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Birmingham 2014

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Reading this thread, sure brings home the reality of the sport. Over the years the sport governor's have forgotten the basis rudiments required and concentrated on flash ideas and bright lights. Its all well talking about top riders, Foreign riders, fast bikes, rule cheating, but surely survival is the most important aspect of them all.


The bosses of BSPA don't seem to grasp that the basis of any sport, has to relate with Costs and VFM. Without them there is no chance of survival. Fans, will not continue to support anything that is not value for money. Unfortunately, money doesn't grow on trees, and most people have to work hard for it. To ask them to fitter it away for little reward is a recipe for disaster.


Being a Promoter of this sport must be sole destroying. Banging your head against the wall every day. Hoping your next meeting will be a good one when all the bills can get paid. Hoping to get good reviews to help generate a better crowd next time. Have we enough money to pay for fresh shale, and the site repairs. Don't forget the PA doesn't work properly, Got to get those sponsors sorted for the programme next week, Please don't rain. God it must be murder for those people who are trying to Promote the sport, and do it in a way to make a living. I feel for you all.


Taking all these aspects into consideration, we have to cut our materials to suit our clothe. We cannot compete with the big boys abroad. we need to take stock of what we can afford. Only then will there be a better chance of survival.......

Absolutely spot on with this post! Only a lottery winner would take on promoting a speedway team nowadays with the expectation of getting nothing in return!

It is a sorry state of affairs at the Brummies, In my opinion losing the likes of Phil Morris & Jason Doyle this season have turned away many supporters as the team left behind is sub standard to say the least! coupled with the fact there are No experienced Speedway people left behind running the Club, it is a recipe for disaster.


I think despite his good intentions Mr.Phillips has dug a massive hole in sand for himself.


People will not attend during these difficult financial times paying out a lot of money for a poor product, merely begging folk to attend will not work, AP Wants people to attend on Weds against Eastbourne but who is going to pay £15!


I hope something works out but it is hard to see how at the moment.

To be fairMoorski, there was no guarantee that Doyle would have ridden for us this year, he's not our asset so he was only on loan. As regards Eastborne, anyone who didn't go to this meeting missed out on an exciting match IMHO.

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To be fairMoorski, there was no guarantee that Doyle would have ridden for us this year, he's not our asset so he was only on loan.


That is true Judy but paying the Guy on time and not upsetting him might have helped as he was our best rider last season after all! And upsetting and losing Phil Morris to top it all!!

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Where do you think he will ride in the riding order, might be best to put him with King or barker, as both have had a lot of laps at PB, it should be good on Wednesday.


Nermarks a safer pair of hands for a newbie IMO, Barkers had two collisions with teammates recently and King would be better with Covatti.

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Nermarks a safer pair of hands for a newbie IMO, Barkers had two collisions with teammates recently and King would be better with Covatti.

Crikey! I'd not want to put any newcomer with Nermark! Anyway, in the current format there are no pairs any more.

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Some of us old enough to remember Finn Jensen will have heard all the fanfares and promises of great things before...only to have been let down.


Let's hope that this guy is the real deal and adapts quickly and bangs in the points, else it won't be long before Adam Skornicki will have recovered, gets his team place back, and that might be the last we see of Zmarzlik.

I can never remember Finn Jensen being hailed as the next big thing at all....and what a rider from about 30 years ago or so has to do with the signing of a 19 year old today is beyond me..

There are no guarantees in speedway and Zmarzlik may be good or he may disappoint but it certainly looks an exciting signing on paper to me

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Didnt Finn get a maximum in his first meeting and then perform badly at the next one, I also cant remember him being hailed as a world beater.

Its not like it is today, most riders then you didnt know about till they signed for you, never heard of him till he turned up, still he did give us some great performances, but in short supply.

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The Pedaler is prepared to dig as deep as possible in order to find something negative about anything Brum related so it's no surprise that he went for a 30 year old tenuous comparison.

Hopefully he'll burn himself out. He may even attend a meeting following the signing of BZ, after all he does extoll the virtues of the sport in Poland.

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I can never remember Finn Jensen being hailed as the next big thing at all....

That's right, he was hailed as the next most promising youngster from Denmark - following on from Alf Busk


Didnt Finn get a maximum in his first meeting and then perform badly at the next one

No, you're thinking of August Bank Holiday Monday 1979, when he scored zilch at Exeter in the morning, and a 12 point maximum against the same club at Perry Barr in the evening.


The Pedaler is prepared to dig as deep as possible in order to find something negative about anything Brum related so it's no surprise that he went for a 30 year old tenuous comparison.

Hopefully he'll burn himself out. He may even attend a meeting following the signing of BZ, after all he does extoll the virtues of the sport in Poland.

There's a very strong possibility he's already attended a meeting this year. :wink:

Edited by Leicester Hunter
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Where do you think he will ride in the riding order, might be best to put him with King or barker, as both have had a lot of laps at PB, it should be good on Wednesday.


I would go for


1. King

2. Covatti

3. Barker

4. Nermark

5. Zmarzlik


King at 1, hes done okay in the last few meetings at Perry Barr. I would prefer to keep Zmarzlik away from Nermark ;) , so number 5 it is. Two rides with BB and two with Danny. I just hope Jack Lee puts Covatti at 2, I see hes at 4 again tomorrow which makes no sense :nono: . You want your better second string at 4, esp if meetings run close. Nico can be good but can also be bad, nermark done well this year, makes better sense to have him at 4.

A couple of years ago, Skornicki recommended two young Poles to Wolves.


Sowka and Zmarzlik.




Lets hope he isnt another Sowka then :D but from what Ive seen of him he looks really good, just has limited experience on the smaller tracks.

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As a certificate holder at a Level 1 'Introduction to Polish Language' and 'Conversational Polish' Language courses,your pronounciation of Bartosz Zmarzliks name is exceptional. :t:


I know he's one of TNTs favourite riders too,and would have looked the part in an old gold and black race jacket,but he 'll be lining up in a red and yellow one instead! :P



And mine and I agree great pronounciation stevebrum




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Worrying news for Brum fans this morning regarding Zmarzlik.A report by Nigel Pearson in the B,ham Mail states that his future is now in the balance following a report from Poland that the rider will only be allowed to ride on a match by match basis.

Not the fault of the rider,but it seems to throw in doubt his immediate future with Birmingham.


Never rains but it pours for the Brummies.

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Worrying news for Brum fans this morning regarding Zmarzlik.A report by Nigel Pearson in the B,ham Mail states that his future is now in the balance following a report from Poland that the rider will only be allowed to ride on a match by match basis.

Not the fault of the rider,but it seems to throw in doubt his immediate future with Birmingham.


Never rains but it pours for the Brummies.

Well it's not like Brum haven't been here before........................ :rolleyes:

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