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Can I just ask a question, preferably to those who think the Leicester track is all right and are fed up with people making negative comments about it?


Why was the track altered during the winter of 2012/13 ?


Any answers welcomed.

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Can I just ask a question, preferably to those who think the Leicester track is all right and are fed up with people making negative comments about it?


Why was the track altered during the winter of 2012/13 ?


Any answers welcomed.


As far as i'm aware towards the end of the previous season and in response to crowds dwindling Mr Hemsley gave out a questionaire about what improvements could be made to improve the experience of punters. This was to show that he really was listening to the crowds. Although, amazingly, altering the track wasn't mentioned on the questionaire there were enough responses who obviously made comment about the track being the main issue (all of them?) that it left him a little cornered. As such Glyn Taylor was given the task of altering his fantastically original track design, his pride and joy. However a get out option appeared just before these track changes were going to be made. Whilst experienced track curator and designer Glyn Taylor was at home in Australia, David Hemsey got co-promoter and experienced lorry driver Dave Darcy to alter the track over a couple of mornings and probably a couple of hundred quid. No one could really tell the difference (except i think for Tsunami) but no one could say changes weren't made. Jackpot.


Do i win a prize.



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You may not like his opinion and his postings , may be a bit a tedious but attacking the poster is not allowed ,


This is what he posted first



"Are you related to hemsley ?


This has to be the most stupid post I have ever seen on here. "


So I had every right to have a go back don't you think!

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A few thoughts....


Firstly, I have been to most of the Leicester home meetings since the return and followed them at Blackbird Road in the so called 'good old days'.


1. The new track isn't as consistently bad as some make out, neither is it as good as some others say. I went to Scunthorpe twice last season and on both occasions the action was much better than we usually get yet the locals said that they were, by their standards, poor meetings.

2. About half way through last season the track surface appeared to change and a wider racing line was created. For a few weeks there was some good racing but then the standard appeared to drop back. I personally thought the Coventry meeting was pretty good but others disagreed. The small changes to the track made little if any difference.

3. I have said before on here that part of the problem is that the announcers etc at the track keep telling us how wonderful the racing is when it obviously isn't. At the moment there are enough people still going who don't know any different or are just happy to see any speedway, to keep the crowds at a reasonable level. How long this lasts I don't know however some that I have spoken too are happy to be so close to the action that they don't mind about the lack of passing.

4. There was a photo taken of the track from the air and it looks just like someone has drawn a 'classic' shaped track. It is when you look at overhead shots of other, better racetracks that you see the difference in shape.

5. I'm looking forward to the new season and hope that the higher standard of rider will improve the action, but I'm not holding my breath. Hopefully if crowds do start to dwindle then some real changes will be made before it's too late. We have waited so long for a new track and know so well what it is like not to have one that we desperately want this one to be around for many years to come.


I have no hidden agenda, I just want to support my team for many years to come. Rant over

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This is what he posted first



"Are you related to hemsley ?


This has to be the most stupid post I have ever seen on here. "


So I had every right to have a go back don't you think!


It seems your not bright enough to understand what I was saying and came back at me with childish insults.


When I asked you if you were related to hemsley it was because you think there is nothing wrong with the track and if fans don't like it then don't come, this is exactly what hemsley has said.


If fans feel they are not getting value for money there is only one person who will lose in the end and that's hemsley.


If I was in charge the track would of been ripped up after the first year.

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If I was in charge the track would of been ripped up after the first year.

In another post, somewhere and a long time ago I recall a discussion starting on this point (or close to it). as normal on this forum very little was acknowledged just argued against, but I think the salient points re the track, standard of racing and the future of Leicester speedway were (at the time)

1. "The track is the wrong shape with the straights being too long in relation to the size and shape of the bends which are tight". Generally acknowleged as a valid point

2. "The lines leading in and out of the bends are limited" (the inside lines were altered to allow more room in and out and riders did say it made it better, though not perfect)

3. "If the track didnt change, fans will not come and the sport wil be lost" - (since then the Lions have moved on & upwards to the Elite league)

4. "It would cost very little to reduce the size of the track" (no figures actually quoted and those that did failed to take into account drainage, electricity and lighting cost. nor that both ends would need to be altered and that the bends themselves would need to be flattened and rebiult in order to provide appropriate banking - not a quick job hence adding to the cost.

5. "The promotion doesn't have enough cash to fund the changes" Maybe true and it makes sense therfore not to do it as the business would indeed go bust so perhaps we need to wait.

6. "Elite league riders" will provide better racing - we need to wait and see on that one.


