be king and kennett as it stand they give you approx 15 gives you plenty to work with depends whether we pay for a number 1 though

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Crazy Robin if Gustafsson keeps performing poorly I have a horrible feeling that Kennett will be heading back to the Robins as there is hardly any riders out there on Gustafsson's average.


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