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Leicester 2014 . Elite

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Jim, We are all entitled to our opinions and it's amazing that you can't accept that some people are pretty content having compared the fayre offered at JRSS in the last half of last season with the other tracks us fans who actually go to almost every away match as well as every home match which was as good or better at JRSS than at those away tracks in the 2nd half of the season, and also content that we've announced a great first signing for the Top 5 and also got 2 decent NL Reserves too, so Team Building has made a promising start, so why in this season of goodwill shouldn't we be positive? LOL

This Forum is for all views to debate not just for the negatives to take over completely and make the rules as to who can and cannot post in a thread . And as said by nightshift ours is just a differing point of view to yours, which is what debate is all about, which you obviously don't like .LOL.

I have started a new thread for you and your cohorts , It's in the elite league section , I hope you , Hurricanes and mrcts enjoy yourselves agreeing with each other , seeing nothing but positives in everything and not expressing any point of view , I also hope, Now that you have your very own thread that you won't feel the need to come on this one and preach how anyone else should not have a point of view different to yours , so off you go enjoy your new thread and leave this one alone .

Edited by hurricanes
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Jim, We are all entitled to our opinions and it's amazing that you can't accept that some people are pretty content having compared the fayre offered at JRSS in the last half of last season with the other tracks us fans who actually go to almost every away match as well as every home match which was as good or better at JRSS than at those away tracks in the 2nd half of the season, and also content that we've announced a great first signing for the Top 5 and also got 2 decent NL Reserves too, so Team Building has made a promising start, so why in this season of goodwill shouldn't we be positive? LOL

This Forum is for all views to debate not just for the negatives to take over completely and make the rules as to who can and cannot post in a thread . And as said by nightshift ours is just a differing point of view to yours, which is what debate is all about, which you obviously don't like .LOL.

I 'll just write the one reply and it can apply to nightshift as well . I don't have any problem with anyone who wishes to take a positive view and if you wish to debate your positive views against any negative ones that's absolutely fine , as you say that's what debate is all about and what these forums are for , so if I want to say 1,000,000 times that I don't think the racing is very good at Bp and you want to say 1.000,000 times you think it is that should be perfectly acceptable to both parties , where several of the positive thinkers have overstepped the line is when you turn you stop debating actual points and start posting your opinions of a persons character by virtue of them posting opinions differing from yours , If Volty is of the opinion that he paid more to watch speedway last season than someone who simply paid on the gate , and expected the promotion to at least acknowledge the fact that season tickets holders got less than they actually paid for , why should he then be accused of having a chip on his shoulder . and constantly posting negative opinion , so now theres no need for any of you positive thinkers to have to have your eyes and ears assaulted with negatives . you have your own thread where you can just view all the lovely things you want to see posted by each other

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I have started a new thread for you and your cohorts , It's in the elite league section , I hope you , Hurricanes and mrcts enjoy yourselves agreeing with each other , seeing nothing but positives in everything and not expressing any point of view , I also hope, Now that you have your very own thread that you won't feel the need to come on this one and preach how anyone else should not have a point of view different to yours , so off you go enjoy your new thread and leave this one alone .

Well Jim, In previous post I have agreed that the track should be altered, I have agreed that season ticket holders did not get a good deal on last years tickets and that at times the team have been far from competitive. I have also said there is no question DH has made mistakes and will most probably make some more. But through all of that I Have recognised that every year (starting from nothing) Speedway in Leicester is back and gets better to the point where we will now see EL racing.

Re Volty I was making the point that he hardly, if ever says something positive about Leicester & clearly has a grudge (chip) v the promotion which now that he has stated he wil be seeing the Lions only away proves my point. And yes to state the obvious he like you like me are enttled to state our opinions & if he & you? keep wanting to make negative points then fine...Just like I will continue to put the other point of view (if there is one) forward in the appropriate thread...perhaps you should start one..."We who like to moan about all things Leicester" with an avatar of Victor Meldrew as clearly you think the Lions have one foot in the grave!

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Great to see the lions at last signing a pl number 1

Yes a PL No.1 and the Elite League Finalists, Birmingham's, 3rd Heat Leader in 2013 with an average just 0.26 away from being their No.1 and 0.48 higher than Chris Harris, so a great signing to start our top 5 😄 Edited by hurricanes
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The same as Wonderful but without the R , since you can't edit a title after posting It's too late to put the R in wondeful , . Thats for information purposes only and no opinion is inferred by the post whatsoever !!

You can edit the title jim, go to edit then full edit

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Yes a PL No.1 and the Elite League Finalists, Birmingham's, 3rd Heat Leader in 2013 with an average just 0.26 away from being their No.1 and 0.48 higher than Chris Harris

Doyle signing makes sense in many ways, I thought Wolves were in line to get him and there was still a possibility of Swindon but after they confirmed Batchelor and Kildemand, that became ruled out for him.

Doyle was 90% britain-based in 2013 ,he did a handful of Danish and Polish league matches so with the increased number of EL and PL fixtures in 2014, may not need to do any non-UK stuff.

Brings it home how important riders' commitments elsewhere in Europe are, when it comes to riding for a UK team and especially a Saturday team.

Looking at Korneliussen (another name circulating), he did 8 Polish league, 8 Swedish and 4 Danish in 2013,but did spend a large chuck of the season injured, so those figures would probably have been higher. But KL have yet to declare their hand yet to any extent.

Lindback (another name popping up) I've thought about for a few weeks now as a possible. He lost his Polish team place in May, but rode solidly in the Swedish leagues all season. If he gets a Polish team place back then I'd say unlikely Leicester,but if not then he would be very possible indeed, and of course he's lost the GP place - but could become involved in SEC and GP qualifying process.

Doyle signing makes sense in many ways, I thought Wolves were in line to get him and there was still a possibility of Swindon but after they confirmed Batchelor and Kildemand, that became ruled out for him.

Doyle was 90% britain-based in 2013 ,he did a handful of Danish and Polish league matches so with the increased number of EL and PL fixtures in 2014, may not need to do any non-UK stuff.

Brings it home how important riders' commitments elsewhere in Europe are, when it comes to riding for a UK team and especially a Saturday team.

Looking at Korneliussen (another name circulating), he did 8 Polish league, 8 Swedish and 4 Danish in 2013,but did spend a large chuck of the season injured, so those figures would probably have been higher. But KL have yet to declare their hand yet to any extent.

Lindback (another name popping up) I've thought about for a few weeks now as a possible. He lost his Polish team place in May, but rode solidly in the Swedish leagues all season. If he gets a Polish team place back then I'd say unlikely Leicester,but if not then he would be very possible indeed, and of course he's lost the GP place - but could become involved in SEC and GP qualifying process.

I'd also say that Doyle could be a bloke who doesn't stand for being p****d about by anyone - certainly comes across that way - which is good.

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Re Volty I was making the point that he hardly, if ever says something positive about Leicester & clearly has a grudge (chip) v the promotion which now that he has stated he wil be seeing the Lions only away proves my point.


Jeez... the reason I will not be going to BP has nothing to do with a grudge, but everything to do with the hopeless entertainment value on offer at the venue. It clearly doesn't prove any point you're trying to make. Granted, It does have a lot to do with the promotion but it isn't a chip. Exacerbation, maybe. I am sure just like all the other fans who dreamed of seeing Leicester back but who don't bother going anymore can't be deemed to have 'got a chip' either. Maybe slightly more so though for me as i'm still here whinging about wanting it to change. Much like you do now, I spent 2 years praising the good points to the hilt, it's worn thin on me now.

Edited by volty
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