Bottom line, We all suspect the track could be better and DH didnt get it right first time out. cost to change is not a cheap option but maybe in the long run if and when the money is available it would be a good investment to alter the track to provide better racing and attract more customers. If in the meantime you dont like it, then decide if you want to go or not to BP you do have a choice. Meanwhile lets hope 2014 sees a succesful return to top flight speedway and wish all concerned, fans, riders and officials a happy and safe summer.

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As far as i'm aware towards the end of the previous season and in response to crowds dwindling Mr Hemsley gave out a questionaire about what improvements could be made to improve the experience of punters. This was to show that he really was listening to the crowds. Although, amazingly, altering the track wasn't mentioned on the questionaire there were enough responses who obviously made comment about the track being the main issue (all of them?) that it left him a little cornered. As such Glyn Taylor was given the task of altering his fantastically original track design, his pride and joy. However a get out option appeared just before these track changes were going to be made. Whilst experienced track curator and designer Glyn Taylor was at home in Australia, David Hemsey got co-promoter and experienced lorry driver Dave Darcy to alter the track over a couple of mornings and probably a couple of hundred quid. No one could really tell the difference (except i think for Tsunami) but no one could say changes weren't made. Jackpot.


Do i win a prize.



Interesting.So Mr Hemsley probably knows full well that he built a turkey, probably was just going along in the hope that nobody noticed and kept believing it was all wonderful Puts him in a very difficult situation, having to convince people to spend £15 (or £16) when he knows what he's flogging's a bit of a dud. So he's now depending on "new" people showing up this year because it's a higher level league - which will probably happen - but how long will they stick around for? A successful team plus better racing due to the higher level would probably keep a lot of people attending (both new and existing customers), but if not, how many will decide to turn their backs and do something else with their time & money. He's taking a big gamble in my opinion, and proably knows, deep down, that he ought to have ripped it up and started again after the first season - but didn't have the money for it, and there hasn't been the possibility of any co-promoter coming along with enough money. Reminds me of Basil Fawlty.

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A few thoughts....


Firstly, I have been to most of the Leicester home meetings since the return and followed them at Blackbird Road in the so called 'good old days'.


1. The new track isn't as consistently bad as some make out, neither is it as good as some others say. I went to Scunthorpe twice last season and on both occasions the action was much better than we usually get yet the locals said that they were, by their standards, poor meetings.

2. About half way through last season the track surface appeared to change and a wider racing line was created. For a few weeks there was some good racing but then the standard appeared to drop back. I personally thought the Coventry meeting was pretty good but others disagreed. The small changes to the track made little if any difference.

3. I have said before on here that part of the problem is that the announcers etc at the track keep telling us how wonderful the racing is when it obviously isn't. At the moment there are enough people still going who don't know any different or are just happy to see any speedway, to keep the crowds at a reasonable level. How long this lasts I don't know however some that I have spoken too are happy to be so close to the action that they don't mind about the lack of passing.

4. There was a photo taken of the track from the air and it looks just like someone has drawn a 'classic' shaped track. It is when you look at overhead shots of other, better racetracks that you see the difference in shape.

5. I'm looking forward to the new season and hope that the higher standard of rider will improve the action, but I'm not holding my breath. Hopefully if crowds do start to dwindle then some real changes will be made before it's too late. We have waited so long for a new track and know so well what it is like not to have one that we desperately want this one to be around for many years to come.


I have no hidden agenda, I just want to support my team for many years to come. Rant over

Was the track prepared for most of last season to suit Magnus? But for a few weeks it got changed to suit Lasse with the extra dirt on the outside(then reverted back) . Did it revert back to being a "Magnus" track because of cost-saving, or because the promotion decided that revolving things around Magnus was the best chance of winning - or maybe both? You are right, the racing did seem to improve for a while, but dropped again.

As I've said on here before, I'll give it a try this season, always happy to give benefit of doubt.

So what type of riders do we have this year, and whose preferences will be catered-for most. To my way of thinking, Mads is a bit like the equivalant of Lasse in he needs a chance of scoring points from the back. But what about the others? And can the cost of additional material be afforded for the whole season?

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You may not like his opinion and his postings , may be a bit a tedious but attacking the poster is not allowed ,

Not as tedious as mrcts constantly sticking HIs /her conk in , and not even venturing to debate , just call all other posters names and keep repeating the same thing , anyone who doesn't agree with "it" has an axe to grind , wants to see Leicester speedway fail , has a hidden agenda , frankly it's boring . shame the mods don't ban "it"

I shall be at practice day on Saturday. I am going to go and ask the riders what they personally think of the track. As they are the ones who have to race it week in week out at our home meetings. If these 7 lads can get to grips with BP and find the right lines and all I hope are good off the tapes then we should be in for some good racing at the Lions this year.

