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Birmingham 2014

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NERMARK in the team, just like I confirmed on 26 January on this thread.

You couldn't have 'confirmed' anything at that point because there was nothing to confirm, you were merely giving your own speculation.

Edited by Beowulf
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I was just the only person who picked up on drurys slip of tongue that was all


I dare say that others picked up on it as well, but you only have to look at how this thread has gone over the winter, to see that no-one else was really that bothered about it...look at those who were contributing to the Brummies 2013 thread and none of them can be bothered to be here any more (barring cameo appearances above from Moorski and Crazy Jack)

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They do have a team that could be very inconsistant and no doubt in King and Barker they the "weakest" top two in the league and both will be up against better riders in most heats while Eddie Kennett certainly hasn't progressed over the last two seasons. .......... However they also have the two strongest second strings in the Elite League and with these featuring in four races along with reserves, that is a big plus for them.

It's not Nico and Birmingham may not be high up the estimated positions, but with a well balanced team and second strings that have reached 7+ averages in the past, they will be a diffcult team to beat, especially at home and can't see them getting many last places from their top five. They start with an away trip to Wolverhampton and all the Brummies team have had good meetings at Monmore Green




Smolinski was approached by two teams as far as I can recall but have to say he would have been a big gamble in any team in my opinion.


Daniel Nermark to make a return to Birmingham ?




It would be a mistake to under estimate what a solid built team like Birmngham can do. If they got Daniel Nermark 5.27 as their final rider, they would have some races with Skornicki and Nermark against the opposing second strings and reserves and should take heat advantages in most of those.

When you add up the averages of the second strings, Birmingham WILL have the highest combined average for second strings in Adam Skornicki 6.14 and ............. ;)

Leicester however may be close with Peter Ljung and ................. and have built a team very much like Birmingham.




Just in case maths isn't people's favourite subject, Birmingham have 5.54 left for the last place and THJ is 5.61


However there could be a connection to the last rider to THJ !


Is it another Poole asset then?! :wink:


No. They have never ridden for Poole


No doubt that the final signing will determine how well the Brummies do in 2014.

Each team will have a weak link but I doubt it will be this rider.

Remarkably they have a team yet again where any of the top five could be#1 during the season.

Matches will be close but a solid line up could benefit them in matches.

All last year it looked like Birmingham were one of the best teams and they didn't have a true number one then.

Results may have gone their way at times but they also threw away points towards the end and could have finished well ahead of the rest.

Knowing how the season ahead will turn out is guess work really and everyone needs a bit of luck at times but Brummies should be formidable at home and the final rider is sure to be a key part of the team and his identity is easy to find !!!




CONSIDERING I was the first (and only) to mention it, and being closely involved with the sport, it was very much not speculation. It's confirmed now by the official source, so that proves I was correct.



Maybe the first to put his name on here ....... but certainly not the first or second to mention him without letting on !!






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Yet another rider that signs up but is not revealed till a month later.


Can't understand the reasoning behind this attitude in speedway to keep things hush hush


It is rather farcical that both the indentity of the rider and sponsor were well known in advance of the announcement, holding it at a Selco Warhouse..... hmmm..... B&Q possibly then ? :rolleyes:


Personally I'm not commenting as much because thus far, there hasn't been a terrible lot to say that's nice I'm afraid, OK some financial restraint was clearly needed, but I think we have gone too far in persuit of it, and produced what looks a totally underwhelming team on paper as a result, I only hope it performs better on shale than it looks on paper or we will be back to square one with poor crowds again, no promotions or offers in the world will get people in to watch a poor performing team.

Edited by david2905
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I have said it before it is make or break for the Elite League and Speedway in General this year, there is not a lot to get excited about at any track at the moment imo, as for Brums team no it is not going to win the play-offs but it has a few fighters in it so hopefully they can win a few at home at least, it is a case of wait & see plus fingers crossed.

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Now that they know roughly what the season's wage bill is likely to be, they had better see about financing it...and not make it reliant on people walking through the door, because
1) there will be fewer of them, and

2) judging by the fans in the promotional video (on the web site and YouTube), the average revenue per fan won't be much higher than £10 which is the basic discretionary admission price.


Actually, if it wasn't such a desperate situation, this could have been the acid test of the oft mooted theory on BSF that speedway admission charges should only be £10 per adult. That's what the Brummies will average from their fanbase, let's see if they can make the business sustainable at that level of revenue.


What would of course help is if some serious sponsorship could be found or someone who can acquire sponsorship can be hired so that he can get on with it straight away.

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Actually, if it wasn't such a desperate situation, this could have been the acid test of the oft mooted theory on BSF that speedway admission charges should only be £10 per adult. That's what the Brummies will average from their fanbase, let's see if they can make the business sustainable at that level of revenue.



You can't use that analogy because by bringing the price down to £10 adult admission as has been suggested by some, would mean the average that the business would receive would be £7-£8 would it not?

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You can't use that analogy because by bringing the price down to £10 adult admission as has been suggested by some, would mean the average that the business would receive would be £7-£8 would it not?

After the Chancellor has taken his cut from a £10 admission charge the business would receive £8.35 (give or take a couple of pence).


For the business to receive £10, admission would have to £12.

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If there losing money the vat return is likely to be £0 so a tenner is a tenner not 8.35


I'm assuming every outgoing we have I pretty much to vat registered company's including riders who all probably turnover the vat limit remember I say turnover not net....so if your out goings are more than your incomings which is the case with the brummies vat bill should end up with vat coming back in as a return

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After the Chancellor has taken his cut from a £10 admission charge the business would receive £8.35 (give or take a couple of pence).


For the business to receive £10, admission would have to £12.

Apologies, my post was poorly worded that was what I was trying to say!


But I think pedaler was trying to say that at £15 adult admission by the time you take into account all the concessions and free admittances you would be down to an ave of £10. My point was that to all those who say it is a £10 sport, but the time you do the same maths the promotion will only be receiving less than £8 per person on ave through the turnstiles. Completely unsustainable.

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If there losing money the vat return is likely to be £0 so a tenner is a tenner not 8.35


I'm assuming every outgoing we have I pretty much to vat registered company's including riders who all probably turnover the vat limit remember I say turnover not net....so if your out goings are more than your incomings which is the case with the brummies vat bill should end up with vat coming back in as a return

In theory you are correct, but only for the top riders, It is unlikely that the reserves will be over the vat threshold (79,000)pa and possibly any 2nd string foreigner who mainly rides abroad, as only the turnover in the uk would be taken into account.

Edited by A ORLOV
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In theory you are correct, but only for the top riders, It is unlikely that the reserves will be over the vat threshold (79,000)pa and possibly any 2nd string foreigner who mainly rides abroad, as only the turnover in the uk would be taken into account.

I'd say any speedway rider should look at being VAT registered. All the kit, fuel, travelling expenses they pay VAT on which they can claim back, 20% saving per year straight off. Anyone can be VAT registered it's voluntary until you cross the Revenues threshold at which point it's compulsory.

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I'd say any speedway rider should look at being VAT registered. All the kit, fuel, travelling expenses they pay VAT on which they can claim back, 20% saving per year straight off. Anyone can be VAT registered it's voluntary until you cross the Revenues threshold at which point it's compulsory.

I stand corrected, I thought you could only register once your turnover was over the limit.

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I would be amazed if they wasn't it's not 20% though it's 1/6 th they can claim back/offset there out goings must he high travel costs alone would be hundreds a week

If a product is up at £100it will actually cost £120 (£20 vat). You then claim that £20 back on your quarterly return. Don't know where the 1/6 comes into it?

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