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Leicester 2014 . Elite

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not on this thread they can't :rofl:

Ha ha. Brilliant.


It is discussed elsewhere though, especially at Leicester City Council who own the land and have subsequently gained some lovely piles of mud they didn't have before. Everyone's a winner! ;)

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as just examples among many, i think if your tractors are disappearing, issues regarding work involving plumbers / sponsors, then the management choosing to ignore the negative value of their season tickets, to me points to living beyond your means. My personal opinion of course, and i'd hate to be seen as just someone with a chip on their shoulder but I can't believe anyone at Leicester wasn't hearing these rumours among many, many others last year.


At the end the day though if DH can make it work for him then all good. I can't see it though and mainly because of the action on the track hasn't been anywhere near of a standard that speedway fans have been willing to pay for.

Maybe I look at these issues with a glass half full approach (ie: cash flow problems rather than living beyond their means) especially not knowing the full detail surrounding the issues.


Or maybe the thought of no speedway is too much to consider, so will back the promotion until an better alternative is put forward.

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Oh yes it can be answered!! There were 2 fantastic full size football pitches. It was also part of a cross country course, The car park area had 2 astro courts and a bmx area with jumps, the club house was changing rooms. Before that it was a tip. SORRY.


Thank you for that. At least it will not be dug up again.

I think that the Lions will do well in this League. With a decent team, they will stand a good chance of success

Given time the 2 reserve should make it with the help they get. I don't think that for one minute that this has not been rushed through. What has happened at Leicester in the short space of time that they have been racing again is a tribute to everyone that was invoked in getting speedway back to the city.

Looking forward to 2014, as I hope all Lions fans are.

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Jeez... the reason I will not be going to BP has nothing to do with a grudge, but everything to do with the hopeless entertainment value on offer at the venue. It clearly doesn't prove any point you're trying to make. Granted, It does have a lot to do with the promotion but it isn't a chip. Exacerbation, maybe. I am sure just like all the other fans who dreamed of seeing Leicester back but who don't bother going anymore can't be deemed to have 'got a chip' either. Maybe slightly more so though for me as i'm still here whinging about wanting it to change. Much like you do now, I spent 2 years praising the good points to the hilt, it's worn thin on me now.

Volty is the perfect example of the disillusioned Lions fan that some seem to think only exist in the imagination of others, or are those with agendas or chips on their shoulders... blah blah blah. What nonsense. Where have all the crowd gone from that first season? And why? Does anyone bother to ask or just assume the stay-aways are all wrong? Like every speedway club Leicester needs it's people through the gate, and despite various rose-tinted posts saying Leicester's gates compare favourably with certain other tracks (most of whom are in dire trouble!) the number who attend has dropped considerably since 2011. I know there's the 'new track' syndrome but even so, it's quite a drop off.


I'd never hide the fact that personally I'm a disillusioned Lions fan and much to my dismay, I see no connection with what goes on at Beaumont Park to the club I grew up with at Blackbird Road. That's all long gone and I accept that. Yes it's speedway back, but not as I knew it. I was involved in their return and I was motivated by that single aspiration to see the Lions back and roaring as I remembered, but I guess it was a different era and people have different agendas these days. A shame, but that's the reality. Like a few others I got peed off quite early, with the management, the mind-numbing alleged spectacle of the racing and several other associated behind the scenes issues. I went pretty much every week throughout 2011 but haven't been back since. That was my decision and to be honest I don't miss it. I still take an interest via friends, the media and forums etc because frankly, after 4 years of campaigning to get it back it's hard not to. Anyway, back to the point in hand, as a early dissenter I've had many a disagreement with Volty, even in PMs, when he used to defend Leicester Speedway with some passion and always tried to look on the positive in the face of what I perceived as many negatives. He always had a rational argument to make back then and he still does now. I always respected his viewpoint even if I disagreed with it.


I've never met Volty so I'm not defending a mate or anything but surely, instead of getting on the case of people like him, who let's not forget has informed us he was both a season-ticket holder and a sponsor year on year, people should be asking why has he had this change of mind and what can be done to put it right because like it or not, it's symptomatic of why people don't go to Leicester Speedway in the numbers they used to. Surely any sensible business would want to analyse why consumers don't want its product? If I saw my sales drop off I'd want to know why and do something about it, not sit back and dismiss the customers as wrong. The people who come on here moaning about the moaning (to the extent where Jim starts a separate 'tongue-in-cheek' thread!) could do with taking a slightly different angle and asking the question 'why?' rather than simply dismissing it as agendas and other such nonsense. Personally, if I had any agenda, I'd use a different and much more potent vehicle than a forum to do something about it so that argument is really rather silly at best. As I say, I don't go anymore, but I don't want Leicester Speedway to fail. Too many of us put too much into it to want that. I would always prefer the people who's responsibility it is to get their heads out their backsides and do something to stop people like Volty walking away instead of disowning them or ignoring them.

