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Birmingham 2014

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I don't know much about Graham Drury other than what's been said on this forum but losing somebody of his experience would be a bitter blow for any club let alone one in the Brummie's predicament. At the moment the team look likely candidates for the wooden spoon this season and are left with an inexperienced owner at the helm.

I speak as a speedway fan and I'm always concerned when a team runs into trouble. Given the great effort made by individuals in bringing the sport back to the city and the success of last year its very sad to see the club in this situation.

Good luck Brummies and to Alan Phillips - hope things pick up for you this year and that you're around for next season and many more in the future.

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Where's the money from last year's semi and final gone?

Why run in the EL if your going to put out a PL side?


Tell me, is that a new alias, or have you remembered your old password ?.

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We can all see whats needed, can the promotion? and is there any way the BSPA can assist? i believe they tried to help in the Oxford situation some years ago. If things continue as they are, there really can be only one ending for The Brummies. What the real worrying aspect of this may be, is it may be the ending of Speedway in the city.

The landlords of the Stadium the GRA may well decide if monies are owed to just pull the plug on Speedway altogether, and if that happens i can see any return in the forseeable future, whereas if something can be rescued from the current situation, with the help of the BSPA, and some experience behind the scenes. I didnt like the Druryies, but at least they knew what was required in certain situations, the current promotion, dont seem to have any idea on the way forward.

I believe they based the current season on reducing the budget, and guaranteed income from SKY, yes they have succeeded in the 1st of those aims, but there will be a price to pay, and we are seeing that ON track. I only hope Birmingham can see out the season in some way (jeez its only april) and they then look to formulate a plan to survive in the PL.

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Seems like they were going to go anyway, but the son got his license earlier than anticipated?


Drury was probably not being paid much for his efforts so was unlikely to stay if not absolutely necessary.


Shame to see this all self-erputing but I think the move to the EL at the present time was wrong, and i just hope they can move back to the PL next year if they so wish.


25K and a car was my information

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When there is plenty of money in the kitty, to assembly a decent team is relevantly an easy task. Something most of us could do. To do it with little finance is a different proposition all together. This is where the expertise come in. I know of Graham Drury, but not personally, but believe he had the right ideas of running a decent and an effective club. Now that he has left, there has to be big questions on the survival of Perry Barr.


As an outsiders view of Birmingham Speedway, the most important aspect of team moral is missing. You have riders going through the motions but care little for the club or the fans, and this will only result in losing what support you do have. This has to change.


How I see it, you need 2 new persons immediately. ONE, a new team Manager. Someone the riders know and respect. He must encourage and generate a togetherness of the team and produce an attitude to contest the matches instead of what was on show the other night. TWO, you need a new No1 rider. You have some decent riders in the side that will do a good job, but you need someone to take the lead and show by example. This new riding format is now harder than before, this makes it so important to have that top rider to get results in these hard races.


I'm sure with a little bit of help and encouragement, Birmingham Brummies' can recapture the form of last year. The last thing anybody wants to see a club fold. That would be catastrophic, but watching a total collapse of a team when contesting in any sport doesn't do anybody any favours.....

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Wouldn't Dakota North have been a better bet than Kennett?


Problem is that because Swindon have a man who knows his speedway there (OK, you may not like him but that's a different issue) they have signed him to replace Nikolai Klindt. Brummies no longer have anyone with a finger on the pulse of the sport to spot these opportunities now, and to get in first. Interesting to read the justification for making the signing in the Swindon press release. They are trying to address all the problems that also manifest themselves at Birmingham. Will the Brummies follow suit?


So what's the betting that now that Nikolai Klindt is a cast-off, the Brummies try to sign him?

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with all of coventrys track problems and pending departure from brandon . wouldn't a track share be a viable option for both clubs.... potential money spinner and security for both clubs? just an idea? :t:

Depends if Birmingham fans would be willing to travel as one thing Bees fans agree any new stadium needs to be, is in Coventry.

Already have no football team in Coventry now and look how the attendance has dropped

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