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Birmingham 2014

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Yes but the kids arnt going to go on there own tho without a reponsable adult with them tho I mean who would let there kid go on there own with Peodos, child abuctors and what ever else lurking on these streets of Perry Barr I certainly wouldn't its the times we live in im afraid....


They might come in gangs, and there's nothing that will terrify some existing supporters more than gangs of youngsters everywhere.

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They might come in gangs, and there's nothing that will terrify some existing supporters more than gangs of youngsters everywhere.

I thought that kids had to be accompanied by an adult to get in for a quid, in which if they were to come as a gang they'd need a gangster to take them in and where would you find one of them in Perry Barr?

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When you have sponsors you have to appreciate that sponsors have products and services to sell. Therefore you need to focus on people who can buy these things. What also has to be targeted is the person who will pay an adult price at the gate. Filling the place with people who are so young they get in for free or only for £1 doesn't pay the bills.


And as was said, approaches were made to schools, some of who were receptive and some of who weren't. It's not in everyone's culture.

"Filling the place with people who are so young they get in for free or only for £1 doesn't pay the bills."


I don't think we need to worry about PB being packed with Free or Cheap Kids - £5 for ALL Kids, ages 5 - 17 means that there will be very few, if any, potential new long term speedway fans at Perry Barr this season.


I know that "Kids For A Quid" doesn't pay the bills, but as others have said, they are usually accompanied by someone paying Adult or Concession rates.

Also, if you don't let them watch the speedway for a quid they certainly won't bother when you try and ask them for £15/16/17 in a few years time - BAD MISTAKE - maybe there is only a short time left on the lease at Perry Barr and the "Promotion" don't need to worry about future supporters.

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I don't think we need to worry about PB being packed with Free or Cheap Kids - £5 for ALL Kids, ages 5 - 17 means that there will be very few, if any, potential new long term speedway fans at Perry Barr this season.


There were plenty of fantastic marketing campaigns last year that reduced the prices for kids right down, and didn't need them to be accompanied by adults. So what happened last year and what is happening this year are two different things.


"Kids for a quid" was something which dates back to the summer holiday times in the Premier League era. It was a punch line to grab headlines. That was a different thing back then and in those days it did require an adult to accompany kids. Different things were tried at different times, you can't mix them all together and make out that they all happened at the same time.

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Looks like this year if the fans want it, they will have to pay for it. There's not so many sponsors there to subsidise it any more.

"Looks like this year if the fans want it, they will have to pay for it"


You're right there. The question for Birmingham is, "Will enough fans want to pay?"

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"Looks like this year if the fans want it, they will have to pay for it"


You're right there. The question for Birmingham is, "Will enough fans want to pay?"

The fans can't pay money that some simply havn't got & can only see this going one way unfortunately.


The quality of the league has dropped significantly & yet fans are expected to pay the same as last season or in some cases even more.


Absolutely ridiculous.

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So which club can match these

@ Perry Barr





Adults: £15.00

Senior (60+ years), Students: £10.00

Juniors 5-17 years: £5.00


If you look at a familyof 2 adults and 2 children U10 - thats £40 at Brum (2x£10+2x£5) or £34 at Swindon (2x£17+2x£0) [although 2014 prices haven't been released yet]

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The question is, do people still go out as a family, or do people to out with "their mates / crew / gang" (whatever this years terminology is)?


Is the romantic notion that speedway is a family spot as true for the 20-30 year-olds bringing their youngsters to the speedway as it is that the 30-40 year-olds bring their parents and grandparents?


Do todays youngsters want to be seen out with their parents? Look at the report of kids deserting Facebook because their parents are on there. The world has changed. In the olden days, there were two big concepts - that speedway was the second biggest spectator sport in the country and that speedway was a family sport. I think both of these concepts now need to be consigned to the scrap heap.

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So which club can match these

@ Perry Barr





Adults: £15.00

Senior (60+ years), Students: £10.00

Juniors 5-17 years: £5.00


Adults I guess will be the cheapest but as for the other 2 completely wrong for me as a student can't afford to pay £5 less than an adult on a full wage can they?.


Also children under 16 should be free with a paying adult as they're the ones who will take them.


Speedway is not the only sport to get it wrong & that's why the average age of fans gets older every season.


They can change all they want on the track but it's to expensive to.

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The question is, do people still go out as a family, or do people to out with "their mates / crew / gang" (whatever this years terminology is)?


Is the romantic notion that speedway is a family spot as true for the 20-30 year-olds bringing their youngsters to the speedway as it is that the 30-40 year-olds bring their parents and grandparents?


Do todays youngsters want to be seen out with their parents? Look at the report of kids deserting Facebook because their parents are on there. The world has changed. In the olden days, there were two big concepts - that speedway was the second biggest spectator sport in the country and that speedway was a family sport. I think both of these concepts now need to be consigned to the scrap heap.

I tend to agree with this and have said the same before of speedway, and a number of other sports. There is too much focus on "families" and "kids" and not enough on those in the 16-25 age bracket who are still young enough to be long-term supporters of the club, but in a position where they have their own disposable income, can control their own decisions and for a fair percentage of them still fall into the "concession" price category which means they are more likely to stick around, get connected to the club and then start paying the full adult price when they are no longer eligible for concessions. I'd suggest based on the demographics I see at football matches in the Football Conference (which is probably the most comparable league attendance wise to EL speedway once you strip out three or four teams at the top), that it's people in this age bracket as well who are likely to help create something resembling a sporting atmosphere, and travel to follow the team away from home as well.


By all means still target families and kids, absolutely, but IMO the primary focus should be 16-25's. It's all well and good attracting a load of 10 year old's but it's going to be much harder to keep a hold of them as they grow up and start experiencing other things (drinking, girlfriends, going to university etc.).

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I tend to agree with this and have said the same before of speedway, and a number of other sports. There is too much focus on "families" and "kids" and not enough on those in the 16-25 age bracket who are still young enough to be long-term supporters of the club, but in a position where they have their own disposable income, can control their own decisions and for a fair percentage of them still fall into the "concession" price category which means they are more likely to stick around, get connected to the club and then start paying the full adult price when they are no longer eligible for concessions. I'd suggest based on the demographics I see at football matches in the Football Conference (which is probably the most comparable league attendance wise to EL speedway once you strip out three or four teams at the top), that it's people in this age bracket as well who are likely to help create something resembling a sporting atmosphere, and travel to follow the team away from home as well.


By all means still target families and kids, absolutely, but IMO the primary focus should be 16-25's. It's all well and good attracting a load of 10 year old's but it's going to be much harder to keep a hold of them as they grow up and start experiencing other things (drinking, girlfriends, going to university etc.).

So how does a 16-25 year old suddenly want to go to speedway if they havn't gone with a parent or adult?.


Yes children are different to when I was a child but it was the only thing I had in common with my mum when I was a kid & that bond is still there now.


I know of no group of lads in the age group you quote who go to speedway in a group.

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So how does a 16-25 year old suddenly want to go to speedway if they havn't gone with a parent or adult?.


Because they decide it's time to have a look at this speedway thing that they've heard various tales of from their parents over the years...


...and I was actually 28 at the time.

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Because they decide it's time to have a look at this speedway thing that they've heard various tales of from their parents over the years...


...and I was actually 28 at the time.

I know loads more who go because they went with their parents & carried on the tradition with their kids which is what I did.

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Marketing, promotion, a bit of effort to get them through the turnstiles in the first place, and then making sure that there is a respectable product on show that will entice them back.


The reason there isn't at the moment? Because no-one is targeting them.

Not sure 15mins action over a 120 minute period is a great attraction to youngsters in this digital age...

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