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Leicester 2014 . Elite

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Ipswich radically changed our track after 35 years because the track was narrow and difficult to pass as the bikes had got faster.

It improved things no end coincidently with joining the PL.

yes it did cost a lot of money but could we have afforded not to change ?

Leicester has a lovely stadium but the worst track in the country by a mile.

You must change the track before you lose the remaining fans.

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When I tell people at work that I go to watch the Speedway at Leicester quite a few of them say they used to go to watch in the Blackbird Road days and suggest they might take a meeting in.......my response has always been to say "don't bother until they alter the track"........that's potential punters put off going......now if other supporters are saying the same thing that's hardly going to bring in more fans is it?

Listen to the fans(customers).It's a National laughing stock!


I'd be too embarrassed and too considerate of others to encourage anybody new to try it.

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That's the sad part,you wouldn't take someone to Leicester speedway for them to fork out that amount of money knowing they would be very lucky to see a good race.


People said they waited 28 years for speedway to return to Leicester I think it must now be 32 years since the last good speedway meeting happened in Leicester ;)

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I wonder if Norrie,Glyn and the riders could persuade Hemsley the benefits of changing the track,surely the riders want a circuit where they have a chance at least to pass another rider ......it's their living after all and points make prizes!

When I see racers like Simon Stead and Lasse Bjerre struggling to get anywhere near affecting a pass,it can't be right!

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Haha Love all these comments . I would say told you so , but I'd rather accept them as long overdue apologies :rofl:

Edited by mrcts
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Unfortunately you will now need guests on 21/06 v Swindon

Us lions fans had better start that Raindance then.

No doubt it will be a fine warm day across the country but BP will encounter a freak storm and flood the track a bit like what happened at Belle Vue last season

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It is time all these clashes on race days where stopped. In this day of computer technoligy, it must be very simple to see which rider races for which team on a said night and they still manage some how to manage to take 2 or more riders from a team.

I will be a complete shambles with doyle and Madds missing if the standard of guest riders are anything to go by. That the management are bringing in. They also have now had high time to get 2 riders to bring into the team to replace the 2 that uped and left the team in the lurch. Not good enogh, signing on at the start of the year, then a quarter of the way through the season come to a desion that you no longer want to ride over here. They should have had some sort of penalty slapped on them for breaking a contract, but it seems that none of the speedway boards, can be bothered to do anything about this.

There should be a rule in place that if they have signed to ride over here then they finish the season unless they have problems with family at home.

It is to easy come easy go for them to get a place over here and then just up and leave without telling the team management what they are doing, saying that they are injured with problems that only need aq couple of weeks to overcome and then end up riding in thier home country. Later dropping the bomb that they will not be coming back.

Come on get these new riders in the team so we can put a team back together. Then hopefully get back to winning again, because before all of these problems the team was actually getting things together quite well. Don't think we have won a race since then.

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I have lots of sympathy but it's a two way street. If you're going to punish riders for breaking their contact what happens when clubs drop riders part way through the season? Do clubs then get penalised?

It's like any work situation - if you aren't doing a job then you can expect to be dealt with appropriately and similarly if you fail to turn up at work whilst working elsewhere

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It is time all these clashes on race days where stopped. In this day of computer technoligy, it must be very simple to see which rider races for which team on a said night and they still manage some how to manage to take 2 or more riders from a team.

No amount of technology will stop this.

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It's like any work situation - if you aren't doing a job then you can expect to be dealt with appropriately and similarly if you fail to turn up at work whilst working elsewhere

What about riders who are performing well but get dropped because a club wants to replace them with someone they think will do better or clubs who do not meet their contractual obligations to the rider.


As I said, it can be a two way street. Sometimes riders take the mickey and leave a club in the lurch but many clubs don't worry about their obligations to the rider if they think they can bring in a better rider. What about riders not being paid but facing action if they withdraw their services? How can that be right?


I don't agree with riders or clubs not meeting their obligations but you can't just blame riders.

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