I think this team can come up with a few suprises.

Can't wait to see what they think of the track.

Good luck with that then , don't bother posting the results of your survey though because it will be meaningless , of course riders who have signed for this year are not going to tell the truth , would you ? we have seen the results of anyone saying anything DH doesn't want to hear . would you expect any of the riders ,most of who were cast off by their club and were in the last chance saloon when Leicester signed them, to risk their team places for this year by speaking the truth ?

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It seems your not bright enough to understand what I was saying and came back at me with childish insults.


When I asked you if you were related to hemsley it was because you think there is nothing wrong with the track and if fans don't like it then don't come, this is exactly what hemsley has said.

You also called him a moron

A few thoughts....


Firstly, I have been to most of the Leicester home meetings since the return and followed them at Blackbird Road in the so called 'good old days'.


1. The new track isn't as consistently bad as some make out, neither is it as good as some others say. I went to Scunthorpe twice last season and on both occasions the action was much better than we usually get yet the locals said that they were, by their standards, poor meetings.

2. About half way through last season the track surface appeared to change and a wider racing line was created. For a few weeks there was some good racing but then the standard appeared to drop back. I personally thought the Coventry meeting was pretty good but others disagreed. The small changes to the track made little if any difference.

3. I have said before on here that part of the problem is that the announcers etc at the track keep telling us how wonderful the racing is when it obviously isn't. At the moment there are enough people still going who don't know any different or are just happy to see any speedway, to keep the crowds at a reasonable level. How long this lasts I don't know however some that I have spoken too are happy to be so close to the action that they don't mind about the lack of passing.

4. There was a photo taken of the track from the air and it looks just like someone has drawn a 'classic' shaped track. It is when you look at overhead shots of other, better racetracks that you see the difference in shape.

5. I'm looking forward to the new season and hope that the higher standard of rider will improve the action, but I'm not holding my breath. Hopefully if crowds do start to dwindle then some real changes will be made before it's too late. We have waited so long for a new track and know so well what it is like not to have one that we desperately want this one to be around for many years to come.


I have no hidden agenda, I just want to support my team for many years to come. Rant over

Excellent posting

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When I asked you if you were related to hemsley it was because you think there is nothing wrong with the track and if fans don't like it then don't come, this is exactly what hemsley has said.


wrong again....You try and find a post where I've said there is nothing wrong with the track....you won't because I've never made that claim.....the issues I've got is with the constant moaning about the track,I know criticism comes more easily than praise to most of the people that live in this country but when something is supposed to be a hobby to look forward to and enjoy rather than endure I don't get it.
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If I was in charge the track would of been ripped up after the first year.



Best bet is to put your money where your mouth is and offer some money or investment for the track, you seem to care so much and it very simple as its just money that's required.

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Can we close off the merry go round re the track and the promoter? after all this topic is supposed to be about Leicester 2014 Elite.


I think we can accept that. the track is going to remain the same shape & the promoter is going to remain the same. So lets not spend anymore time on this particular aspect of LEICESTER 2014 Elite League.


It would be great if somebody could please add something else that actually deals with the subject of the topic otherwise its going to get far, far,far more boring than the racing as claimed by some - if it has not allready done so!


So to start, can anyone confirm that we do actually have 7 riders with valid work visas and if so how do we think the Lions are gong to do in the elite league 2014?


Thanks in anticipation of some new stuff to fall out about

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Can we close off the merry go round re the track and the promoter? after all this topic is supposed to be about Leicester 2014 Elite.


I think we can accept that. the track is going to remain the same shape & the promoter is going to remain the same. So lets not spend anymore time on this particular aspect of LEICESTER 2014 Elite League.


It would be great if somebody could please add something else that actually deals with the subject of the topic otherwise its going to get far, far,far more boring than the racing as claimed by some - if it has not allready done so!


So to start, can anyone confirm that we do actually have 7 riders with valid work visas and if so how do we think the Lions are gong to do in the elite league 2014?


Thanks in anticipation of some new stuff to fall out about

The general consensus is that Doyle will ger his Visa but may not get it tilll the srart of thd ssason.I'm looling forward to cheering om Stead and Hougaard. I have to admit not knowing much about the others . I'm going to let Perry and Clegg settle in before I comment

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Best bet is to put your money where your mouth is and offer some money or investment for the track, you seem to care so much and it very simple as its just money that's required.

Do you really want to be taken seriously because your looking very silly.


Why would I want to put money into a business that I think is not run to how I would run it ?


Also a businessman who fails to listen to his valued customers only goes one way and that's out of business.


mick will tell you that several sponsors have offered to pay for track changes,but hemsley thinks the track is superb.

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