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Leicester 2014 . Elite

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I think this season will see some absolute shockers from the reserves and also some big surprises . not just Leicesters but all the elite teams reserves .

that's the nature of inexperience , the youngsters who will benefit most from this new idea will be the ones who are part of teams with a consistent top 5 who can carry them on the off nights and take the pressure off their points tally being so critical , some of the younger riders will take a while to settle into the more Insular world of Elite league , having spent their formative time In "team" surroundings it will take some adjustment getting used to being one of the seven , and your team captains main concern is how much he is being paid and will he make it in time for the airflight to his next paycheck rather than the welfare of his underlings , at the end of 2014 season some of the draft riders will have taken the step up in their stride and become better riders , but a lot more will be happy having experienced life at the top table to go back to the safety of the national league

Well spoken. I can see quite a few riders in the reserve positions being made to feel very uncomfortable within thier teams if they are week in week out losing races and costing the team valuable points.

I think some will be gone before the end of the season, if they are made to feel like they are letting down the side.

The reserve points should never have been made part of the teams scores. It should have been the points of the first 5 riders that went to making the teams point score, with the reserve point a seperate issue.

But it is to late now, unless the promoter decide, that is doing the teams league postion in jepardy.

It makes me wonder what are leagues have now become. Ok the youngsters need the races at a higher level.

We have the EL made up of top riders and PL and NL riders.

The PL made up of PL, EL, and NL riders.

The NL made up of NL and PL riders

And the MDL made up of young riders and those who have failed to make a mark in the Nl.

Racing was far more competative in the 60's and 70's. with far closer racing than we see at most meetings these days.

Some of the riders in the EL over the past few years have been a joke, and have only come over here to make a bob or 2 but then find they can't make the step up and most of them go back to what ever country they came from never to be seen again.

I just hope that this year works out. But I see a very hard time for the Lions this year, with 2 reserves who are well below the skill level of some of the other teams reserves. I think 1-5 may score well at home but not enough to make up from the loses of the 2 reserves. How long will they stay at BP for, if they fail to deliver the goods, at home and away on a weekly basis.

Can't see Max Clegg getting there this year, not sure about . He has the makings of a good rider, but it depends if he can do it fast enough

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I know this is not about Leicester. But I think it would have been far better to have put the young reserves into the PL for the first year at least. I know they are trying to bring young riders on, but this is more about finances at the end of the day. Some of these lads would even struggle to geta win at reserve in the PL. I know they are riding againt other lads from the NL but the standard of the riders that have been given a reserve palcing a far apart, that quite a few of them could easily make it to PL level as reserve anyway.

Surely world speedway is not in such a terrible state that they can't fill places for 70 competative riders to make up the EL. To me Elite meens something special not a farse. It is the same with the PL is there any need for EL riders to go down to the PL to make up the numbers. I know they do it to earn the extra cash. But it make a mokery of the leagues when they are flitting from league to league.

I think we would have brought young riders on far better if the leagues where actually used as they should be a stepping stone to the next higher league.

As for the Lions, I can't see them making much of an impresion on the EL this year, it needed a stronger No.1.

But I supose this all boils down to money again. Not sure ifthe promoters where in a situation where they could have brought in one of the worlds top 10 riders to fill that slot. Hope we do well, not sure though if they can do it.

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I know this is not about Leicester. But I think it would have been far better to have put the young reserves into the PL for the first year at least. I know they are trying to bring young riders on, but this is more about finances at the end of the day. Some of these lads would even struggle to geta win at reserve in the PL. I know they are riding againt other lads from the NL but the standard of the riders that have been given a reserve palcing a far apart, that quite a few of them could easily make it to PL level as reserve anyway.

Surely world speedway is not in such a terrible state that they can't fill places for 70 competative riders to make up the EL. To me Elite meens something special not a farse. It is the same with the PL is there any need for EL riders to go down to the PL to make up the numbers. I know they do it to earn the extra cash. But it make a mokery of the leagues when they are flitting from league to league.

I think we would have brought young riders on far better if the leagues where actually used as they should be a stepping stone to the next higher league.

As for the Lions, I can't see them making much of an impresion on the EL this year, it needed a stronger No.1.

But I supose this all boils down to money again. Not sure ifthe promoters where in a situation where they could have brought in one of the worlds top 10 riders to fill that slot. Hope we do well, not sure though if they can do it.

There is anothet thread 'Draft rider' where this is discussed and the PL promoters didn't want any part on it and then of course there were the protected assets. So if the scheme is to continue then teams will have to build up a young asset base. It maybe a dud season but the lpng term is the name game Edited by TMW
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Well spoken. I can see quite a few riders in the reserve positions being made to feel very uncomfortable within thier teams if they are week in week out losing races and costing the team valuable points.

I think some will be gone before the end of the season, if they are made to feel like they are letting down the side.

