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Absoulute tripe Somerset's top 3 are stronger


doyle --- lawson no contest

morris --- smith --- nick morris by a point

Allen --- summers if allen stays fit hes a 9 point man summers is a steady 7


Tripe? really? I don't see too much difference - all If's and But's.. but the one thing that is without question is that by signing them 3, the rest of the team is extremely vulnerable - especially away from home, and certain members of that top 3 won't tolerate a lack of back-up...

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Top 3 is very, very strong. Doyle is probably the best no 1 in the league bar maybe Craig Cook. Morris would be a number 1 anywhere else and Allen is capable of a 9+ average if he can stay fit.Not sure about the other 4 though. Looks much weaker than some of the other contenders and although Wright & the Kurtz brothers will no doubt be good at home it could be a different story on the road.Somerset will be up there but don't fancy this side to win the title.

Cook is the best No1 in the league IMO.Doyle runs him close though


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Tripe? really? I don't see too much difference - all If's and But's.. but the one thing that is without question is that by signing them 3, the rest of the team is extremely vulnerable - especially away from home, and certain members of that top 3 won't tolerate a lack of back-up...

I think what you can say is Redcar's top three still has a lot of room for improvement - All three could and perhaps should put a point on their averages - and whilst I dont fear at all about Doyle, not sure Morris and Allen will keep theres, let alone add to them.


Still make Somerset's slightly stronger, but think our second stringers will be better.

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Nutz says 4 reserves, don't agree. Newman stepped up from reserve to the number 2 spot last season and helped the team win the League, Wright is doing the same next season and I think he is as good as Newman and probably stronger away. Davies was good at home but poor away, we don't need to worry about winning at home, so Kurtz away won't be any worse than Davies. We were weak at reserve last season until Wright came in late in the season, and with Brady at reserve we will be stronger than last season from the off. So to sum it up, we have had to lose 5 points of our team average but have come up with a stronger side than last season.

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Could have been better, the Rebels wont retain the title IMO.


No major improvement in the top 3. Allen is injury prone and if he picks up an injury then R/R won't cut it. Todd Kurtz has always flattered to deceive and never lived up to the hype around him when he first came onto the scene. Wright is a confidence rider and a reserve at best. He'll struggle in the 1-5 and will be a casualty of team changes. Starke is a strange signing, can improve to a 4 point rider perhaps. Lots of pressure on Brady, if he lives up to it then he's a trump card if he follows his brother then the Rebels have a mighty long tail.

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Tripe? really? I don't see too much difference - all If's and But's.. but the one thing that is without question is that by signing them 3, the rest of the team is extremely vulnerable - especially away from home, and certain members of that top 3 won't tolerate a lack of back-up...

Brady Kurtz I think will be a real star

Top 3 is very, very strong. Doyle is probably the best no 1 in the league bar maybe Craig Cook. Morris would be a number 1 anywhere else and Allen is capable of a 9+ average if he can stay fit.


Not sure about the other 4 though. Looks much weaker than some of the other contenders and although Wright & the Kurtz brothers will no doubt be good at home it could be a different story on the road.


Somerset will be up there but don't fancy this side to win the title.

Reading between lines Berwick dont seem happy re young Mr Starke
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Brady Kurtz I think will be a real star


Maybe and I'm not disputing that - but he's not going to be a real star straight away... those riders are few and very far between...

Nutz says 4 reserves, don't agree. Newman stepped up from reserve to the number 2 spot last season and helped the team win the League, Wright is doing the same next season and I think he is as good as Newman and probably stronger away. Davies was good at home but poor away, we don't need to worry about winning at home, so Kurtz away won't be any worse than Davies. We were weak at reserve last season until Wright came in late in the season, and with Brady at reserve we will be stronger than last season from the off. So to sum it up, we have had to lose 5 points of our team average but have come up with a stronger side than last season.


It was the introduction of a Charles Wright full of confidence at reserve that won the league - it was the single biggest influence. Now he's in the 1-5, he'll not get anywhere near what Newman achieved last year.


Where you think you're a stronger side than last season I have no clue!!! If I were a Rebel, I'd not be over the moon with this 1-7...

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Well it was always going to be difficult to rebuild the team after this years success so something has had to give. My biggest disappointment is seeing Josh move on as I thought he and Nick would have certainly made a good start to team building if the rumour that Doyley would not be riding PL was actually true. However how can you not be pleased to have Doyley and Nick back? After Charles made such a difference to the side in the later meetings of 2013 he had to be considered. I know what everybody says about riding at reserve other than in the main body of the team but for whatever reason he did look very much like he was more than capable of moving up, so no brainer really. With all the hype around Brady, his average and the promotion promising him a place in 2014, another one pencilled in. Todd did okay for us at Rye as a guest so obviously did enough of a selling job to convince Gary, so another one pencilled in. Same for Paul who I have to say did impress me and really does look like he could come good especially after a full season in the PL. Finally hopefully Olly will stay free of injury and live up to his potential and average. Not one that I would have gone for. The question that I would like answered really is what choice did we really have if we wanted to follow the format that provided us with so much success in 2013 and maintain a bit of loyalty to riders? Of course there are a lot of "if's and but's" but I think that these have all been carefully calculated. Good news I say if other teams do not fear us. We might just prove a few doubters wrong. Full support for the decisions made and team declared from me. If it doesn't work out, at least we tried. Bring it on!

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This team reminds me very much of the 2008 Rebels where we had Doyle, Kramer and Frampton as a strong top three. The other four were Katt,Kroger,Walker and Werner, these guys regularly swopped places in the main body and reserve. This is where I think there is a similarity because I can see Wrighty, Kurtz x 2 and maybe Stark doing the same thing. this will always keep us strong in reserve which is as important as having a strong top three. Home form is important of course and Todd goes well around the OTA and it is a good psychological move having him in the side to help Brady along with the other aussies.

I do not think we are as strong as last season purely because we have lost a little of our continuation with the departures of Kyle and Alex, I thought they would both be nailed on for this year, however when the decision to bring back Jason and Nick was made, mathematically it became impossible.Any new team is full of ifs and buts, but if Brady can reproduce good form ( remember the Rebels wanted him last season ) and Wrighty continues his improvement and of course the old chestnut of no injuries I think the Rebels will be in the shake up at the finish..........we shall see.

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One thing I did forget to put in my post was that if the team spirit and never say die attitude from this year can be carried over to next, you just never know what could happen. It is good to here that in general Paul Starke comes highly recommended by Bandits fans and is tipped for a good year ahead. Seems like he will be very much missed.

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