Edited by LionsDen
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Is this a reaction to what someone has told him has been said on here or what he has actually read as I don't recall anyone actually saying much if anything about his inclusion.. In fact I've just had a look and bar Lionking pointing out Perry had a shocking year last year (which I guess even he would probably admit he did) I can't see anyone saying much at all about Perry. Most of the comments about Clegg are also positive, they just point out it may be too early for him and as such he may not have been the best choice available for this season . Which again I would say is a pretty valid point.

He said in his Facebook page that he came onto this Forum thread himself for the first time in a year only to see himself being slagged off to the hills by 'Lion King' before he's even ridden for us.

And he can't wait for season to start to prove this doubter wrong.


To this time he's got 115 Likes to his Post and 57 Comments all supporting him and slating Lion King.

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Good words of advice, even if they do come from a Coventry fan.


what a great balanced piece of writing.
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Leicester fans, give ya selves a bloody chance. Things may have been a bit sh!te for you in the PL but you're a relatively new club.


Ok, you've not been happy with the racing and all but I can say from a King's Lynn perspective we won shed loads in the PL but the racing wasn't the best and since moving to the EL things have improved.


How long you been going since your return? 3-4 years??


I have never heard a group of fans whine on and on and on like this lot. Your promoter is willing to put his money where his mouth is and pulled the club up to the next level. DH and his bird make mistakes but this is new. They don't understand the wage demands of the EL. Neither do you or I and I can't see other promoters helping by disclosing what they'd pay so they're left to sink or swim. That's the way of British Speedway.


Come August and things are all t!ts up that's the time to whinge but right now whinging all you like isn't gonna help or solve anything at all. This is the time the club needs help & full support.


Let's see some romance Lions xxxxxxxxxxx

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Tbf we've been moaning like this for years, just on the premier league thread where maybe everyone didn't notice us!


Also some of the comments about the promotion not being able to afford riders, getting shocks about pay demands etc are coming from non Leicester fans. So it's not always us moaning with each other.

Edited by Astill lodge lion
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He said in his Facebook page that he came onto this Forum thread himself for the first time in a year only to see himself being slagged off to the hills by 'Lion King' before he's even ridden for us.

And he can't wait for season to start to prove this doubter wrong.


To this time he's got 115 Likes to his Post and 57 Comments all supporting him and slating Lion King.


You know how it works though Hurricanes. Facebook at times almost seems like it was designed to encourage peer pressure and mob rules. That's how facebook works and is it's major drawback, especially on fan sites such as the Leicester ones.

That's why the likes of us are on BSF and not facebook. it's gives the opportunity to make a point without being drowned out by the mob whenever they feel like it.


Let's look at what's been said. Have you read it. In 36 pages of this thread there is 1 post from Lionking pointing out he thought Tom Perry was not our best option and that he thought he had a shocker of a season just gone. Surely even you'd have to admit at best he lost his way last year for whatever reasons. I like Tom Perry as a rider a lot, i've said it often on here, i've backed him as someone i'd like to ride for Leicester on numerous occasions ever since his first appearance at BP in 2011 and yet i couldn't really disagree with the point Lionking made. Even then the criticism is of the management's decision to pick the riders and not particularly the rider/s. Certainly not really worthy of the response from baying hounds i've seen on here (and i guess on facebook also) but probably explains why they appeared.



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I just don't see the logic of wanting Simon Lambert over Max Clegg as LionKing wanted and also think the 2 (as you have to look at them combined seeing as the higher ranked you picked in round 1 the later pick you got in round 2 and vice versa) were good picks.

SLambert v Clegg?

Lambert , a long time rider, coming off a bad injury after a year where he got dropped from PL Team and dropped down to NL


Clegg who is 16 and increased his NL Average by 1.7 points last season and showed good strides in the right direction from the age of 15 to 16, giving hope that he'll improve further next season.


Also as a pair the NL boys ride together at Dudley so know each other styles and Perry at his best for Somerset was excellent at Leicester track. And picking Perry as 10th seed gave promotion chance to pick their first choice on Clegg.

Sound basis for picks as I see it.


And Volty, if a lot of people supporting somebody with posts using their real names on Facebook is "a mob" , what is the name for a lot of people on this Forum constantly being negative about almost everything and shooting down almost anyone who dares not be negative, posting fully or partly anonymously called? "A Mob" again dare I say? Or "a Mob of Keyboard Bandits" ??😜 😁

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Jason Doyle - great signing for you.

I wish we could have seen him back at Brum this year - our most consistent rider over the last season.


I agree! :t: I've seen him fly around Beaumont Park on several occasions. The Lions fans should enjoy watching him B)

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