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Birmingham 2014

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No absolutely not. There is a huge difference between being unpopular but professional and being an absolute chuffing idiot. Drury may be unpopular withsome, but his track record shows that he is professional. You don't have to like people to work with them; likewise if people are openly hostile it makes it impossible to achieve a sustainable working relationship. I get the impression that the relationship between key managers at Birmingham has been quite vitriolic.

Professional people don't make it impossible to achieve a sustainable working relationship, the clues in the first word.

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That move will back fire on the promotion. I doubt there is a better and hard working commercial manager in the business.




I take it you have missed the press release that Fast Freddie wont be racing the EL this season?


Not come across a harder working commercial manager either SB,than the one who has tendered his resignation,but when there are clashes of personalities with team managers and riders about things that are none of your business,then it's obvious that things will come to breaking point.Could the club have carried on with the fingers on the self destruct button?

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I'm sure there will be a queue of other clubs willing to employ him.

As there should be.



Not come across a harder working commercial manager either SB,than the one who has tendered his resignation,but when there are clashes of personalities with team managers and riders about things that are none of your business,then it's obvious that things will come to breaking point.Could the club have carried on with the fingers on the self destruct button?

Things seem to have got to breaking point bluejam. Hopefully better news will start filtering out soon!

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Professional people don't make it impossible to achieve a sustainable working relationship, the clues in the first word.

Correct, what they do if they have the authority is remove the person who is making it impossible. Clearly Drury did not have authority to do that and the people who had the authority chose not to. The result is one unnecessary resignation; one transfer request; heaps of bad press and disillusioned Birmingham supporters. I get the impression that the boil has now been lanced.

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So, have most of the issues been resolved with the commercial manager going, or does the problem/person lie elsewhere ?, that's the million dollar question.


I'd like to think we can move foward now, but impossible to say without knowing for certain who's causing the issues.

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So, have most of the issues been resolved with the commercial manager going, or does the problem/person lie elsewhere ?, that's the million dollar question.


I'd like to think we can move foward now, but impossible to say without knowing for certain who's causing the issues.

If you cross reference who has said what from the press releases, radio interviews and tweets it is likely that the Commercial Manager going a few weeks back may have avoided some of the issues. I don't know on the rest; the next few days will tell. I just hope it all turns out okay for the club and supporters.

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will Moley turn up at Brum or Panthers

Last saw Moley in the Cuckoo in Alwalton Village back in 2012. :cheers:

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If you cross reference who has said what from the press releases, radio interviews and tweets it is likely that the Commercial Manager going a few weeks back may have avoided some of the issues. I don't know on the rest; the next few days will tell. I just hope it all turns out okay for the club and supporters.



I suspect your right, but with story and counter story I could never be sure.


It's never nice to have people leave like this but sometimes painful decisions have to be made for the greater good, namely the continued existence and wellbeing of Birmingham Speedway.

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I don't see the problem as being the commercial manager, in my view its not his fault, he can only act as allowed by the team owners, they bear the ultimate responsibility for giving him the authority by default or otherwise to allegedly interfere in matters beyond his remit. As I said in a previous post, it is reported that he has allegedly said "I virtually run Birmingham Speedway"......so who allowed that situation to occur?... not hard to work out.


I have some sympathy with AP as he has stated that C. Luty has taken a hands 'off' approach leaving him much of the work. I suggest AP perhaps moved some of that work load onto the shoulders of the Comm.manager.

One could assume there is a communication problem between AP & CL but they bear the joint responsibility for what has happened.


(Luty does seem to keep a low profile I wouldn't even recognise him)


I just hope the lifeboat is not late in putting to sea.

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That's a fair point Nigel, had not thought of it that way, without wishing to sound harsh however, a commercial manager is replacable, but are owners ?, yet to see any big queue's at Sheffield and Peterborough's doors.

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Correct, what they do if they have the authority is remove the person who is making it impossible. Clearly Drury did not have authority to do that and the people who had the authority chose not to. The result is one unnecessary resignation; one transfer request; heaps of bad press and disillusioned Birmingham supporters


. I get the impression that the boil has now been lanced.

I get the impression I am swapping notes with the real problem who is still in place.

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That's a fair point Nigel, had not thought of it that way, without wishing to sound harsh however, a commercial manager is replacable, but are owners ?, yet to see any big queue's at Sheffield and Peterborough's doors.

CMs are replaceable, that's true, but love him or hate him, there's no denying that Joe McL is very good at his job and will be a hard act to follow.
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That's a fair point Nigel, had not thought of it that way, without wishing to sound harsh however, a commercial manager is replacable, but are owners ?, yet to see any big queue's at Sheffield and Peterborough's doors.


I am not suggesting the present owners should go. I just hope they have learnt from the situation and not allow any future problems to fester.


I hope they can build bridges with those who have moved on (not the Zig Zag type) :D


Whatever the rights and wrongs or politics of the situation in my view if the rumours are true? the commercial managers position will become untenable, the commercial gains he may bring being outweighed by the damage done to the club.

Finding new fans is harder than finding a new commercial manager


I also echo previous comments " have all the issues been solved?

Edited by Nigel
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