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Leicester 2014 . Elite

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I'm just going to wonder what will happen next year when they try to get even 2 riders down the straight when there's an air fence on the already pencil thin Newcastle track straights?

Just as much if not more passing than on the gas and go tracks like Sheffield this year

Just as much if not more passing than on the gas and go tracks like Sheffield this year


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My point was I went to Sheffield, Somerset, Scunthorpe and Peterborough 7 times this year (gas and go track shapes that people like you say Leicester should be like) and I haven't seen more than a couple of passes in a meeting at any of them whereas there were more than that in first 6 races at Leicester on Saturday by Andersen and Hansen alone even with all dirt scraped off to get the meeting on!

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Although a lot of the dirt (mud) was taken off about 40 ton there is over 300 tons of dirt on the track so 40 tons of mud just gave me a dry surface to work with.

The clay holds the water in the top 1" so remove that and your ready to go. Its a big job to remove it . It took me and my team about 3 to 4 hours. Then put 15ton of dry shale back on.



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Very true hurricanes, the racing has improved as the season has progressed. My question is reference to the shape of the track being changed a bit more. For the record i'm not one of the gang that only post to moan.Having been a few times this season, I would welcome any work that would improve the racing, especially if they are in the same League as Panthers next season.

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Firstly I would like to say a big thanks from the Lions and Bees supporters to Glyn and team for all the hard work they put in to get the track in shape so the meeting last Sunday was able to go ahead. You all did a great job.

From what was said during the meeting it sounded like the Lions going into the EL was almost a forgons conclusion, perhaps they no something that we don't.

There was also hints about 2 riders coming to the Lions next year. KK and Hanson, but 2 riders don;t make a team, so has any one out there got any ideas about the other 5 to make up the team if it happens.

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Krzysztof Kasprzak will start as the#1 next season and Kenneth Hansen is a possible signing but there are a few tracks interested in him but much depends on how the league is formed as there is possibly another track also moving up while a few big names are likely to be missing next season.


If there is 11 or 12 teams and riders like Freddie Lindgren missing then the points limit may be as low as 36 which would mean only a few new riders would be required to bring them up to strength and able to compete at this level. Should be a good choice for Leicester to move up with matches against Coventry and Peterborough as local derbies and not too far from other tracks while the costs wouldn't be too much more than now and having an established top rider in the team sponsorship could be more forthcoming.

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Firstly I would like to say a big thanks from the Lions and Bees supporters to Glyn and team for all the hard work they put in to get the track in shape so the meeting last Sunday was able to go ahead. You all did a great job.

From what was said during the meeting it sounded like the Lions going into the EL was almost a forgons conclusion, perhaps they no something that we don't.

There was also hints about 2 riders coming to the Lions next year. KK and Hanson, but 2 riders don;t make a team, so has any one out there got any ideas about the other 5 to make up the team if it happens.

One rider i'd love to see in the Lions team next season is Nick Morris, who rides the track brilliantly every time he visits Leicester, but i imagine he figures heavily in Swindon's plans for next year. But i'd like the Lions promotion to try their best to try & secure his services for next year.

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Hopefully if Leicester and another track are moving up Eastbourne and Kings Lynn will drop down into the Premier so we can get back to fairness and normality with every team riding against each other twice like it used to be before these two teams decided they wanted less fixtures. (And breathe. :D )

If Leicester do go up I wonder if they will change racenight, especially with G.P. rider K.K. in the team? I would think Friday's are out because that's when Coventry and Peterborough ride so perhaps a mid-week night?

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Not sure but there was some talk of having 12 teams in the EL not sure if this would work but only the AGM in November will bring forth those answers. Ans with Sky still not as yet giving an answer to what they plan next year they are going to have to find some big sponsers to replace the lost income. I am sure it will sort itself out and I am sure that the Lions will be up there, lets hope so as it should help the club with the increased gate takings.

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Not being funny but, what does it matter. Friday night is a good night all round. A lot of families at Leicester on a Sat night, so Fri would be purgect for riders and supporters alike. Why would Coventry and Peterborough fans want to come to Leicester instead of supporting their teams.