The reserve points should never have been made part of the teams scores. It should have been the points of the first 5 riders that went to making the teams point score, with the reserve point a seperate issue.

But it is to late now, unless the promoter decide, that is doing the teams league postion in jepardy.

It makes me wonder what are leagues have now become. Ok the youngsters need the races at a higher level.

We have the EL made up of top riders and PL and NL riders.

The PL made up of PL, EL, and NL riders.

The NL made up of NL and PL riders

And the MDL made up of young riders and those who have failed to make a mark in the Nl.

Racing was far more competative in the 60's and 70's. with far closer racing than we see at most meetings these days.

Some of the riders in the EL over the past few years have been a joke, and have only come over here to make a bob or 2 but then find they can't make the step up and most of them go back to what ever country they came from never to be seen again.

I just hope that this year works out. But I see a very hard time for the Lions this year, with 2 reserves who are well below the skill level of some of the other teams reserves. I think 1-5 may score well at home but not enough to make up from the loses of the 2 reserves. How long will they stay at BP for, if they fail to deliver the goods, at home and away on a weekly basis.

Can't see Max Clegg getting there this year, not sure about . He has the makings of a good rider, but it depends if he can do it fast enough


I've read some crackpot ideas in the past but the notion of the reserve riders scores not counting has to be one of the most ridiculous I have come across.


Also your ridiculous claim that the racing was more competitive and far closer in the 'old days'. It wasn't.

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Nice little video promotional clip from 'BBC East Midlands Today'



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I think the powers that be have made a mistake , albeit with the best intentions, to introduce draft riders into Elite League teams.

All it has done is water down the product I'm afraid. But, that's the rules and we all have to except them.


Leicester look pretty weak to me and I don't think they will get much joy this year particularly away from BP. The Premier League looks the best League, which I believe will be a close affair, and probably produce better racing.

Edited by nightshift
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I think the powers that be have made a mistake , albeit with the best intentions, to introduce draft riders into Elite League teams.

All it has done is water down the product I'm afraid. But, that's the rules and we all have to except them.


Leicester look pretty weak to me and I don't think they will get much joy this year particularly away from BP. The Premier League looks the best League, which I believe will be a close affair, and probably produce better racing.



Weakened indeed yes. But thankfully instead of having the likes of Ales Dryml getting paid plenty to give a half hearted effort we are finally giving our future a chance to make quick progress that may just help re-dress the balance on the World stage in the next 5 years or so.

Nothing personal against Ales, he did a great job for us a few seasons ago, but we shouldn't have foreigners riding soaking up money out of the EL in reserve berths. Even more reason to ensure ANY foreigner, particularly if aimed to start in reserve has a minimum 5 point average.

I used Ales as an example of the type of rider who should NOT be riding in reserve in the EL, before Dryml fans start jumping down my throat!

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A lot of reserves in the last few years in the EL have been a joke. Not sure if what we have this year is any better. The standards of the young riders are so far apart. That most of the teams in the EL are put in a position with the riders they have will stand no chace of doing well this year.

The point I made was to say that if the young riders the teams have been given are not up to a standard that will allow a team to be competative and show no chance of improving as the year goes on because they are not skilled enough and should never have been sent to the clubs to start with, why should it put the teams chances of winning the league just because the 2 reserves let them down week in week out.

There was not enough thought put into this before it was put into operation. Can't wait to see what our 2 reserves can manage on Sunday, to be honest, not much, thinks I

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A lot of reserves in the last few years in the EL have been a joke. Not sure if what we have this year is any better. The standards of the young riders are so far apart. That most of the teams in the EL are put in a position with the riders they have will stand no chace of doing well this year.

The point I made was to say that if the young riders the teams have been given are not up to a standard that will allow a team to be competative and show no chance of improving as the year goes on because they are not skilled enough and should never have been sent to the clubs to start with, why should it put the teams chances of winning the league just because the 2 reserves let them down week in week out.

There was not enough thought put into this before it was put into operation. Can't wait to see what our 2 reserves can manage on Sunday, to be honest, not much, thinks I

Here we are again.Yawn. blaming the reserves allready.How about focusing on the top boys that get paid the big money to do there job rather than putting down the reserves.(I would like to say young reserves but with some knocking on the door of 30 ,and years of experience hardly up an coming british youngsters ).In the case of your reserves I have seen Tom grow up threw the youth grasstrack and what a good gutsy rider he is,allways gives his best, Max I have watched him grow at scunny over the last couple of years and a stylish little rider he is.(16 years old). I also agree it maybe a couple of years too soon,BUT at least he is willing to give it his best in the big league rather than sitting around in the NL for years to come.....Best of luck to both Tom & Max and well done to Leicester for doing what this exercise is all about,"Bringing on the young brits". Maybe w/watcher when you get a spare minute away from your keyboard you could pop down and show your reserves how you do it. ECOURAGEMENT .look it up.