Are you new to speedway ? or maybe you walk around with your eyes closed , take a look at the clothing people are wearing next time you go to Bp .you will see Coventry , Wolverhampton , Peterborough , Sheffield and Birmingham jackets , that is because some people go to speedway more than once a week and because real speedway supporters like to go to watch speedway at other venues, so if you race on the same night as a team right on your doorstep those supporters will go and watch the team which is the main focus of their support , this means lost revenue . thats why each team gets priortiy over one night in their local area , your eyesight may be jaded enough to think that your team can do without this revenue , but i assure you the promoters don't need to go to specsavers to see that 2 teams 25 miles apart racing on the same night = lost revenue . so they make rules to prevent that happening , wolves have monday coventry and peterborough fri , birmingham Wed . denmark has a large percentage of the riders on tuesday sweden Wed and Poland on sunday . so what does day does that leave ?
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It is either Thusday or Saturday. That is unless we can make an extra day just for Leicster to race on we could call it Lionday add it on to the weekend and everyone gets an extra day off work. Just joking of corse.

Think a Thursday could be a bit hard on some folks if they get paid on a Friday and Saturdays will be the same day as the GP's so if you have GP riders then you have to get guest in or double up riders, what ever the day it is always going to be hard.

Maybe Liester can get Poland to change their race day but that wouldn't work either as so many riders would go from over here to race in Poland you can't win really. Only way is go for a Thurday me thinks, to much happening on a Saturday, football, Motor cycle racing I know a few speedway fans that follow Both bike and car racing.

I think we should go for Lionday personaly. HAHA

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It is either Thusday or Saturday. That is unless we can make an extra day just for Leicster to race on we could call it Lionday add it on to the weekend and everyone gets an extra day off work. Just joking of corse.

Think a Thursday could be a bit hard on some folks if they get paid on a Friday and Saturdays will be the same day as the GP's so if you have GP riders then you have to get guest in or double up riders, what ever the day it is always going to be hard.

Maybe Liester can get Poland to change their race day but that wouldn't work either as so many riders would go from over here to race in Poland you can't win really. Only way is go for a Thurday me thinks, to much happening on a Saturday, football, Motor cycle racing I know a few speedway fans that follow Both bike and car racing.

I think we should go for Lionday personaly. HAHA


More in regards to the general nature and tone of your posts and i'm not sure what age you are but do you actually realise you're not aiming your posts towards children (cue jokes). I'd love to know which member of the back room staff this is!

A post of mine copied across from the midland fours thread as if you're a season ticket holder it has some info that might be of interest to some for next year that you might want to follow up on...



Be interesting to hear what the excuses for the racing was tonight... but hey, ho stuck record an' all.


Was, however, hoping to read about the grand gesture to season tickets holders in tonights programme but unfortunately although there were only about 300-350 people in the stadium they had ran out by the time i had got there. Well, actually they hadn't ran out of the programmes as they didn't do one. The had actually ran out of the photo copied single sheet racecard (which was wildly inaccurate as they had clearly printed it mid week and were too tight to do any more photo copies with the correct lineup today).

As i was standing with two fellow season ticket holders (not my wife though who had lost interest from the first meeting of the season, the day she realised the promised track changes hadn't happened after all) i call over David Hemsley for a bit of clarification. He pointed out that he realised season ticket holders were short of their value and would be looking into maybe giving a discount on next seasons tickets to those affected. Not all season ticket holders mind. The ones that paid early and got a discount on their season tickets for being an early bird won't be as they ended up getting close to the correct value. Just the ones that ended up paying when the lesser discounts or no discounts will get this 'deal' and he will be sitting down and working out exactly who has paid what and who is then owed what as he retains all the info as to when season ticket holders paid and what they paid! Not really how is should work, but there you go.

What a mickey mouse operation. Honestly, How cheap can you be. And before people make the excuse that it would have been different had we made the playoffs, well we didn't and from the point that we didn't DH has had two months to come up with a gesture or make it known that he was doing something about it. Nada though.


No cheaper Mickey Mouse gesture than making a gesture that ties in the short changed into paying for it all up front again! No use to me though or to him for that matter.


As my final gesture i went over to say my final goodbyes to Alan Jones, pointing out how the racing at BP wasn't doing it for me anymore, my two season tickets weren't going to be renewed, nor my sponsorship, pointing out the only contact i have had from the club in 3 years of sponsorship was the e-mail i get each year thanking me and asking me to pay it all over again. I pointed out that they couldn't even be bothered to do a programme tonight, Alan Jones defensively starts telling me i wouldn't understand the effort needed to put on a meeting. What has that to do with me? It sounds harsh but I'm paying to be entertained, the promotion might not like it but that is a fact. I then mention that i was conned into buying season tickets and sponsorship by the promise of track changes that didn't happen only to get the same old rubbish every week, Including last week. Chris Sully then chirps up that it took a lot of effort to get the meeting on and it better than Coventry managed. He then, much like others on here, mentions that the racing was as good as we could have expected with the weather we had which infers it could have been better had the track been prepared differently. I point out that there was nothing wrong with the track when racing started and it was the same as pretty much every week i go to Leicester (at least the ones when they have a tractor!) and why should that have affected the passing or entertainment. I then have to hear how it's as good as anywhere now.. It's not, it's rubbish.


Maybe Alan Jones is writing a new chapter on Leicester Lions. Maybe it will be called 'How we rekindled the dream of Leicester Speedway but then messed it up in just 4 years'. That's my guess anyway. Tim Stone, Mike Bowden.....


As for the racing tonight. There wasn't any i'm afraid.


finally, well done to the riders for giving it such a go all season, for glyn for for being such a star in keeping everything together and doing the best he could possibly do with what was at his disposal with regards to the track and the support staff for being as courteous and friendly as ever.


Over and out,


Edited by volty
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Volty how come what ever the tread is you end up doing the same old thing. That is slag the management off rubbish the track. The racing etc. Told you on the other thread speewday is not about passing it is a sport of skill.

If 2 riders home or away can get infront then it is up to them or if only 1 rider to chose the correct racing lines to stop anyone else getting by them. Just take a look at Greg Hancock as an example he can chose his lines perfectly and help his other team mate to get the 5-1 that wins races. It is such a pity that you can't see the finer side of speeway, I am sorry to see that the Lions have lost a supporter and I wish you the best of luck which ever team you go on to support. It does us all good to have a joke now and them it is what makes the world a better place.

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Not being funny but, what does it matter. Friday night is a good night all round. A lot of families at Leicester on a Sat night, so Fri would be purgect for riders and supporters alike. Why would Coventry and Peterborough fans want to come to Leicester instead of supporting their teams.


Well, they wouldn't - that's the whole point of not having the same race night as a nearby track. I live in Leicester but travel to Coventry for every meeting, with occasional visits to Beaumont Park. That would stop if Leicester also rode on a Friday night.




......ZODIAK....... Heard today that Ipswich will move up along with Leicester. Interesting weeks ahead...


Scott Nicholls for the Witches then? ;)

Edited by Gemini
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Volty how come what ever the tread is you end up doing the same old thing. That is slag the management off rubbish the track. The racing etc. Told you on the other thread speewday is not about passing it is a sport of skill.

If 2 riders home or away can get infront then it is up to them or if only 1 rider to chose the correct racing lines to stop anyone else getting by them. Just take a look at Greg Hancock as an example he can chose his lines perfectly and help his other team mate to get the 5-1 that wins races. It is such a pity that you can't see the finer side of speeway, I am sorry to see that the Lions have lost a supporter and I wish you the best of luck which ever team you go on to support. It does us all good to have a joke now and them it is what makes the world a better place.

How would you know what Volty posts on every thread , you have on ly been a member for 12 days and made 19 posts .... Un less of course ?????
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