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Just watched this clip.


4 wide into turn 3 . Looked to me that there was close racing.

Come on glyn, don't kid yourself as you know the track is far from great for speedway racing.


DH was also making out that Leicester people will see the very best of world class speedway at Leicester this I feel is misleading the public abit as the elite league is not much better than the premier league and world class riders like pederson,hancock,hampel,gollob,holder,sayfutdinov won't be in the elite league as it's so watered down now.


When was the last time you could honestly say our top league was world class ? 1989 ?

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Here we are again.Yawn. blaming the reserves allready.How about focusing on the top boys that get paid the big money to do there job rather than putting down the reserves.(I would like to say young reserves but with some knocking on the door of 30 ,and years of experience hardly up an coming british youngsters ).In the case of your reserves I have seen Tom grow up threw the youth grasstrack and what a good gutsy rider he is,allways gives his best, Max I have watched him grow at scunny over the last couple of years and a stylish little rider he is.(16 years old). I also agree it maybe a couple of years too soon,BUT at least he is willing to give it his best in the big league rather than sitting around in the NL for years to come.....Best of luck to both Tom & Max and well done to Leicester for doing what this exercise is all about,"Bringing on the young brits". Maybe w/watcher when you get a spare minute away from your keyboard you could pop down and show your reserves how you do it. ECOURAGEMENT .look it up.

I can't see anyone blaming the reserves. They will ride to the best of their ability; no-one is saying otherwise. The point is that their ability is stunted by their lack of experience. Throwing them in with established EL riders waters down the EL and has been done purely to cut costs. Dressing it up as an artificial "development opportunity" is disingenuous, both to the fans and to the riders themselves. If this "opportunity" had not arisen, a rider who otherwise would have sat in the NL for years perhaps ought to recognise that maybe he doesn't have what it takes to progress on ability alone.


The reserves' points are as important as those scored by the rest of the team. Above all fans want their team to win and there is bound to be criticism of riders who unnecessarily drop points, whether they are novices or superstars. Fans and clubs can't afford to wait two or three years to see if their reserves develop. The "show me how you do it" argument is always ridiculous.



Just watched this clip.


4 wide into turn 3 . Looked to me that there was close racing.

Where? I only saw 4 wide in the run up to the first bend! Close racing doesn't mean there are passing opportunities.

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All this ranting about the reserves, we need to give these young lads a chance, particularly Max. Tom admitted he'd experienced engine troubles after his first heat last week so we need to cut him some slack as well. The Lions fans got on the back of James Sarjeant all too quickly & look how he's developing. Let's be realistic, the Lions need to consolidate this first season, learn from the experience & build on it for a real stab at the top four in 2015.

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All this ranting about the reserves, we need to give these young lads a chance, particularly Max. Tom admitted he'd experienced engine troubles after his first heat last week so we need to cut him some slack as well. The Lions fans got on the back of James Sarjeant all too quickly & look how he's developing. Let's be realistic, the Lions need to consolidate this first season, learn from the experience & build on it for a real stab at the top four in 2015.

I think it was wrong to put the kids in the elite league even at reserve,they could be destroyed by the pressure on them by the team and some fans.

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All this ranting about the reserves, we need to give these young lads a chance, particularly Max. Tom admitted he'd experienced engine troubles after his first heat last week so we need to cut him some slack as well. The Lions fans got on the back of James Sarjeant all too quickly & look how he's developing. Let's be realistic, the Lions need to consolidate this first season, learn from the experience & build on it for a real stab at the top four in 2015.

It would be lovely to give riders as much time as they need, but can we afford to, especially if they don't improve and we start next season with new reserves who also need to be given some slack? The club needs quick success to keep the attendances up, as the racing won't! I'm not so sure it was the fans en masse who got on Sarjeant's back, maybe a few did, but it was the promotion who ditched him, like so many others.

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I think it was wrong to put the kids in the elite league even at reserve,they could be destroyed by the pressure on them by the team and some fans.

I think they will not be destroyed if they receive the right mentoring and encouragment. Unfortunately the system for the reserves in the Elite league is in place and will not be changed. I personnally would have preferred this sysytem to be used initially in the Prtemiere League or one per team in the Elite League. The second option would mean only the top ten promising NL riders would be in the draft.

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I think they will not be destroyed if they receive the right mentoring and encouragment. Unfortunately the system for the reserves in the Elite league is in place and will not be changed. I personnally would have preferred this sysytem to be used initially in the Prtemiere League or one per team in the Elite League. The second option would mean only the top ten promising NL riders would be in the draft.

I agree with what you say but there's a Big IF in there which is my worrying point.


Let's hope the promotors plough in to the British kids what they would of for a foreign reserve.

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